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The Kings Really Know How to Tank


Well-Known Member
Man there ought to be a law. The Deseret News is reporting that the Kings want a better draft pick so they aren't taking six of their best players to Clutch City. DL should take lessons from these guys.
Unfortunately it's how this failed system is and they're just going along with it. The goal should be promoting competitiveness for all the teams during the season that's at play, penalizing tanking halfway through the season, but it is what it is I guess.
I think this doubly stinks because them leaving players home could impact who gets in the playoffs. I guess we need to root for Seth Curry to go off with 82 points tonight.
They've been tanking for about 10 years. The only thing kings is good at is tanking... Wasted careers for Cousins, Tyreke and Isiah bunch of fiasco picks like Thomas Robinson, Nick Stauskas, Ben Mclemore... Just Wow

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This is the smartest damn thing the Kings have done all year... every one of us would be saying to do the same thing if the shoe was on the other foot.
7,8,9 or 10 makes a big difference IF you know how to scout and draft. It won't make any difference to the Kings.

I want the Jazz to lose so they can stay ahead of the Bulls and possibly get ahead of the Washington Pick that Phx owns.

The kings moving up actually makes the draft more exciting, they are most likely to do something unpredictable, or take a player rated high by Mock Drafts.
Spread's up to 15½... The rockets will basically need to out-tank them to try and save their draft pick for this to happen..

Hopefully we see something like that.. The game can be a re-enactment of the southpark baseball episode 'the losing edge'. With Harden playing the role of Kyle's cousin.
Apparently Karl is going to be sacked tomorrow - quite a send off for what will most likely be his last coaching job.

Never a big George Karl fan - I always thought he was over-rated, even going back to his Seattle days.

But considering what he's gone through he deserved better than this.
If Jazz miss playoffs, they should be embarrassed by this season. They should have been a 5-6 seed in the West. Portland and Memphis had amazing seasons in spite of losing players and injuries. Those teams are examples of excellence on and off floor. Jazz season is borderline disgraceful.
Apparently Karl is going to be sacked tomorrow - quite a send off for what will most likely be his last coaching job.

Never a big George Karl fan - I always thought he was over-rated, even going back to his Seattle days.

But considering what he's gone through he deserved better than this.

He's gonna make out like a bandit watchu mean??
What I mean is The Kings owner humiliated Karl - he went to the players to ask if he should fire him. They should have done him the favors months ago.

Karl's been coaching the better part of the last 25 years - I'm sure he's not desperate for cash. And even if he was I would put my dignity at a much higher price tag.

He wasted what little time he had left with that bush-league franchise.
kings will win cuz their best players suck anyway. curry scoring 50 tonight

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Apparently Karl is going to be sacked tomorrow - quite a send off for what will most likely be his last coaching job.

Never a big George Karl fan - I always thought he was over-rated, even going back to his Seattle days.

But considering what he's gone through he deserved better than this.

He should've stayed home for "rest."
I applaud it. Don't hate the player hate the game. I hated every win we got down the stretch in 2014.