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The Girl on the Train

There's a really hot redhead here in the Barnes and Noble where I'm doing schoolwork right now. Her hair. Face. Attire. So freakin' sexy.
I guess maybe i will read of mice and men after this discussion. If I dont forget by the time i finish my new book.
Yeah but if you give them something with too much 'substance' like Of Mice and Men, and Huckleberry Finn, and kids are put off reading for the rest of their lives, do you want that?

Enjoyed both of those books in HS. Some people like substance, some people don't. I would rather we teach with substance.
Animal Farm and Fahrenheit 451 where the other two required readings I liked in HS. Everything else was meh. I especially didnt like The Great Gatsby.
Animal Farm and Fahrenheit 451 where the other two required readings I liked in HS. Everything else was meh. I especially didnt like The Great Gatsby.

I don't have a ton of flexibility but I could do either Animal Farm or LotF. I chose the latter.
Have to admit I kinda liked 'I am the cheese' by Robert Comier when I was at school... I'll always remember that twisted ending.
Have to admit I kinda liked 'I am the cheese' by Robert Comier when I was at school... I'll always remember that twisted ending.

I haven't read much by Cormier but I have read Heroes which is great. I taught it in 8th grade one year though with the subject matter, I maybe shouldn't have. I simply fet my kids were mature enough to handle it and it was very good literature that they'd also enjoy. I highly recommend this. It's an easy read, short and should stick with you.