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The next step: Don't educate children at all

Yeah but I just cannot see any kind of segregation happening again. I think there would be substantial public outcry at that level. Maybe in some pockets, but by and large I think we are past at least that blatant level of racism and racial abuse.

Then again, this is 'MERICA we are talking about. Who knows what the hell will happen in some states.
Dude, they'd just call it "racial unrest" and deploy the shock troops.
Yeah but I just cannot see any kind of segregation happening again. I think there would be substantial public outcry at that level. Maybe in some pockets, but by and large I think we are past at least that blatant level of racism and racial abuse.

Then again, this is 'MERICA we are talking about. Who knows what the hell will happen in some states.
I don’t think we’re far from it. After all we’ve seen these past six years especially? Brown v Board could easily be overturned by Trump’s SCOTUS and cheered for overwhelmingly by the right. It would lead to de jure segregation, especially in red states. Segregationists/white supremacists are alive and well. They thinly hide their agenda through “pro choice” vouchers and “critical race theory” hysteria.

You see it currently and locally with Draper wanting to break off from the rest of Canyons School District so those white Draper parents won’t have to see their funds go to support those “others” at Hillcrest, Brighton, Jordan, and Alta High. Overturn Brown v Board? Suddenly Corner Canyon High School eliminates those “others” at their school and dumps them into Jordan or Alta High.

This seems like something out of “Remember the Titans” but it just happened a few years ago:

View: https://twitter.com/Sifill_LDF/status/1522931732462419971?s=20&t=_ONrzl-r62BFSMSri1kxtw
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Here's a thought: track down all the employers hiring undocumented workers, fine them out the wazoo, and use that money to educate the undocumented children.
The anti immigration crowed won’t make this connection but those who understand economics probably will…

View: https://twitter.com/crampell/status/1522949092258848769?s=20&t=1JqD49bTqtqN_SwxmI_cRA