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Alex Cole’s tweet said “Trump just compared himself to pediphiles and that’s why needs immunity.” But Trump never mentioned pedos. Trump talks about Presidental immunity but he never mentions pedophilia. I dunno why Alex Cole claimed T is talking about pedophilia. Do you agree with Alex Cole that Trump is talking about pedo? You can hate trump for many things without having to make these unsupported leaps in logic.

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What he said is bad people in church/religion.
What do I think he was talking about? Priests who molested young boys. What would I call a priest who molests young boys? A pedophile.

So ya, I think he was talking about pedophiles.

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Sure, let's take the pedo part out. With that part not being considered what we still have is a former president who think s that the U.S. President should be above the law and can only be held accountable if the party in power in both the house and the senate want to hold him accountable. I have always heard that "We are a nation of laws, not of men." but Trump wants to end that. Just as long as the President of the U.S. has political support in either the house or the senate then the president can kill any American he wants, including political rivals.

By this same token, if the President wants to violate the Constitution or even eliminate it then that is 100% possible just so long as they are not both Impeached in the house and convicted in the senate. It is so hard to pass a Constitutional amendment, but if Trump gets his way it will be quite simple to eliminate it entirely.

Is this really how close we are to tyranny? This is not something that the vast majority of Americans reject with a passion? I'm talking 90+% of us should be say not just no, but **** no to this and the horse this BS rode in on. Get this nonsense all the ****ing way out of the U.S.A.!

All of this

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And @BENTLEY before you go away whining that you’ve been ganged up on, just as most trolls do (I suspect you’re merely trolling but I’d love for you to prove me wrong) remember that you injected yourself into this conversation. You came into this thread and posted some weird and silly posts. Now you’re being asked to be held accountable. You’re not the victim here.

Im so tired of people posting dumb Trump stuff and then making themselves out to be victims when their **** is called out. It’s such a tired play. Maybe it was cute back in 2016? But now we’ve had like 10 years almost of this ****.
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What dodge? Rest assured, I’m not afraid of answering your simple questions.

What was your question?

How was my post an attempt to obfuscate? Perhaps the context you’re missing here is causing you to perceive things that aren’t real? That clip is a part of Trump’s very public argument that presidents should have complete immunity from being prosecuted for crimes. It’s a pretty important part of Trump’s rhetoric right now and is basically the only reason why he’s running for president. He wants to escape prosecution for the 90+ crimes he’s been indicted for. Did you know that? Do you believe a president should be immune from being prosecuted for crimes? In other words, Is the president above the law?
Answer my ****ing question.

Be careful with your next post. And If you just don’t know anything about a subject, you can freely admit it. I mean, you’re already admitting it through your ignorant posts. But you can just save time and say, “I like Trump and I’m voting for him no matter what” and stop this pretense of actually caring about stuff.

What dodge? Rest assured, I’m not afraid of answering your simple questions.

What was your question?

How was my post an attempt to obfuscate? Perhaps the context you’re missing here is causing you to perceive things that aren’t real? That clip is a part of Trump’s very public argument that presidents should have complete immunity from being prosecuted for crimes. It’s a pretty important part of Trump’s rhetoric right now and is basically the only reason why he’s running for president. He wants to escape prosecution for the 90+ crimes he’s been indicted for. Did you know that? Do you believe a president should be immune from being prosecuted for crimes? In other words, Is the president above the law?
Answer my ****ing question.

Be careful with your next post. And If you just don’t know anything about a subject, you can freely admit it. I mean, you’re already admitting it through your ignorant posts. But you can just save time and say, “I like Trump and I’m voting for him no matter what” and stop this pretense of actually caring about stuff.

Be careful with my next post? Or what? You’re gonna vomit all over the keyboard again? I don’t care about you. Have at it, pound that keyboard to your triggered delight. Only person I like in this thread is Fish - I don’t think he needs to be suffering from TDS, but I’m perfectly fine if you are.

But to recap for you:
Str8tline posted Alex Cole’s tweet, where Alex Cole said Trump compared himself to pedos.

I watched the clip but didn’t hear Trump mention anything about pedos, so I asked Str8tline where he mentioned pedos?

That’s when you jumped in with your shotgun reply, going off in a million directions all TDS cocked, but never answering where Trump compared himself to pedos.

I never said you’re afraid to answer my question. Just that you didn’t.

But it is a debate tactic to obfuscate with a buncha other stuff not relevant to the original question, when you can’t answer the original question. That’s what you did. But I don’t think you did it consciously. Probably emotionally, because of your TDS. People w TDS just can’t be reasonable, and it’s pointless to argue with someone totally emotional. I’m not gonna do that. Not with you. Again, I don’t care about you.

Presidental immunity is another subject. Trump did mention that in his word salad, but that wasn’t my issue. My problem was Alex Cole putting words in Trump’s mouth. The media has been doing this kinda **** for 7 years straight. It’s dishonest and it’s been infecting people with TDS.

We done?

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And @BENTLEY before you go away whining that you’ve been ganged up on, just as most trolls do (I suspect you’re merely trolling but I’d love for you to prove me wrong) remember that you injected yourself into this conversation. You came into this thread and posted some weird and silly posts. Now you’re being asked to be held accountable. You’re not the victim here.

Im so tired of people posting dumb Trump stuff and then making themselves out to be victims when their **** is called out. It’s such a tired play. Maybe it was cute back in 2016? But now we’ve had like 10 years almost of this ****.

You’re hilarious. Stop straw-manning. Take a Valium.

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Been awhile since Covid arrived in the US, but I just never felt that way. Responding to a unique situation, I was just not enveloped in all the distrust, a distrust endemic towards virtually all sources of authority these days. We already had an anti-vaccine subculture. That wasn’t my response at all, though, never had that impression that I was being led astray, that I was a test subject with something that seemed dangerous. Just went with the flow, did my best with vaccine, boosters, bests masks, etc. Everyone didn’t respond to the pandemic the same way. Never felt distrust toward Fauci, for instance. Liked the guy.

you have an incredibly blind faith in your health authorities. I had absolute trust in health authorities until 12-18 months into the pandemic. What % of for example the CDCs funding comes from the pharmaceutical industry do you think ?
you have an incredibly blind faith in your health authorities. I had absolute trust in health authorities until 12-18 months into the pandemic. What % of for example the CDCs funding comes from the pharmaceutical industry do you think ?
So you had absolute trust in health authorities.
Then a pandemic hit. Then drastic measures were taken by health authorities to save lives.
Now you don't trust health authorities?

So if not for the pandemic then you would still have absolute trust?

I don't know how old you are but let's say you are 40. You have 40 years of absolute trust and one humongous global event happens one year which is difficult for everyone, including health authorities, and boom. All trust gone.

Me thinks the media you consume has had an affect on you. How many times have you been admitted to the hospital for myocarditis anyway?

That seems much more strange to me.

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So you had absolute trust in health authorities.
Then a pandemic hit. Then drastic measures were taken by health authorities to save lives.
Now you don't trust health authorities?

So if not for the pandemic then you would still have absolute trust?

That seems much more strange to me.

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For laughs, but also illustrates the moving goal posts. We were lied to. Govt sucks.

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View attachment 15854
For laughs, but also illustrates the moving goal posts. We were lied to. Govt sucks.

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The virus evolved, largely because so many people were not taking precautions. The variants were not what the vaccine was designed for. Latter vaccines addressed the variants as much as possible.

Meanwhile, people like yourself were laughing at what you saw as the failure of a vaccine that you contributed to by not taking precautions and not getting the vaccines as early as possible. All the while people died.

So funny.
The virus evolved, largely because so many people were not taking precautions. The variants were not what the vaccine was designed for. Latter vaccines addressed the variants as much as possible.

Meanwhile, people like yourself were laughing at what you saw as the failure of a vaccine that you contributed to by not taking precautions and not getting the vaccines as early as possible. All the while people died.

So funny.

View: https://rumble.com/v1orle0-rachel-maddows-non-stop-covid-lies.html

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The virus evolved, largely because so many people were not taking precautions. The variants were not what the vaccine was designed for. Latter vaccines addressed the variants as much as possible.

Meanwhile, people like yourself were laughing at what you saw as the failure of a vaccine that you contributed to by not taking precautions and not getting the vaccines as early as possible. All the while people died.

So funny.

Emotionally divisive propaganda.

I ain’t laughing at death, dipshiit. I’m laughing at the moving goalposts and sad that people like yourself keep believing the propaganda. Wake up, dude. Critical thinking is your friend.

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So you had absolute trust in health authorities.
Then a pandemic hit. Then drastic measures were taken by health authorities to save lives.
Now you don't trust health authorities?

So if not for the pandemic then you would still have absolute trust?

That seems much more strange to me.

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it's not that hard to understand dude. Within that timeframe it became blatantly clear that health authorities were deliberately misrepresenting and or lying about the details of who Covid affected and why. Might be different where you are but we had the longest lockdowns here anywhere that were clearly being used for political purposes. And the Covid vaccines that were basically mandated here so you didn't have a choice really even if you didn't have any significant risk of being affected badly by Covid. The lies and misrepresentations of the what the vaccine and a lot of the measures taken would or wouldn't The blatant lies and cover up of the origin of Covid. It goes on and on. I still have a large degree of trust in health authorities for issues that are well established and tested over time but not this particular issue and pretty close to zero trust in the media of all persuasions. The pharmaceutical industry is horrifically unethical.

So Fauci this week testified that social distancing wasn't really based on any data but "sort of appeared" And that the origin of Covid being not natural wasn't a conspiracy theory after all but is now accepted. And that things he's done are probably responsible for a lot of the loss of trust in authorities.

Are you aware that there is a staggering increase in the rate of excess deaths since 2021 that is aside from Covid that is running at about 15 % across most developed nations ? And no government wants to have an inquiry as to why. Anyway i'm sure everyone has their own views which is cool, each to their own, i don't really care. I just find it staggering that people accept issues with the Covid vaccines are lumped into the general "anti-vaxx" category.
So you had absolute trust in health authorities.
Then a pandemic hit. Then drastic measures were taken by health authorities to save lives.
Now you don't trust health authorities?

So if not for the pandemic then you would still have absolute trust?

I don't know how old you are but let's say you are 40. You have 40 years of absolute trust and one humongous global event happens one year which is difficult for everyone, including health authorities, and boom. All trust gone.

Me thinks the media you consume has had an affect on you. How many times have you been admitted to the hospital for myocarditis anyway?

That seems much more strange to me.

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and in response to your edited comments, sure the global events were difficult everyone would acknowledge that. But there were so many blatant lies all around for political purposes, and many many lies and intentional misrepresentations from companies like Pfizer parroted by those in authority. You sound like that ********** Thriller with the "media you consume" I read scientific papers when it comes to this stuff, that are based on data. Not media.
View attachment 15854
For laughs, but also illustrates the moving goal posts. We were lied to. Govt sucks.

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I agree that one time when a new virus hit and people were dying and we had an idiot running things that mistakes were made. I think it's strange that people expect perfection when an unknown deadly new virus hits that mutates as quick as the scientific and medical communities can try to make sense of it.

Sent from my CPH2451 using Tapatalk
The virus evolved, largely because so many people were not taking precautions. The variants were not what the vaccine was designed for. Latter vaccines addressed the variants as much as possible.

Meanwhile, people like yourself were laughing at what you saw as the failure of a vaccine that you contributed to by not taking precautions and not getting the vaccines as early as possible. All the while people died.

So funny.

dude the virus evolved because that's what viruses do.
it's not that hard to understand dude. Within that timeframe it became blatantly clear that health authorities were deliberately misrepresenting and or lying about the details of who Covid affected and why. Might be different where you are but we had the longest lockdowns here anywhere that were clearly being used for political purposes. And the Covid vaccines that were basically mandated here so you didn't have a choice really even if you didn't have any significant risk of being affected badly by Covid. The lies and misrepresentations of the what the vaccine and a lot of the measures taken would or wouldn't The blatant lies and cover up of the origin of Covid. It goes on and on. I still have a large degree of trust in health authorities for issues that are well established and tested over time but not this particular issue and pretty close to zero trust in the media of all persuasions. The pharmaceutical industry is horrifically unethical.

So Fauci this week testified that social distancing wasn't really based on any data but "sort of appeared" And that the origin of Covid being not natural wasn't a conspiracy theory after all but is now accepted. And that things he's done are probably responsible for a lot of the loss of trust in authorities.

Are you aware that there is a staggering increase in the rate of excess deaths since 2021 that is aside from Covid that is running at about 15 % across most developed nations ? And no government wants to have an inquiry as to why. Anyway i'm sure everyone has their own views which is cool, each to their own, i don't really care. I just find it staggering that people accept issues with the Covid vaccines are lumped into the general "anti-vaxx" category.
Why do you think they wanted to make you take the vaccine? Why do you think they did lockdowns?

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dude the virus evolved because that's what viruses do.
Yes, when they have hosts. The vaccine was effective as **** against the variant it was designed for. You complain that the vaccine was too fast too soon, not tested enough. Well, you can't have it both ways. Do you want an effective vaccine or one for a virus that is 3-4 variants behind?
Emotionally divisive propaganda.

I ain’t laughing at death, dipshiit. I’m laughing at the moving goalposts and sad that people like yourself keep believing the propaganda. Wake up, dude. Critical thinking is your friend.

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Humanity tried, hard, to find a solution. You stood on the sidelines and pointed fingers and laughed.

GFYS. You were the problem.
Why do you think they wanted to make you take the vaccine? Why do you think they did lockdowns?

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because we had a megalomaniac state premier who wanted to maximise his popularity by completely eradicating the Covid virus. It's been revealed since that the government was doing extensive polling as to what was popular and was guided by this. There was zero thought given to the horrific damage being done by 3-4 month long strict lockdowns. The vaccines should have been given primarily to the elderly and those with compromised health., The mandates were specifically forced with the idea to prevent transmission. Which clearly wasn't true.
I agree that one time when a new virus hit and people were dying and we had an idiot running things that mistakes were made. I think it's strange that people expect perfection when an unknown deadly new virus hits that mutates as quick as the scientific and medical communities can try to make sense of it.

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Who was dying? Why were they dying? Gov. Cuomo and Gov. Whitmer put Covid+ patients in assisted living facilities - full of the most vulnerable elderly. The elderly died and the media ran with the high death counts to engender fear and trigger lockdowns (and mail in voting).
Worth researching this subject. Hospitals were incentivized to classify any and all deaths as “Covid” deaths.

But any mistakes are Trump’s fault, right? Fauci lied. Trump said take hydroxychloriquin. The media claimed he said “drink bleach.” Trump also claims credit for “warp speed” vaccines. The vaccines are not worth bragging about. I disagreed with Trump, so I didn’t take the vaccine.

If vaccines work, then why is it my fault a vax’d person gets Covid. Yours doesn’t work unless I get it too? That’s not how other vaccines work.

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