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The *OFFICIAL* Russia Is About To Invade Ukraine Thread

That piece is sour grapes. Journalists giving people they are interviewing enough rope to hang themselves used to be considered a savvy technique before the journalist class transformed into Overton Window religious enforcers. As for Tucker Carlson, he is the single most influential journalist in the world right now.
He’s coordinating with Russia again to get elected, just like he did in 2016.

View: https://x.com/acyn/status/1756412015793279117?s=46&t=QT7YFlZ_IlHq81PpZAhKgw

And for the 1000th time, NATO doesn't have a membership fee. What he's talking about is a country spending like 1.7% of GDP on defense instead of the required 2% or whatever it is. This is money these countries spend internally on their military. If Russia invades them, a NATO country, it is in the interest of the U.S. and every other NATO country to come to their defense, regardless if they spent as much as they were supposed to, in regard to GDP, on their own military.
Meanwhile, trump has a whole career of not paying people what he owes them.

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And for the 1000th time, NATO doesn't have a membership fee. What he's talking about is a country spending like 1.7% of GDP on defense instead of the required 2% or whatever it is. This is money these countries spend internally on their military. If Russia invades them, a NATO country, it is in the interest of the U.S. and every other NATO country to come to their defense, regardless if they spent as much as they were supposed to, in regard to GDP, on their own military.
“Russia if you’re listening….”

That’s what this reminds me of.

Also, if you hate war then how can you support this guy? He’s admitting that he’d support Russia’s invasion of a NATO country. I’ve been told repeatedly by the doves on this website that they’re afraid of a larger war. Well, they should definitely support Biden then. Otherwise, the alternative says he’ll encourage Russia to invade a NATO country.
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Ya mongoose should really be anti trump after that speech. I'm pretty sure he won't be though

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And yet House Repubs still keep trying to help Putin destroy Ukraine by withholding aid
This statement is so dishonest. The reality is the Senate only recently passed a bill after delaying the situation for nearly 5 months. Immediately after the Senate passed the bill, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson signaled that it was a starting point he could work with but he wanted to tweak a couple things.

Speaker Mike Johnson has a history of working with Democrats to find common ground and getting legislation passed. Johnson made no secret of his wanting to negotiate this bill to get something passed. He even held a press conference to make his request for negotiations on this funding package public.

In response, the Biden White House made very clear they would not meet with Johnson to negotiate anything with him. Their excuse for refusing to meet with Speaker Mike Johnson is that Biden met with "Congressional Leadership" Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (Democrat) less than a month ago, before the Senate bill was even finalized. Karine Jean-Pierre said that Speaker Johnson had to negotiate with himself because Biden and the Democrats would not allow him to cross the aisle to negotiate anything this time.
