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the HOT SAUCE thread

Worst hot sauce ever. EVER.


What? You dont like that? Its pretty good. I only use it on Barbacoa burritos though.

I like Cholula and tobasco. I actually will mix the two on my breakfast. Mmmm so good.

I dont really know too many other names, but I am down to try other kinds. I always try a different one at Cafe Rio each time I go. They have a pretty big selection. Pretty much evety time I see a different one I try it.

I would like to try and make my own. I just never got around to doing it. Maybe this thread will inspire me to do it.
That's what I was thinkin. Plus, the tabasco will really stand out with one of those beers.

Anybody else tried this? How do I know this isnt another one of PKM's tricks!

Never tried it but had a buddy that wouldn't drink beer without a few drops of Frank's in it. Then again, he'd put a raw egg in his beer on occasion as well...

I once got on a kick of putting a Certs mint in my beer. Its pretty good actually. You guys should try it.
What? You dont like that? Its pretty good. I only use it on Barbacoa burritos though.

I like Cholula and tobasco. I actually will mix the two on my breakfast. Mmmm so good.

I dont really know too many other names, but I am down to try other kinds. I always try a different one at Cafe Rio each time I go. They have a pretty big selection. Pretty much evety time I see a different one I try it.

I would like to try and make my own. I just never got around to doing it. Maybe this thread will inspire me to do it.

Love cholula, hate cholula lime.

Didn't even finish half the bottle.
So what beers do you put it in? Seems like it would just ruin a good beer.

YOu one of those cats that puts tomato juice in their beers??

Yes, I'm a CAT.

Most anything made by Bud or Coors. It's hard to ruin beer that's already ruined.

This. Yes.

That's what I was thinkin. Plus, the tabasco will really stand out with one of those beers.

Anybody else tried this? How do I know this isnt another one of PKM's tricks!

pretty popular actually..

Love cholula, hate cholula lime.

Didn't even finish half the bottle.

Why'd you even finish half the bottle?
Why'd you even finish half the bottle?

I tried it a few times after the first time I had it just cuz I kept thinking there was no way it was as bad as I thought it was. Then I just gave it to my roommate and he loved it. My roommate would also gladly eat all of my expired foods tho fwiw.
I've never had beer with tabasco but I've did about seven or eight shots of Prairie Fire (Everclear and Tabasco) at a wedding one time. Good times.
I once got on a kick of putting a Certs mint in my beer. Its pretty good actually. You guys should try it.

I have a friend who used to drink Zima with skittles. Wierd [son with no father] either drank that or shots of Everclear. Nothing in between.
Compare something to Zima for me. Was it like one of those Bacardi silver bitch beer drinks without the fruitiness? Or what?
I remember making fun of Zima as a kid, even tho I was like 12 and had never drank.

I'd be drinkin some water and be like, "hey guys look it's Zima"

Then be like, "Lololololol nah jk. That **** is lame."
