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The official "let's impeach Trump" thread

Perhaps you missed this tweet @The Thriller posted earlier. Simply put, Congress has the constitutional granted right of oversight over the Executive branch of the federal government. It's part of our federal system of checks and balances. The SCOTUS can rule a Congressional passed law unconstitutional. The President can veto a Congressional passed law. The Congress can override a veto, etc., etc, etc. All these built in checks and balances are designed to prevent power accruing too much in one of the three branches.

In the case of impeachment, a right granted to Congress as part of the oversight "check" granted Congress by our Constitution, the president was not granted the right to say: "I'm so sorry, but Congress does not excercise oversight over me. I am above the law, and Congress cannot impeach me. I have spoken". If he could legally say such a thing, we would lose a president and gain an elective monarchy.

We are not an elective monarchy yet, and some of us believe we should act to prevent such a state of affairs. And, somehow, you chose to describe that as "hate". OK....

I’m not questioning the constitutional arguments for checks and balances that you make, those are great tools available to the people.
Here is Trump apologizing for his remarks about grabbing *****. Please refrain from bringing it up again in your continued bashing of our president. He has apologized and is forgiven. You can no longer hold this against him. Thank you for staying consistent in your morals and standards.

The difference being that Trudeau has stopped wearing blackface, while Trump continued to make statements that devalue women.

https://theweek.com/articles/655770/61-things-donald-trump-said-about-women (just the some of the things after his apology).

On Stormy Daniels

6. "Horseface" [Oct. 16, 2018]

On the #MeToo movement

38. "It is a very scary time for young men in America, where you can be guilty of something you may not be guilty of. … Women are doing great."

On French first lady Brigitte Macron

18. "You know, you're in such good shape. Beautiful." [July 13, 2017]


After Jessica Leeds said in 2016 that Mr. Trump groped her on an airplane in the 1980s, he said “believe me, she would not be my first choice.” Of Natasha Stoynoff, a former People magazine writer who said Mr. Trump accosted her during an interview, Mr. Trump denied it and said, “Check out her Facebook page, you’ll understand.”

"Anyone who knows me knows these words don’t reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize. I’ve traveled the country talking about change for America, but my travels have also changed me. I’ve spent time with grieving mothers who’ve lost their children, laid-off workers whose jobs have gone to other countries, and people from all walks of life who just want a better future. I have gotten to know the great people of our country, and I’ve been humbled by the faith they’ve placed in me. I pledge to be a better man tomorrow and will never, ever let you down."

Except, by his behavior since, those words exactly reflected who he is, he has not been a better man, and he has let us down. I'm sure you will continue to hold this against Trump. Thank you for staying consistent in your morals and standards.
You honestly think that Trump is the biggest issue this nation faces when we have Biden leading the opposition and so little voting turnout?

The biggest issue we face is climate change, followed by an aging population. I don't see how the impeachment proceedings prevent us from addressing either of those (and a side benefit to getting Trump out of office would be more immigration, helping the aging population problem).
That’s a very radical approach that doesn’t help your cause of bringing people to your side, accusing all those that question this impeachment process as liars and obstructionists. Maybe if you tone it down a little people would take your claims more seriously. All that I see so far is a bunch of one-sided hate.

Since colton was pretty clearly talking about expert opinions, and not random posters, why would this ruffle your feathers?
I can’t take that ad seriously given the source. I want great for a great country, not mediocre.

I don't blame you. Biden is one of the worst candidates the Democrats have in the race. It's sad that this time he happens to be speaking the truth.
I can’t take that ad seriously given the source. I want great for a great country, not mediocre.
You kind of need to get over the fact that Biden is polling high right now because he has massive name recognition and a connection to Obama's administration.

I'll bet you any amount of money that Biden will not be the democratic nominee.
He’s a slouchy old angry man, with signs of age affecting his speech. In bed with the Ukranian mafia. Groper. Hypocrite. Antiamerican. A snake who’s sole purpose is to steer the debate in one direction, that of containing those who advocate for moving the Democratic party away from pharmaceutical companies and military industrial interests. He has no business being on that stage and I repudiate him every time he opens his foul mouth.

Anyone else notice this odd criticism of Biden? I understand critiques about his less than progressive political views, compared to Biden and Warren. I also understand concerns over his age.

But in what world is he anti-American? What has he done to deserve that type of characterization? Who has reported that he's "in bed with the Ukrainian mafia?"

I decided to try and find answers to these very questions. I first searched for Hannity. I watch about 10-15 minutes of him per night and know that he's one of the greatest Biden critics/Trump fluffers out there. But even he hasn't explicitly called him anti-American and in bed with the Ukrainian mafia. At least, to the best of my understanding. Typically, Hannity makes broad claims of Biden's corruption, and in Devin Nunes fashion, rants incoherently about the interrelated corruption of Biden, Obama, Clinton, Soros, Brennan, Comey, and the "Deep State." Those who aren't Fox News junkies won't understand any of these rantings.

So I decided to Google "Biden and Ukrainian mafia." The only hit I could find was this Washington Post article reporting on how Russia Today was framing this Ukrainian scandal.

Now why would Russia Today, a known propaganda source of Putin, (indirectly) claim that Biden was anti-American and involved with the Ukrainian mafia? Why would one of the most ardent Tulsi Gabbard supporters on this board repeat this claim? Why would Russia attempt to spread distrust in western leadership by claiming that Ukranian and American leadership, including Trump and Biden, are corrupt? And why would Americans repeat these Russian claims?

Anyone else have explanations for this? What other news sources call Biden anti-American and in bed with Ukrainian mafia? Has anyone else seen/heard these criticisms from (any) news sources? Which ones? Could you provide a link to them?

I'm open to learn something new today. But it appears to the best of my knowledge, that once again we are experiencing Russian propaganda on our website.
He’s a slouchy old angry man, with signs of age affecting his speech. In bed with the Ukranian mafia. Groper. Hypocrite. Antiamerican. A snake who’s sole purpose is to steer the debate in one direction, that of containing those who advocate for moving the Democratic party away from pharmaceutical companies and military industrial interests. He has no business being on that stage and I repudiate him every time he opens his foul mouth.
Lol. Thats childs play for trump.
January 24, 2017Donald Trump barred all employees of the Environmental Protection Agency from posting on social media or speaking with reporters about their work. Free speech doe
Trump fired the director of the FBI for failing to demonstrate loyalty to him
Trump slept with porn star and paid her to keep quiet
Grab em by the *****. “I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it, you can do anything… grab them by the *****.” Trump said
Lied about mexico paying for the wall
Lied about putting hilary in prison
Lied about draining the swamp
Obstructed justice in the mueller investigation
Obstructed justice in the impeachment inquiry
Undermined international cooperation on climate change (the paris agreement) out of spite
Gave out security clearances to people who shouldn't have them
Put family members in positions in government that they shouldn't be in
Thought it would be a good idea to fire a nuclear missile into a hurricane
Stole from his charity
Runs the office of the president like his own money making personal business violating the emoluments clause of the constitution. He has violated this clause many many times.
When Donald Trump was watching his 16-year-old daughter Ivanka host the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant, he turned to the then-Miss Universe and asked: “Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?” Mr Trump has called his eldest daughter “voluptuous”. He’s said it’s OK to describe her as “a piece of ***”, though she is a senior executive in his business empire. And he’s said that, if she wasn’t his daughter, “perhaps [he’d] be dating her”.
Donald Trump was a vocal proponent of the “birther” myth, claiming Barack Obama was not born in the United States.
Called people coming into the US from mexico criminals and rapists
Trump is a draft dodger who said senator john mccain "is not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”
Trump has been accused of sexual assault numerous times. I mean serously A LOT of women have accused him of sexual assault. Its kind of staggering and would take to long to list them all.
Donald Trump reiterated his false claim that the young men known as the “Central Park Five” were guilty of sexually assaulting a jogger in 1989, despite DNA evidence that exonerated them.
Even though he said he would not settle the case, Donald Trump agreed to pay $25 million to settle his Trump University fraud lawsuits. The real estate seminar program was not an accredited university and used misleading marketing tactics to recruit students.
Without citing evidence to support his claim, Donald Trump tweeted, “In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally”. This claim has been repeatedly debunked.
Supports the anti vaccination movement. In September 2015 he publicly stated, “We had so many instances, people that work for me, just the other day, two years old, a beautiful child, went to have the vaccine and came back and a week later got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic.”
Created the term "alternative facts" due to all of his lies. Senior White House counselor Kellyanne Conway said that Sean Spicer’s false statements about the crowd size at Donald Trump’s inauguration were not lies, but “alternative facts.”
Donald Trump refused to release his tax returns to the public, both during the campaign and after his election. He is the first president in over 40 years to withhold his financial information from the American public.
caging kids
Donald Trump signed what would become known as the ”travel ban,” an executive order which imposed a 90-day ban on citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States. Trump’s travel ban still allowed travelers from other Muslim-majority countries where he held extensive business interests, such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey
In a rollback of an Obama-era protection, Donald Trump’s White House withdrew the Mercury Effluent Rule, which regulated the safe use and disposal of mercury in American dental offices. The Natural Resource Defense Council estimated the repeal would discharge five tons of the neurotoxic substance into water supplies each year. Even trace amounts of mercury can harm brain function and damage the human nervous system, particularly in pregnant women and infants.
Donald Trump vowed to dismantle the Johnson Amendment, a law which restricted churches and other religious institutions from taking a public political stance while retaining tax-exempt status.
Donald Trump told a sheriff in Rockwell County, Texas, to “destroy” the career of a state senator who had opposed civil asset forfeiture. This controversial law enforcement practice allows police officers to seize cash and assets they believe may be related to a crime, even if the property owners were never arrested or convicted of that crime.
Vice President Mike Pence cast a tie-breaking vote to confirm Donald Trump’s appointment of Betsy DeVos as education secretary. At the time of her appointment to lead the Department of Education, DeVos had no government experience and no experience working in public schools.
Before a day of golf with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Donald Trump tweeted that refugees were flooding in from the seven “suspect” countries his travel ban had outlawed, and that these refugees were “SO DANGEROUS.” In January, Fox News reported that no terrorist attacks had been perpetrated by refugees from countries on Trump’s list.
Constantly attacks the free press
The Trump administration asked the Council of Economic Advisers to predict a 3.5% surge in economic production over the next decade. Compared to the 1.8% projected by the Federal Reserve, this calculation could be dangerously optimistic. “The risk,” explained the president of the Committee Responsible for Federal Budget, “is that rosy economic scenarios allow us to borrow trillions of additional dollars in the next couple of years, doing real damage.”

Im going to stop here. Most of everything in my post only covers up until feb of 2017 lol. This could go on for pages and pages. And didn't even use my opinion. just facts.

Check this link if you want more: https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/the-complete-listing-so-far-atrocities-1-546

In summary, there is simply no comparison.
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Lol. Thats childs play for trump.
January 24, 2017Donald Trump barred all employees of the Environmental Protection Agency from posting on social media or speaking with reporters about their work. Free speech doe
Trump fired the director of the FBI for failing to demonstrate loyalty to him
Trump slept with porn star and paid her to keep quite
Grab em by the *****. “I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it, you can do anything… grab them by the *****.” Trump said
Lied about mexico paying for the wall
Lied about putting hilary in prison
Lied about draining the swamp
Obstructed justice in the mueller investigation
Obstructed justice in the impeachment inquiry
Undermined international cooperation on climate change (the paris agreement) out of spite
Gave out security clearances to people who shouldn't have them
Put family members in positions in government that they shouldn't be in
Thought it would be a good idea to fire a nuclear missile into a hurricane
Stole from his charity
Runs the office of the president like his own money making personal business violating the emoluments clause of the constitution. He has violated this clause many many times.
When Donald Trump was watching his 16-year-old daughter Ivanka host the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant, he turned to the then-Miss Universe and asked: “Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?” Mr Trump has called his eldest daughter “voluptuous”. He’s said it’s OK to describe her as “a piece of ***”, though she is a senior executive in his business empire. And he’s said that, if she wasn’t his daughter, “perhaps [he’d] be dating her”.
Donald Trump was a vocal proponent of the “birther” myth, claiming Barack Obama was not born in the United States.
Called people coming into the US from mexico criminals and rapists
Trump is a draft dodger who said senator john mccain "is not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”
Trump has been accused of sexual assault numerous times. I mean serously A LOT of women have accused him of sexual assault. Its kind of staggering and would take to long to list them all.
Donald Trump reiterated his false claim that the young men known as the “Central Park Five” were guilty of sexually assaulting a jogger in 1989, despite DNA evidence that exonerated them.
Even though he said he would not settle the case, Donald Trump agreed to pay $25 million to settle his Trump University fraud lawsuits. The real estate seminar program was not an accredited university and used misleading marketing tactics to recruit students.
Without citing evidence to support his claim, Donald Trump tweeted, “In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally”. This claim has been repeatedly debunked.
Supports the anti vaccination movement. In September 2015 he publicly stated, “We had so many instances, people that work for me, just the other day, two years old, a beautiful child, went to have the vaccine and came back and a week later got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic.”
Created the term "alternative facts" due to all of his lies. Senior White House counselor Kellyanne Conway said that Sean Spicer’s false statements about the crowd size at Donald Trump’s inauguration were not lies, but “alternative facts.”
Donald Trump refused to release his tax returns to the public, both during the campaign and after his election. He is the first president in over 40 years to withhold his financial information from the American public.
caging kids
Donald Trump signed what would become known as the ”travel ban,” an executive order which imposed a 90-day ban on citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States. Trump’s travel ban still allowed travelers from other Muslim-majority countries where he held extensive business interests, such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey
In a rollback of an Obama-era protection, Donald Trump’s White House withdrew the Mercury Effluent Rule, which regulated the safe use and disposal of mercury in American dental offices. The Natural Resource Defense Council estimated the repeal would discharge five tons of the neurotoxic substance into water supplies each year. Even trace amounts of mercury can harm brain function and damage the human nervous system, particularly in pregnant women and infants.
Donald Trump vowed to dismantle the Johnson Amendment, a law which restricted churches and other religious institutions from taking a public political stance while retaining tax-exempt status.
Donald Trump told a sheriff in Rockwell County, Texas, to “destroy” the career of a state senator who had opposed civil asset forfeiture. This controversial law enforcement practice allows police officers to seize cash and assets they believe may be related to a crime, even if the property owners were never arrested or convicted of that crime.
Vice President Mike Pence cast a tie-breaking vote to confirm Donald Trump’s appointment of Betsy DeVos as education secretary. At the time of her appointment to lead the Department of Education, DeVos had no government experience and no experience working in public schools.
Before a day of golf with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Donald Trump tweeted that refugees were flooding in from the seven “suspect” countries his travel ban had outlawed, and that these refugees were “SO DANGEROUS.” In January, Fox News reported that no terrorist attacks had been perpetrated by refugees from countries on Trump’s list.
Constantly attacks the free press
The Trump administration asked the Council of Economic Advisers to predict a 3.5% surge in economic production over the next decade. Compared to the 1.8% projected by the Federal Reserve, this calculation could be dangerously optimistic. “The risk,” explained the president of the Committee Responsible for Federal Budget, “is that rosy economic scenarios allow us to borrow trillions of additional dollars in the next couple of years, doing real damage.”

Im going to stop here. Most of everything in my post only covers up until feb of 2017 lol. This could go on for pages and pages. And didn't even use my opinion. just facts.

Check this link if you want more: https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/the-complete-listing-so-far-atrocities-1-546

In summary, there is simply no comparison.
Lol, A for effort. I don’t like him either and some of those points are true. What I’m denouncing is the hypocrisy shown by the Dems with putting all the effort in going against Trump, incapable of looking at themselves in the mirror. Look beyond Trump, Trump is the consequence, not the cause.
Lol. Thats childs play for trump.
January 24, 2017Donald Trump barred all employees of the Environmental Protection Agency from posting on social media or speaking with reporters about their work. Free speech doe
Trump fired the director of the FBI for failing to demonstrate loyalty to him
Trump slept with porn star and paid her to keep quiet
Grab em by the *****. “I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it, you can do anything… grab them by the *****.” Trump said
Lied about mexico paying for the wall
Lied about putting hilary in prison
Lied about draining the swamp
Obstructed justice in the mueller investigation
Obstructed justice in the impeachment inquiry
Undermined international cooperation on climate change (the paris agreement) out of spite
Gave out security clearances to people who shouldn't have them
Put family members in positions in government that they shouldn't be in
Thought it would be a good idea to fire a nuclear missile into a hurricane
Stole from his charity
Runs the office of the president like his own money making personal business violating the emoluments clause of the constitution. He has violated this clause many many times.
When Donald Trump was watching his 16-year-old daughter Ivanka host the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant, he turned to the then-Miss Universe and asked: “Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?” Mr Trump has called his eldest daughter “voluptuous”. He’s said it’s OK to describe her as “a piece of ***”, though she is a senior executive in his business empire. And he’s said that, if she wasn’t his daughter, “perhaps [he’d] be dating her”.
Donald Trump was a vocal proponent of the “birther” myth, claiming Barack Obama was not born in the United States.
Called people coming into the US from mexico criminals and rapists
Trump is a draft dodger who said senator john mccain "is not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”
Trump has been accused of sexual assault numerous times. I mean serously A LOT of women have accused him of sexual assault. Its kind of staggering and would take to long to list them all.
Donald Trump reiterated his false claim that the young men known as the “Central Park Five” were guilty of sexually assaulting a jogger in 1989, despite DNA evidence that exonerated them.
Even though he said he would not settle the case, Donald Trump agreed to pay $25 million to settle his Trump University fraud lawsuits. The real estate seminar program was not an accredited university and used misleading marketing tactics to recruit students.
Without citing evidence to support his claim, Donald Trump tweeted, “In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally”. This claim has been repeatedly debunked.
Supports the anti vaccination movement. In September 2015 he publicly stated, “We had so many instances, people that work for me, just the other day, two years old, a beautiful child, went to have the vaccine and came back and a week later got a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic.”
Created the term "alternative facts" due to all of his lies. Senior White House counselor Kellyanne Conway said that Sean Spicer’s false statements about the crowd size at Donald Trump’s inauguration were not lies, but “alternative facts.”
Donald Trump refused to release his tax returns to the public, both during the campaign and after his election. He is the first president in over 40 years to withhold his financial information from the American public.
caging kids
Donald Trump signed what would become known as the ”travel ban,” an executive order which imposed a 90-day ban on citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States. Trump’s travel ban still allowed travelers from other Muslim-majority countries where he held extensive business interests, such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey
In a rollback of an Obama-era protection, Donald Trump’s White House withdrew the Mercury Effluent Rule, which regulated the safe use and disposal of mercury in American dental offices. The Natural Resource Defense Council estimated the repeal would discharge five tons of the neurotoxic substance into water supplies each year. Even trace amounts of mercury can harm brain function and damage the human nervous system, particularly in pregnant women and infants.
Donald Trump vowed to dismantle the Johnson Amendment, a law which restricted churches and other religious institutions from taking a public political stance while retaining tax-exempt status.
Donald Trump told a sheriff in Rockwell County, Texas, to “destroy” the career of a state senator who had opposed civil asset forfeiture. This controversial law enforcement practice allows police officers to seize cash and assets they believe may be related to a crime, even if the property owners were never arrested or convicted of that crime.
Vice President Mike Pence cast a tie-breaking vote to confirm Donald Trump’s appointment of Betsy DeVos as education secretary. At the time of her appointment to lead the Department of Education, DeVos had no government experience and no experience working in public schools.
Before a day of golf with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Donald Trump tweeted that refugees were flooding in from the seven “suspect” countries his travel ban had outlawed, and that these refugees were “SO DANGEROUS.” In January, Fox News reported that no terrorist attacks had been perpetrated by refugees from countries on Trump’s list.
Constantly attacks the free press
The Trump administration asked the Council of Economic Advisers to predict a 3.5% surge in economic production over the next decade. Compared to the 1.8% projected by the Federal Reserve, this calculation could be dangerously optimistic. “The risk,” explained the president of the Committee Responsible for Federal Budget, “is that rosy economic scenarios allow us to borrow trillions of additional dollars in the next couple of years, doing real damage.”

Im going to stop here. Most of everything in my post only covers up until feb of 2017 lol. This could go on for pages and pages. And didn't even use my opinion. just facts.

Check this link if you want more: https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/the-complete-listing-so-far-atrocities-1-546

In summary, there is simply no comparison.
So what you're saying is that there is bad behaviour on both sides? It's pretty much a wash? Probably ought to vote Trump in for four more years unless the Dems can nominate Mother Teresa, or Ghandi or Jesus Christ or maybe someone close to that, but we'll have to hold our nose while we do because nothing but the best for the U.S.A.... We'll I mean nothing but the best or else four more years of Trump, of course?
So what you're saying is that there is bad behaviour on both sides? It's pretty much a wash? Probably ought to vote Trump in for four more years unless the Dems can nominate Mother Teresa, or Ghandi or Jesus Christ or maybe someone close to that?
Lol, A for effort. I don’t like him either and some of those points are true. What I’m denouncing is the hypocrisy shown by the Dems with putting all the effort in going against Trump, incapable of looking at themselves in the mirror. Look beyond Trump, Trump is the consequence, not the cause.
again, i only went up until feb of 2017. There is so much more.
You asked a question alluding to whats worse trump or biden. I asked you to make a list of bad stuff about biden and i would make a list of bad stuff about trump. We each did. Do you still think there is any question of who is worse out of those two?
again, i only went up until feb of 2017. There is so much more.
You asked a question alluding to whats worse trump or biden. I asked you to make a list of bad stuff about biden and i would make a list of bad stuff about trump. We each did. Do you still think there is any question of who is worse out of those two?
I think they’re both horrible, we’ll leave it at that. Unrelated question: how come there’s only big Oikos yogurt in vanilla flavor? I wished they sold the big ones in other flavors.
So what you're saying is that there is bad behaviour on both sides? It's pretty much a wash? Probably ought to vote Trump in for four more years unless the Dems can nominate Mother Teresa, or Ghandi or Jesus Christ or maybe someone close to that, but we'll have to hold our nose while we do because nothing but the best for the U.S.A.... We'll I mean nothing but the best or else four more years of Trump, of course?

which world leaders would love for this to happen? Our friends or enemies?

Just imagine the things that could happen with A re-elected trump, unencumbered by Mueller and impeachment?!
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I think they’re both horrible, we’ll leave it at that. Unrelated question: how come there’s only big Oikos yogurt in vanilla flavor? I wished they sold the big ones in other flavors.
I don't know. I know they do plain too, though that's not really a flavor lol.

I asked a co worker who works in a department that would know better and he said that we only do vanilla and plain oikos in the big cup. We also make other flavors in the big cup under the great value name for Walmart. Maybe try those.

I think you are talking about the 32 oz.

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