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The Orchestration of the Professional Tank

The Pearl

Active Member
When trying to analyze the Jazz's early season woes from the charity stripe, it finally hit me, that the real reason for the craftsman like brick laying is that is an organizational wide "stealth" plan to enhance the probability of losing a game without the appearance of actually trying to do so. There is no easier way to ensure keeping the score close. It is the perfect deception plan, much like the Allies various deception plans during WWII to disguise the actual target being Normandy. Well into the invasion, the Germans still believed the Pas De Calais was the actual target. Kudos to the team. They are pulling it off masterfully. Plenty of players pretending to be pissed and mystified when shot after shot clanks off the iron. Ty holding his head in his hands and rubbing his forehead after each attempt gone awry and than pointing to the reason for the loss directly at the free throw line. Ha, Ha, like hiding your porn right in the wife's sock draw. And through all this, Dennis Lindsey sitting in the stands staring into space, like he is bluffing Teddy KGB with Grandma standing by ready to snap his legs.

I would not be surprised if Larry H. Miller himself reappeared at the draft lottery.