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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

Support for a response after Oct. 7th was very very strong. Support for what is going on now is very very weak.

Well, people are like this. Polls here in Canada, both federally and on provincial level, consistently show that people want increased services but also taxes to stay the same or go down. It's not shocking, it's just human nature.

Same goes for people who want Israel to destroy Hamas but somehow not kill any civilians while doing so.
Also, Biden could do all that and it wouldn't change anything about what Israel is doing in Gaza.

Some people think the U.S. President can just make things happen by shear force of will. Like if the President wanted he could just wish for lower inflation and then inflation would go down. Or the President could just make a pronouncement that hostilities in Gaze must end and they would just end.

That's not how any of this works.
What about a former president stealing classified documents, lie about them being returned, and then claiming on Hannity that you I Dream of Genie declassified them on his show? Can a president do that? Or blackmail a European democracy who’s fighting for survival against Russia into digging up dirt on a domestic political opponent? What about incite an insurrection because he didn’t like the election results? Can a president, current or former, do that?
What about a former president stealing classified documents, lie about them being returned, and then claiming on Hannity that you I Dream of Genie declassified them on his show? Can a president do that? Or blackmail a European democracy who’s fighting for survival against Russia into digging up dirt on a domestic political opponent? What about incite an insurrection because he didn’t like the election results? Can a president, current or former, do that?
Clearly many people think so.
Haha! That article really sums up the morons and the discussion here. It’s so spot on, she can just box both parties in with just a few paragraphs… it’s literally almost word for word the entire discussion here on the issue.

I don’t understand how you can continue to argue with each other about cologne and shoes when the war machine is burning the world down. How do you not understand the system is rigged, both parties are captured, both candidates are horrible, nobody is doing anything for Americans, it’s time to wake the hell up. We are propagandized like crazy, Clinton’s telecommunications act in 1996 took all the media and concentrated it into the hands of a handful of billionaires and we’ve been controlled and propagandized ever since.

“The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans want to keep destroying Gaza because they love killing Muslims, whereas Democrats want to keep destroying Gaza because something something it’s all Netanyahu’s fault anyway hey let’s go back to talking about Trump.”
I don’t understand how you can continue to argue with each other about cologne and shoes when the war machine is burning the world down. How do you not understand the system is rigged, both parties are captured, both candidates are horrible, nobody is doing anything for Americans, it’s time to wake the hell up. We are propagandized like crazy, Clinton’s telecommunications act in 1996 took all the media and concentrated it into the hands of a handful of billionaires and we’ve been controlled and propagandized ever since.

Have you decided whether this was all done by Zionists or only some of it yet?
“The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that if a Republican president were to back a genocide it would be an evil and unforgivable atrocity, whereas when a Democrat president backs a genocide it’s a minor foible that you’d better shut up about unless you want Trump to win.“ -Caitlin Johnstone
Stupid saying. Democrats always back genocides committed by Israelis, regardless of who is President.

Humanitarians in Michigan gave 100k votes to uncommitted. That’s 13% of democrat voters and 10x Trumps margin of victory in 2016. I’m not sure the support for genocide is as popular as you think it is.
Inept back-peddling and context-switching. I mentioned the general election, you point a primary and say Democrats are protesting something you claim they keep quiet about. Typical Mongoose.
Have you decided whether this was all done by Zionists or only some of it yet?
It’s an old graphic but outside of independent sources on social media it hasn’t gotten better in the last ten years. Add into that 70% of media advertising comes from pharmaceutical companies it’s consolidated even further.
With the open information from the WEF and the bilderburg group I don’t know how anyone could deny that we live in a an oligarchy where these folks want total control of everything.

Have you decided whether this was all done by Zionists or only some of it yet?

It’s an old graphic but outside of independent sources on social media it hasn’t gotten better in the last ten years. Add into that 70% of media advertising comes from pharmaceutical companies it’s consolidated even further.
With the open information from the WEF and the bilderburg group I don’t know how anyone could deny that we live in a an oligarchy where these folks want total control of everything.

So I'm not 100% but the lack of a direct denial or answer makes it sound like the answer is yes.
Have you decided whether this was all done by Zionists or only some of it yet?
What’s the point of the question? Is there not obviously a Zionistic agenda playing out? Should we want these unelected psychopath billionaires (zionists or not) running the world?
What’s the point of the question? Is there not obviously a Zionistic agenda playing out? Should we want these unelected psychopath billionaires (zionists or not) running the world?
None of us want that. The fact that you think it started in 1994 is the funny part.
None of us want that. The fact that you think it started in 1994 is the funny part.
I was obviously referencing the consolidation of media by Clinton in 1996 and the propagandizing of Americans dum dum. The oligarchy obviously existed beforehand otherwise why would such an act come to be?
What’s the point of the question? Is there not obviously a Zionistic agenda playing out? Should we want these unelected psychopath billionaires (zionists or not) running the world?
Oh cool.

Protocols of the Elders of Zion rhetoric. You know, the anti-Semitic rubbish that inspired such horrors the Pittsburg synagogue shooting, countless pogroms, and the Holocaust. Don’t worry, I’ll report this to @Jason. I’m sure he doesn’t want his family friendly website littered with trash from 8chan.

We cool with this trash being circulated by obvious trolls who are merely trying to trash this website? Perhaps it’s time for more people to report these posts for the garbage they are/stop engaging this guy so he moves onto somewhere else?

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Because genocide?

Ah, so histrionics and hyperbole, but not actual desire for rational debate. I see.
That's such a thing for Palestinian fans. Just emotional and hysterical at all times. Rallies, protests. Anything with yelling. Definitely complaining about the Israel fans being calm and doing their work behind the scenes like grownups. I don't get it. Can't you all have a normal discussion without screaming "genocide" and "apartheid" and other subjective terms without actual meaning? Never mind that Israel hasn't been convicted of genocide in any court, let alone one that has jurisdiction or means to enforce it. Minor details.

I'm a Jew. I support Israel unconditionally because, holy crap, they're my team. It's a life and death fight between two groups and I'm cheering on and fighting for the one I belong to? How ****ing irrational of me. Or other Jews, apparently. We should be cheering the other side, evidently.

If only there was some way to stop Jews living in other countries(don't worry sweetie, that'll only last another 50 years, maybe, until we all have to live in Israel for our own safety thanks to the likes of you) from advocating on behalf of their own people and their continuous existence. If only there was a way to deny people who disagree with your subjective opinions from voicing them or advocating with elected officials for their own opinions. Or even more specifically, just Jews. Others are fine, clearly.

But it's okay. I'm sure you and others will now paternalistically explain to me that we have nothing to fear from you, as you clearly don't hate Jews but Zionist. And you're apparently not only capable but eminently qualified to make that distinction, even though a Jew who isn't a Zionist isn't really a Jew because the whole ****ing point of this religions of ours since the second Temple was destroyed (a paltry 2000 years, give or take) has been to return to Israel, reestablish it as a Jewish home again, and rebuild the temple.

I mean, it's like saying not all Christians believe that salvation is the main purpose of man's existence. Then they're obviously not Christian. That's the main point of Christianity.
Ah, so histrionics and hyperbole, but not actual desire for rational debate. I see.
That's such a thing for Palestinian fans. Just emotional and hysterical at all times. Rallies, protests. Anything with yelling. Definitely complaining about the Israel fans being calm and doing their work behind the scenes like grownups. I don't get it. Can't you all have a normal discussion without screaming "genocide" and "apartheid" and other subjective terms without actual meaning? Never mind that Israel hasn't been convicted of genocide in any court, let alone one that has jurisdiction or means to enforce it. Minor details.

I'm a Jew. I support Israel unconditionally because, holy crap, they're my team. It's a life and death fight between two groups and I'm cheering on and fighting for the one I belong to? How ****ing irrational of me. Or other Jews, apparently. We should be cheering the other side, evidently.

If only there was some way to stop Jews living in other countries(don't worry sweetie, that'll only last another 50 years, maybe, until we all have to live in Israel for our own safety thanks to the likes of you) from advocating on behalf of their own people and their continuous existence. If only there was a way to deny people who disagree with your subjective opinions from voicing them or advocating with elected officials for their own opinions. Or even more specifically, just Jews. Others are fine, clearly.

But it's okay. I'm sure you and others will now paternalistically explain to me that we have nothing to fear from you, as you clearly don't hate Jews but Zionist. And you're apparently not only capable but eminently qualified to make that distinction, even though a Jew who isn't a Zionist isn't really a Jew because the whole ****ing point of this religions of ours since the second Temple was destroyed (a paltry 2000 years, give or take) has been to return to Israel, reestablish it as a Jewish home again, and rebuild the temple.

I mean, it's like saying not all Christians believe that salvation is the main purpose of man's existence. Then they're obviously not Christian. That's the main point of Christianity.
I don’t think that opposing the killing of innocent Palestinians = the destruction and dismantling of Israel.
I don’t think that opposing the killing of innocent Palestinians = the destruction and dismantling of Israel.
Yeah, let's not find out if your equation is true or if you really mean that. At least without some firm guarantees that no one seems willing to provide.