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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

Lol, no way(end complete and utter sarcasm)

As Democrats and the media remain fanatically obsessed with assembling some form of a “quid pro quo” from the infamous Trump-Zelensky phone call, new details have emerged regarding Burisma, the company for which Hunter Biden worked and the company that Ukraine’s top prosecutor had been investigating before Vice President Joe Biden had the prosecutor fired via a months-long pressure campaign. According to web archives, top Mitt Romney adviser Joseph Cofer Black, who publicly goes by “Cofer Black,” joined Burisma’s board of directors while Hunter Biden was also serving on the board.
With Rudy on your side, who needs enemies? So, he's cancelled his paid appearance at a Kremlin sponsored conference, the only American scheduled to speak. I can only imagine, but I can joke: "Thanks for all your help in 2016, and looking forward to seeing you help again in 2020!" How they keep parading this guy out to defend Trump is beyond me:


"Giuliani's decision to take part in the conference astounded national security experts. His appearance would have come days after the release of a whistleblower complaint accusing Trump and Giuliani of pressuring Ukrainian officials for damaging information about Democrats."
Yup, funny how nobody cares that the
child rapist and past impeached president is still doing his thing.


You know you are desperate when all you’ve got left is a moral comparison to Bill Clinton. Let’s say we agree that Trump is more moral than Clinton. He’s also smarter than belly button lint. Faster than a sloth. Wittier than Nixon

You’ve gone from “greatest of all time in everything” to this.
You know you are desperate when all you’ve got left is a moral comparison to Bill Clinton. Let’s say we agree that Trump is more moral than Clinton. He’s also smarter than belly button lint. Faster than a sloth. Wittier than Nixon

You’ve gone from “greatest of all time in everything” to this.
Lol we were both being extremely over the top facetious there bud. I actually liked Clinton as a president. Best we've had since.
Yeah that's what I meant... isn't that impossible?

Most republican senators want him gone. If they think there is a shot that he will be removed from office, there will be a tipping point and he’s toast. Probably a <5% chance it happens, since they’d have to grow a pair.
Very normal tweet:

He calls two Jews and four women of color “savages.” And we act surprised when white supremacists worship this guy? No wonder why white supremacists are shooting up our public places.

I’m in the minority’s who thinks trump just hates anyone who does not mindlessly worship him. Black white Jew gentile. Suck up to him and he loves you.

He panders to bigots for votes for sure. But is he a bigot? Okay, probably yes. Talked myself out of it, never mind.
I’m in the minority’s who thinks trump just hates anyone who does not mindlessly worship him. Black white Jew gentile. Suck up to him and he loves you.

He panders to bigots for votes for sure. But is he a bigot? Okay, probably yes. Talked myself out of it, never mind.
People and Democrats can dish it but can't take it. They have been saying equally bad **** for 3+ years yet Trump says anything back and the bullies cry. Bloody hell. Not too long ago Thriller himself was liking comments calling people Nazi. People, Trump included need to grow up.
This might be the true damage and legacy of the Trump presidency. The impact we’re having the world is something I’m concerned deeply about as an American. And it’s also one of the main reasons I believe impeachment is necessary, regardless of how loud trumpers complain that impeachment is divisive. The cancer must be removed asap


The U.S.S.R. was a totalitarian state in which judges and prosecutors were controlled by the ruling party. The result was injustice, oppression and corruption. Since the former Soviet republics gained independence, Europeans and Americans, presidents and prime ministers, International Monetary Fund envoys and advisers of all kinds have sought to persuade the nations of the region to follow a different path and to adopt, instead, an independent judiciary and apolitical prosecutors. By doing so, they hoped to promote democracy, prosperity and justice in a region that has known precious little of all three...

Whatever becomes of Trump now, his presidency has definitely left a mark on history...
Hunter Biden was paid 50,000 per month to sit on
Very normal tweet:

He calls two Jews and four women of color “savages.” And we act surprised when white supremacists worship this guy? No wonder why white supremacists are shooting up our public places.

Ya, and he also called a lot of white people savages at the same time.

Doh! There goes your theory. Nice try.

Ah, the sign of defeat. When the Dems know they have lost the argument they just go back to RACIST!
They’re all Clinton donors/deep staters. Just like all those prosecutors who signed on saying that Trump obstructed justice according the the Mueller report. They’re all part of the Clinton deep state family. Right?

This is correct. Good post.
Hunter Biden was paid 50,000 per month to sit on

Ya, and he also called a lot of white people savages at the same time.

Doh! There goes your theory. Nice try.

Ah, the sign of defeat. When the Dems know they have lost the argument they just go back to RACIST!
It honestly confuses me how some Democrats seem to automatically look at a person's skin color. Me for example I don't see any mention of color or nationality in that tweet. People like Thriller do though. That's the only thing they see is color. That to me is bordeline racist as color of ones skin shouldn't define them like it does with Thriller and others. We're human beings, not colors.
When I started a thread, something to the effect, "Is Russia trying to help Trump win?", I think it was in July, 2016, NPC D4617 gave me the same answer that Trump apparently gave the Russian officials in that meeting. He told me the very same thing. I really did not have a great answer myself, I knew our CIA had involved itself in the internal politics of other countries. Still, we were attacked, and we needed to defend ourselves. That's all I cared about. My country was attacked by the Russians, wake up people. Anyway, this "what goes around comes around" attitude is likely present among some Americans. I don't think the president should embrace it, but apparently he does. And now we're finding out.

And it's great to see the evidence spilling out now as to who Trump really is. About time!
So you're saying that Trump and NPC D4617 are actually the same person? Makes sense. I was starting to wonder why I never see them together.