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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

Come fourth? I don't even want sloppy seconds. Perv.
Damnit. How could I forget you on the list if people who fell for something so ridiculously stupid?!

Enlighten me though. How could you be so naive? I'm genuinely curious how anybody was dumb enough to fall for the Russian Hoax paid for and even what's coming out now partially written by the Clinton campaign? It makes no sense how you guys fell for it.
My personal take is I don't particularly care for these lineages where everyone in the family is involved in and profiled highly in politics. The Kennedy's, Clinton, Bush, just don't like that type of stranglehold on politics.

Term limits for everyone. You serve a term, you can't run again. Stage elections so there's always junior and senior members at the helm, but once you're elected, that's it. You get you chance and can vote your conscience without thinking about what appeals in your next election. I'd be fine with 5 year terms for positions such as the House, Senate and Presidency with 20% cycling off each election in favor of someone else to add some new blood.

Will never happen in our lifetimes, but one can dream.
My personal take is I don't particularly care for these lineages where everyone in the family is involved in and profiled highly in politics. The Kennedy's, Clinton, Bush, just don't like that type of stranglehold on politics.

Term limits for everyone. You serve a term, you can't run again. Stage elections so there's always junior and senior members at the helm, but once you're elected, that's it. You get you chance and can vote your conscience without thinking about what appeals in your next election. I'd be fine with 5 year terms for positions such as the House, Senate and Presidency with 20% cycling off each election in favor of someone else to add some new blood.

Will never happen in our lifetimes, but one can dream.
I have long advocated for 6-year terms for president with no re-election. Gives him one year to kiss the special interest *** that got him elected, and to try to fake "fulfill" the stupid campaign promises, like they all waste their first year doing. Then it also gives them one year to campaign for his replacement, like they waste their last year doing for their own reelection anyway. So then they have 4 years in the middle to actually be productive.

I like the idea of 5-year terms for everyone else because it staggers the elections against the presidents so we hopefully see more mixing and matching in Congress and the Senate. I would also say that any law-maker can have no more than 3 terms, but they cannot run consecutively. They have to take at least a term off in between. So you can be in the Senate for 5 years, then out for 5 years, then possibly re-elected if you run again, and so on. There is some benefit to have experience in Congress, as so much of what they do depends on connections that take time to build and maintain.

One more thing they need is full financial transparency for anyone in a public political position, and the elimination of lobbying. Call it what it is, bribery, and prosecute accordingly.

But yeah, none of this is changing because it would hurt the people who have to vote it in, would take them out of their cushy comfortable lives and make them actually connect with people and make a difference and be honest. And none of them want that.
I have long advocated for 6-year terms for president with no re-election. Gives him one year to kiss the special interest *** that got him elected, and to try to fake "fulfill" the stupid campaign promises, like they all waste their first year doing. Then it also gives them one year to campaign for his replacement, like they waste their last year doing for their own reelection anyway. So then they have 4 years in the middle to actually be productive.

I like the idea of 5-year terms for everyone else because it staggers the elections against the presidents so we hopefully see more mixing and matching in Congress and the Senate. I would also say that any law-maker can have no more than 3 terms, but they cannot run consecutively. They have to take at least a term off in between. So you can be in the Senate for 5 years, then out for 5 years, then possibly re-elected if you run again, and so on. There is some benefit to have experience in Congress, as so much of what they do depends on connections that take time to build and maintain.

One more thing they need is full financial transparency for anyone in a public political position, and the elimination of lobbying. Call it what it is, bribery, and prosecute accordingly.

But yeah, none of this is changing because it would hurt the people who have to vote it in, would take them out of their cushy comfortable lives and make them actually connect with people and make a difference and be honest. And none of them want that.
The same song and dance does get tired. First year is all executive actions and trying to build support. Middle two years is dealing with mid-terms and usually seeing the ruling party get hacked up a bit. Last year is spent campaigning and blaming the other party for distractions while trumpeting their successes. Rinse and repeat.

Nobody needs 40 years of Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi. Fresh ideas and fresh faces vs. politicians getting fat checks from third party interests and trying to be celebrities. These guys don't have our best interests at heart.
Here's your racist president being racist again. Imagine you hypocrites outrage if Trump said this. I personally though racism was dying until you all showed up.

Que the racist left wing sticking up for blatant racism again. And now...

Crazy how Biden is literally everything the racist cult hated about Trump. Everything...
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" B. Johnson was the last American president to publicly refer to the African American population as Negroes (to which, for much of his life, he gave the Texas pronunciation nigras, widely considered an insult by African Americans)."
The same song and dance does get tired. First year is all executive actions and trying to build support. Middle two years is dealing with mid-terms and usually seeing the ruling party get hacked up a bit. Last year is spent campaigning and blaming the other party for distractions while trumpeting their successes. Rinse and repeat.

Nobody needs 40 years of Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi. Fresh ideas and fresh faces vs. politicians getting fat checks from third party interests and trying to be celebrities. These guys don't have our best interests at heart.
Yeah they have one thing at heart: getting re-elected. A close second is keeping the power in the party. Way way down the list, after lobbyist money and sweetheart deals and unlimited vacations on the public dime, way in the bottom of the barrel, is do enough for the constituency to make sure they accomplish their first goal: get re-elected. And if they can ensure themselves of re-election any other way then even that goes out the window.
Told ya they would. I wish that racist would go away but that type have something seriously wrong upstairs.


Whoever voted for this absolute trash of a human should be absolutely ashamed. Let's add this to another long list of your failures as voters.. What's he gonna do this time bomb a preschool so Red can literally makes excuses that it ok to kill innocent people because Obama did it?

Houthi Rebels Storm U.S. Embassy in Yemen, Take Hostages​


I have long advocated for 6-year terms for president with no re-election. Gives him one year to kiss the special interest *** that got him elected, and to try to fake "fulfill" the stupid campaign promises, like they all waste their first year doing. Then it also gives them one year to campaign for his replacement, like they waste their last year doing for their own reelection anyway. So then they have 4 years in the middle to actually be productive.

I like the idea of 5-year terms for everyone else because it staggers the elections against the presidents so we hopefully see more mixing and matching in Congress and the Senate. I would also say that any law-maker can have no more than 3 terms, but they cannot run consecutively. They have to take at least a term off in between. So you can be in the Senate for 5 years, then out for 5 years, then possibly re-elected if you run again, and so on. There is some benefit to have experience in Congress, as so much of what they do depends on connections that take time to build and maintain.

One more thing they need is full financial transparency for anyone in a public political position, and the elimination of lobbying. Call it what it is, bribery, and prosecute accordingly.

But yeah, none of this is changing because it would hurt the people who have to vote it in, would take them out of their cushy comfortable lives and make them actually connect with people and make a difference and be honest. And none of them want that.
Good luck with getting financial transparency and ending lobbying with this Supreme Court. It’s only become more conservative since citizens United in 2010
In other words you can't take care of yourself and need me to. Typical loser mentality. Idiots probably think it's $0 dollars. You're(well I am, I work and make decent money not GF or Alt-Fish) still paying for it. Just disguised as inflation.
1.7 Trillion dollars and it addresses little . We've dumped over 10 trillion dollars into the economy and look where you're idiot president has us. Record failures across the board. Medicaid is dead in the water. It's nearly 800 billion a YEAR. So what TF is 300B more going to change in the near future? The lack of basic economics is truly scary. 400B for childcare? Ok, nice but that's not a tremendous amount of money as far as the future goes... Once the bank runs dry???

Then Gameface will have his socialism... We already see it with empty shelves.
Why do Republicans advertise our plans better than we do? This is awesome! Who could complain about this?

I love the responses. Seems like everyone is pretty happy with it. Its not there is money for reparations for black people or forced CRT teachings right? Seems like the items on that list benefit republicans the same much as they benefit democrats.
I love the responses. Seems like everyone is pretty happy with it. Its not there is money for reparations for black people or forced CRT teachings right? Seems like the items on that list benefit republicans the same much as they benefit democrats.
I just wish we didn't have a socialist road system... damn socialism ruining my freedom to not have any roads.