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The *OFFICIAL* Russia Is About To Invade Ukraine Thread

Ukraine was actually a part of the Republic of Russia (pre-U.S.S.R.) before it's brief independence from 1917-20. Rubashov may be the oldest person on Jazzfanz if he indeed remembers that.
I actually searched this and only sort of kind of skimmed the info and didn't see that.
We should consult with Germany.
The Mongols and Ottomans did ok.

I still think we should aim our sights at Canada. Great natural resources, low population, and only mounties as their main defense. And they won't see it coming.

There is also only one road in Canada, so they will be easy to trap. Of course, we will let them keep Quebec.
The Mongols and Ottomans did ok.

I still think we should aim our sights at Canada. Great natural resources, low population, and only mounties as their main defense. And they won't see it coming.

There is also only one road in Canada, so they will be easy to trap. Of course, we will let them keep Quebec.

Been at very long time since my furniture has done well against the Russian empire. (Sorry the Ottomans).

Removing nuclear weapons, the west can, if they choose, roll over Russia. The combined strength of the US, UK, France and Germany would crush them in weeks Putin is banking on that not happening.
Been at very long time since my furniture has done well against the Russian empire. (Sorry the Ottomans).

Removing nuclear weapons, the west can, if they choose, roll over Russia. The combined strength of the US, UK, France and Germany would crush them in weeks Putin is banking on that not happening.
The Ottoman is the only furniture that had its own empire, so don't knock it. It can support your legs, be a chair, or even a makeshift coffee table. No wonder it did so well against Russia.
I wonder if anyone has ever opened a furniture store called The Ottoman Empire and they specialized in selling ottomans?
I wonder if anyone has ever opened a furniture store called The Ottoman Empire and they specialized in selling ottomans?
Ever seen the Goldbergs?
Fun stuff here.

Little club of wannabe relevants taking the same tack as any Soros-directed activist would.

Look, in the Philippines the Rockefellers installed Pres. Ferdinand Marcos, whom many believed a murderer from the Ilocos province. My informant was a UN official who said he was head of the detail that went to the Batanes Island, a small group of islands north of Luzon and south of Taiwan, Philippine territory, where they met and unloaded a plane stuffed with US greenback money. He said it was from the US Treasury, supposed to be "destroyed" as old or spoiled, but given to "the Rockef3ellers" for political bribes. Who'd ever know.

Marcos was as corrupt as any Great Leader character in politics has ever been, but he was a friend to the Mormons. And others who could soften the political power of the Catholic Church.

All around the world, the US has been playing games to gain allies, using whatever locals we could, crooks, murderers, whatnots.

Biden's son Hunter is his front man, bag man, selling off US citizen's interests, selling out the USA. Some say Biden has blood on his hands for leaving Afghanistan the way he did. Others say he is on task for the Agenda.

I rank Putin right up there with Hillary and Joe. Zelensky is not a long-time nor big player. Not anything like Soros or Putin, Biden or Hillary or Xi.

I think what we are seeing is the take-down of the USA as the BMOC globally, aimed at a multilateral Pax Britannica under the UN cover. We are supposed to keep us the technological edge and actual superior military in this game, but act like we are too damn stupid to use it.

This is an act of Oscar Wilde's great political scheme outlined in his play "The Importance of Being Earnest", which basically taught the principle that little old ladies need to believe stuff that just can't be true, so you have to act like it is true. The world needs to believe Britain is just an old relic with a quaint culture, and little or no real power. For an age we were the hired gun, but the gunslinger days are gone. J. William Fulbright laid it out in his book "The Arrogance of Power". So we have picked China to be the objective focus of the world on all that's gone wrong, so we can survive and pick up the pieces whatever happens. I use the collective "we" for the UK/JUSA. We are the best and most serviceable colony the UK ever had/has now.

This is where we flush the chumps who won't walk the line on the new order. Putin might be one of those chumps. Xi might be another.

But actually we want Russia to align with us and the West as part of the ring of fire that will contain China.. That is why the Nordstream pipe was approved. Trump would not have done that. We want Zelensky to appease Russia and slide back into obscurity. We don't care about Russia having the Crimea and the Donbas.

Ukraine is naturally in the Russian cultural sphere, on some huge issues like Eastern Orthodoxy and modern materialism beliefs and authoritarian culture, but there have been some really bad things like Stalin starving the Ukraine in the 1930s to keep them from rising up even then. I think I like the Ukraine being their own people and own nation, and non-aligned.

There is no war worth fighting for Ukraine except their own cause for independence.
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Fun stuff here.

Little club of wannabe relevants taking the same tack as any Soros-directed activist would.

Look, in the Philippines the Rockefellers installed Pres. Ferdinand Marcos, whom many believed a murderer from the Ilocos province. My informant was a UN official who said he was head of the detail that wentr to the Batanes Island, a small group of islands north of Luzon and south of Taiwan, Philippine territory, where they met and ubnloaded a plane stuffed w2ith US greenback money. He said is was from the US Treasury, supposed to be "destroyed" as oid or spoiled, but given to "the Rockef3ellers" for jpolitical bribes. Who'd ever know.

While I was there, Marcos declared Martial Law. I was off in the highlands of central Luzon being fed by the Huks. I had to get outta Dodge pretty quick.

The Huks were Marxist, alright....... but almost to a man (or woman) they were blueblood aristocrats, sons and daus of the most wealthy families. Corazon CoJuanco was from central Luzon, and her husband, Benigo Aquino was from the same area. The Aquino name came from a Patriot Filipino who fought against the Spanish, and then the US, in the wars of 1898-1904, Ninoy formed a relationship with Ted Kennedy preparing to take on Marcos in electoral challenge in the 1980s.

All around the world, the US has been playing games to gain allies, using whatever locals we could, crooks, murderers, whatnots.

Biden's son Hunter is his front man, bag man, selling off US citizen's interests, selling out the USA. Biden has blood on his hands for leaving Afghanistan the way he did.

I rank Putin right up there with Hillary and Joe. Zelensky is not a long-time nor big player. Not anything like Soros or Putin, Biden or Hillary or Xi.

I think what we are seeing is the take-down of the USA as the BMOC globally, aimed at a multilateral Pax Britannica under the UN cover. We are supposed to keep us the technological edge and actual superior military in this game, but act like we are too damn stupid to use it.

This is where we flush the chumps who won't walk the line on the new order. Putin might be one of those chumps. Xi might be another.

But actually we want Russia to align with us and the West as part of the ring of fire that will contain China.. That is why the Nordstream pipe was approved. Trump would not have done that. We want Zelensky to appease Russia and slide back into obscurity. We don't care about Russia having the Crimea and the Donbas.

Ukraine is naturally in the Russian cultural sphere, on some huge issues like Eastern Orthodoxy and modern materialism beliefs and authoritarian culture, but there have been some really bad things like Stalin starving the Ukraine in the 1930s to keep them from rising up even then. I think I like the Ukraine being their own people and own nation, and non-aligned.

There is no war worth fighting for Ukraine except their own cause for independence.

The saga of Forest Gump continues.

babe was everywhere. He has claimed to have direct ties to the British royal family, direct ties to LDS church leadership, studied MJ in college as like a chemistry major or whatnot, now he was in the Philippines and had UN informants. Is up in the mountains with his cows seeing shady aircraft activities and such. The guy actually makes Forest Gump seem like he had a boring life.
The right wing hate towards China seems either stupid and/or fake to me. China didn’t create Nike, Apple, and all the thousands of other brands that make crap cheaply in China. American manufacturers decided they could increase profits by moving their stuff overseas. Why are we mad at China because our companies found cheap *** labor? And while I wouldn’t mind bringing some manufacturing back, I also don’t want to pay higher prices for stuff. All those Fox News segments about milk and gas inflation? Imagine if Detroit had to produce iPhones? TVs? Cotton t shirts? How much more expensive would they be if they were made here seeing how our wages are easily 5x that of their Chinese counterparts not to mention health insurance?

It seems ironic to me that the same people bitching about China would also be bitching about paying higher prices for products that could otherwise be made super cheap with the labor used (exploited) in China by American companies.

Want to hurt China economically? Demand that Nike and others make their **** here and agree to pay 5x more for stuff.
The right wing hate towards China seems either stupid and/or fake to me. China didn’t create Nike, Apple, and all the thousands of other brands that make crap cheaply in China. American manufacturers decided they could increase profits by moving their stuff overseas. Why are we mad at China because our companies found cheap *** labor? And while I wouldn’t mind bringing some manufacturing back, I also don’t want to pay higher prices for stuff. All those Fox News segments about milk and gas inflation? Imagine if Detroit had to produce iPhones? TVs? Cotton t shirts? How much more expensive would they be if they were made here seeing how our wages are easily 5x that of their Chinese counterparts not to mention health insurance?

It seems ironic to me that the same people bitching about China would also be bitching about paying higher prices for products that could otherwise be made super cheap with the labor used (exploited) in China by American companies.

Want to hurt China economically? Demand that Nike and others make their **** here and agree to pay 5x more for stuff.
The world will be better off, by a lot, once affluence is spread more evenly around the world.

China gaining production demand has led to a modernization of their production, which has required more and more skilled labor, which has led to ever increasing wages. American style consumerism is taking hold in China. That is a win for American culture, it is something "the west" has been trying to infect the entire world with and it is working. Once Chinese workers start demanding higher and higher wages that will open the door for India to become the next ultra cheep production center of the world. Once the process repeats there and affluence starts to grow in India then I suspect African nations will become the next option for ultra cheap labor. It might take the better part of the next 100 years but affluence will spread. It will be easier and easier for nations to go from cheap unskilled labor to automation and more highly skilled labor.

China doesn't just make crap anymore. They can make any quality of thing their customer wants to pay for. The thing is that so many companies go there so that they can get the lowest possible price. In the U.S. you already have to pay so much for labor that if you're going to make it here you might as well make a more premium product and slap a big bold "made in the USA" sticker on it. You can absolutely make the same quality product in China, and you can do it for less then you can do it for in the U.S., but so many companies go there specifically to make cheaper products at the expense of quality.
The saga of Forest Gump continues.

babe was everywhere. He has claimed to have direct ties to the British royal family, direct ties to LDS church leadership, studied MJ in college as like a chemistry major or whatnot, now he was in the Philippines and had UN informants. Is up in the mountains with his cows seeing shady aircraft activities and such. The guy actually makes Forest Gump seem like he had a boring life.
It is all starting to make sense:
