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The Dark Knight Rises

Saw the stunt woman hit an imax camera. Ouch. Christian Bale was asked to comment about it and he said, "I want her off the ****ing set man!"
The more I read and hear about catwoman being in this one, the less excited I am for the movie. I always thought catwoman was a useless character in the franchise (from comics on) and it will do absolutely NOTHING to improve this film. It is obviously simply the launching point for a trilogy of catwoman movies. Money-grabs never make for good film-making.
About a dozen Pittsburgh Steelers re going to be in this one too...really pretty corny...between, this, Catwoman, and not being crazy about Bane's mask, I'm sort of down on it. That said, Hathaway and Hardy are top notch actors so I really should withhold judgment.
After the performance of Ledger in Dark Knight I think this one is going to be a HUGE disappointment.
So catwoman uses batman's motorcycle?


I also want to know why Batman needs her help to take down Bane. He took down two face and joker... and a lot of the mob. Yet he needs help against Bane?
So catwoman uses batman's motorcycle?


I also want to know why Batman needs her help to take down Bane. He took down two face and joker... and a lot of the mob. Yet he needs help against Bane?

Bane and batman have a ... unique ... history.

I'm not wild about the costuming or whatever, but I think Nolan has done enough to warrant patience from the public. At least enough patience that we're not rating a movie before we've seen it, and on such unimportant crap anyway.

However skeptical I am, though, if he can put Catwoman in the plot and not turn it into pure ****, then it will be his greatest feat to date. TERRIBLE character.
The more I read and hear about catwoman being in this one, the less excited I am for the movie. I always thought catwoman was a useless character in the franchise (from comics on) and it will do absolutely NOTHING to improve this film. It is obviously simply the launching point for a trilogy of catwoman movies. Money-grabs never make for good film-making.

see thats where you are wrong. catwoman is usually there for sex appeal. but so far there is really no true useless sexyness on this catwoman. so this catwoman might get to be a really deep character.
So catwoman uses batman's motorcycle?


I also want to know why Batman needs her help to take down Bane. He took down two face and joker... and a lot of the mob. Yet he needs help against Bane?

I think she stole it.
remember batman and catwoman are the aem with one differnce batmans funds his crime fighting with his inheritance his endless amount of money.
and catwoman funds her crimefighting by stealing.

i would say lets just wait for the movie before brinign down harsh judgment everybody hated the choice of heath ledger and aaron eckhart in dark knight.
and everybody hated the villian choice of rhas all ghul(ken wanatabe, before everybody new that actaully liam neeson was rhas) and scarecrow.

BAne is far more intelligent than joker. bane is physically the strongest of batmans villians. and intelligently he is right up there with the smartest(riddler and that calculator guy).

i know one thing is for sure there wont be really sexyness in this movie like the previous ones. but i dont care for sexyness eg transformers with 2 "eyecandies" who cant act to save their live(rosie hutchington en megan fox).
see thats where you are wrong. catwoman is usually there for sex appeal. but so far there is really no true useless sexyness on this catwoman. so this catwoman might get to be a really deep character.

Then why does he keep picking actresses that can't act, and aren't really sex symbols? Anne Hathaway looks like a caricature of a sexy woman. Really she looks a lot like a muppet.




Maybe these are her mom and dad.

OK I will withhold judgement until I see it 3 or 4 times, but for now I give it 2 out of 5 stars.
but for now I give it 2 out of 5 stars.

wow prejudice :D.

really are you that shallow.

i'm not saying it wont get to be a 2 out of 5 stars movie.
hell it could be a 1 out of 5 stars movie. it could be 5 out 5.

problem we have only seen some pictures and some behind the scene footage. problem with that is it is mostly does not represent the awesomeness or lack thereoff of that particular movie.

i'd rather go of the track record of Nolan. then out of some pictures.

also people are complaining that catwoman has no ears.
i remember people complained that joker had makeup instead of "bleached" skin.

dont be prejudice LG98.

and i meant that nolan doesnt pick "sexy" actresses. the so called popular choices like angelina, megan fox etc