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The Jazz are trading D-Will to New Jersey!?

Since I like YB more, I'll keep my posting in this thread 'til merge. From SLTrib Twitter: "Jazz first looked into trading Williams about a month ago, source says, when relationship between him, Sloan was deteriorating."

Which makes this all make a bit more sense.
Well he was probably leaving soon anyways. Might as well get something now. Jazz get a better deal than the Nuggets did for their star and new draft picks could be great. Maybe Utah can grab Dwight or someone else big in a year or two.
If this trade happens, then it's obvious for me that the Jazz will make at least another deal involving one or more of Memo / AK / Millsap. Picks will probably be lottery bound but cannot guarantee good players, whereas NJN will make sure that they get a great talent and skillset with Deron. He is an upgrade over nearly any PG in this league (talent wise), I will continue to admire his game and talents but he will not have my respect and love his personality and attitude. No guts, no glory...

This trade means the Jazz are screwed.
Well I didn't see that coming. Looks like KOC defied the past, and went with a big move.

Time will tell whether it was a good one or not.
I have taken it as my official task to stalk CJ Miles's Twitter page until he gets the news.
Holy crap. Looks like a solid trade, but guess we will have to wait to see the full details, and who else is involved
Two kicks in the nuts in less than two weeks! To what do I owe the honor?

Okay. Time to bone up on my Derrick Favors knowledge. (I love Deron Williams, but I'm a Jazz fan first.) And something wasn't sitting right. I'm not sure we'll ever know the full details of what when down when the **** went down. But something has been all wrong. I think we all know that.

Is anyone familiar with Favors and Harris? I'd like to know what the word is on Favors' defense. Does he play it? Does he have the potential to play it? And can anyone tell me about his relationship with Devon Harris. Are they pals? Do they have good chemistry on the court together? Were the Nets looking to get rid of Favors or were they just that desperate to get a star? Did Favors have trouble within the Nets organization? Did Harris?

I hope we get the four draft picks they supposedly offered for Carmelo. When Williams is on his game he's just as good as 'Melo.
This is a better trade than they would have been able to make this summer or next deadline. They did okay. This team is going to be young next year with two more lottery picks, though.
If it goes through this is a good deal for the Jazz. I loved Dwill but he wasn't going to stay and we were going to get little for him next year with CP3 and Howard on the table. Harris is a very good point and Favors has a ton of potential. I'm glad we decided not to go through the same nonsense that Denver has had to put up with all year from the melo debacle.

Now we need to cut loose AK and call it a day!
Okay. Time to bone up on my Derrick Favors knowledge.

Well, the guy accomplished absolutely nothing in NCAA and was a sub-par player there. He then went to NBA's worst team and accomplished absolutely nothing there (Kris Humphries is starting over him in NJ). That pretty much sums it up.
If this trade happens, then it's obvious for me that the Jazz will make at least another deal involving one or more of Memo / AK / Millsap. Picks will probably be lottery bound but cannot guarantee good players, whereas NJN will make sure that they get a great talent and skillset with Deron. He is an upgrade over nearly any PG in this league (talent wise), I will continue to admire his game and talents but he will not have my respect and love his personality and attitude. No guts, no glory...

This trade means the Jazz are screwed.

We aint exactly championship material right now. I think we still might use Harris to get something else. Favors has a chance to be something special down the line plus we are going to get high first round draft picks. Should also have a lot of cap space after next season. If everything pans out in 2-3 years we could be awesome.
Well, the guy accomplished absolutely nothing in NCAA and was a sub-par player there. He then went to NBA's worst team and accomplished absolutely nothing there (Kris Humphries is starting over him in NJ). That pretty much sums it up.

IOW, he's garbage.
We aint exactly championship material right now. I think we still might use Harris to get something else. Favors has a chance to be something special down the line plus we are going to get high first round draft picks. Should also have a lot of cap space after next season. If everything pans out in 2-3 years we could be awesome.

From your mouth to God's ears, sir.
Favors is about 10 years away from being 'a couple years away'....

I'm absolutely stunned right now. STUNNED. This is awful. What a sad day. Awful deal. Cannot believe our franchise was just traded away.