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The case for Love

Chargers Jazz Angels

Well-Known Member
Who cares the Jazz will always be mediocre and never win a championship. If a fan expresses their opinion they get ripped.
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The future first round pick is a deal breaker for me. We've seen what a 1st round pick in a good draft can do (Mitchell), there's no way DL would trade away the right to locking up a player for 7-8 years in a small market like ours.
Love or Crowder would certainly be an upgrade. I've been on the Love bandwagon for quite some time. And I'll bet the Jazz tried to get him in the off-season.

But your trade proposal is unrealistic. If the Cavs rebuild, I can see them wanting to trade Love's contract. But Crowder is a good, still relatively young player on a great contract. Didn't he play mostly SF for the Celtics last year? He might/should move back there when Lebron leaves as he's struggling at the small-4.

Burks is garbage. Favs ain't anything special. Hood is the only decent asset the Jazz are including and even at that, he might want too much $ relative to his value. As for the pick, it's likely to be in the 13-18 range. So not great. Cavs just laugh at your proposal. They'd likely laugh at Favs + Hood + the 1st-rounder for just Love. If they did go for that, I'd jump at it...and so would DL.

But Cavs have to go "all-in" for this year. It's the last for Lebron. They're not rebuilding until next summer. There's no incentive to trade with the Jazz. They can get an equal or better deal for Love in the summer.
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I don't see why the cavs even make this trade unless they get rid of shumpart or Smith..... and then they have a log jam with favors and Thompson. Just doesn't make sense for them at all since they are all in for this year only.
Next please make a thread "The Case for LeBron" and then post an unrealistic trade scenario that makes 0 sense for the other team and includes us somehow magically getting rid of Dead Weight Burks.
The best part is when you suggest we would have the audacity to put protections on w/e pick we give them when we are getting a multiple time all-star and a guy who is considered one of the best bargain contracts in the NBA, for the chance to pay Hood and a likely non-lottery pick.
actually, Lebron would be so beautiful on this Jazz team. I know, he would be fabulous wherever he played, but Quins spacing would make for some incredible dunks for Lebron. His passing could find Joe Ingles wide open in the corner or Rudy open cutting to the hoop.

It will never happen, but the dream of it...
Next please make a thread "The Case for LeBron" and then post an unrealistic trade scenario that makes 0 sense for the other team and includes us somehow magically getting rid of Dead Weight Burks.

Dude has like 1-2 more good years left. Let's do the case for KD please... or maybe giannis
Next please make a thread "The Case for LeBron" and then post an unrealistic trade scenario that makes 0 sense for the other team and includes us somehow magically getting rid of Dead Weight Burks.

dood King James is comin. He's gunna play the 4 next to Rudy.
boy jazz fanz can be complete donkey's butts.

I apologize if I was a bit harsh. I'm all for improving the team. And I think I've been clear that Favs isn't a good fit, Burks is pretty much worthless and Hood is inconsistent and in the way of Mitchell starting. But trades have to make sense for both sides. The deal you proposed was incredibly lop-sided for Utah.
I apologize if I was a bit harsh. I'm all for improving the team. And I think I've been clear that Favs isn't a good fit, Burks is pretty much worthless and Hood is inconsistent and in the way of Mitchell starting. But trades have to make sense for both sides. The deal you proposed was incredibly lop-sided for Utah.

Those are the best kind of deals, tbh.
Sure, but Denver isn't involved so it's not going to happen.

What percentage of trades we speculate on do you think will actually happen? Are we liaisons between the FO and other franchises trying to facilitate these discussions? If you’re going to daydream, is there any adaptive value to applying realism and modesty of expectation? If neither fantasy nor realism will come to fruition in reality, you may as well indulge yourself in some fantasy, rather than believing the alternate fantasy that something may somehow come true because it’s more realistic.
The future first round pick is a deal breaker for me. We've seen what a 1st round pick in a good draft can do (Mitchell), there's no way DL would trade away the right to locking up a player for 7-8 years in a small market like ours.

Paging George Hill
Paging 12th pick
Who cares the Jazz will always be mediocre and never win a championship. If a fan expresses their opinion they get ripped.

I for one think Love should be a target.
My hope is Hood blows up a bit over the next couple of months and his rental trade value sky rockets.

Then they could start:

Gives them a much better chance than the tripe they are dishing out atm.
The best part is when you suggest we would have the audacity to put protections on w/e pick we give them when we are getting a multiple time all-star and a guy who is considered one of the best bargain contracts in the NBA, for the chance to pay Hood and a likely non-lottery pick.

Dude you do know that Rubio and Hood aren't leading the Jazz out of the West right?

And that pick should be a lottery pick.

The Jazz have no business trying for a 7-8 seed this year.
Dude you do know that Rubio and Hood aren't leading the Jazz out of the West right?

And that pick should be a lottery pick.

The Jazz have no business trying for a 7-8 seed this year.

Jazz should compete as hard as they can. But I'm not really worried about them getting a 7th/8th seed. Not after Exum got injured, we've seen Favors is nowhere near the player he was and Hood is definitely not a #1 option.

Our lottery pick (protected top-4) should be a pretty good asset.
Next please make a thread "The Case for LeBron" and then post an unrealistic trade scenario that makes 0 sense for the other team and includes us somehow magically getting rid of Dead Weight Burks.


Holy **** people are dumb. Yeah, the Cavs are struggling so they're gonna trade their second best player to us.