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The Perfect Movie

Is it true that people who love japanimation movies also squeeze them out to the porn versions to?

Life doesn't get much lower than touching yourself while watchin cartoons.
Good list. There are some I don't know but I will definitely take a look at them. I read more mangas than I watch animes though. I seriously doubt you didn't watch or read Monster but if you haven't you definitely should. Takehiko Inoue's Slam Dunk(also an anime), Vagabond, Real are great mangas too.

And Mushi-shi is my favorite series. I didn't think I would meet anyone who liked it.

I used to read a lot of manga, but not so much anymore. My favorites are Berserk, Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou, Vagabond (props again for your good taste), Monster (yes, I both read and watched it), Akira, Hellsing, and X/1999.

Mushi-Shi is #2 on my list. I also recommend it to people above Texhnolyze because Texhnolyze is so inaccessible, while Mushi-Shi is great for everyone. If you don't like Mushi-Shi there's something wrong with you. Also, FWIW Kino's Journey is the closest thing to Mushi-Shi that I know of, so if you haven't seen it, put it high on your list (it's also only thirteen episodes).

Oh, and if you plan to get into Texhnolyze, a few things to keep in mind. First, it's really really slow, especially near the beginning. In the first episode no one talks for the first eleven minutes -- at all -- and it also takes the show as a whole about seven or eight episodes to get going. Second, it's friggin' confusing. I've watched it five times, and I still don't "get it," or at least not all of it. It takes at least four or five episodes before you start feeling like you have a vague idea of what's going on. Third, watch the dub if you can. There is so much going on visually in this show and it's so confusing already that reading subtitles is a bummer and will probably detract from the experience (great voice acting on the English version, too). Last, try to go in with as few expectations as possible and enjoy the show for what it is, because it can be the best show you've ever seen or just seem incredibly slow, dense, and boring depending on how you approach it.

Good luck. PM me if you want to talk about any of this further.
What are the odds on a Jazz board. I've posted anime-related stuff here before, no one really cares. :p ...

I used to read a lot of manga, but not so much anymore. My favorites are Berserk, ...

Never had conversation about it with the old poster The Black Swordsman? (Where is he anyway? I know that he will come with a different account. Did he yet?)

BTW it's my favorite too. But first place belongs to Conan in the world of ink.

Actually, yeah, the original Batman was really good, another one I forgot. Heath Ledger was a great Joker, but so was Jack.

My first ever movie to see on theaters. It resides in one of the most special parts of my brain.
My top 15: (though not in order)

Super troopers


Dark knight

what about bob

Goodwill hunting (watched this again last night, caught it while flipping channels)

Million dollar baby

a river runs through it

legends of the fall

a few good men

shawshank redemption

last boy scout (thanks for that one frank, very underrated movie)

Fight club

happy gillmore


The 4th Kind (my favorite scary movie of all time)

Honorable mention, but wouldn't go on my top movies list, The Green Mile.
I really dislike Tim Burton. Personally, I think all of his movies suck.

Oh, and Nolan's Batman's are awesome. Especially Batman Begins, that might be my favorite one of the series.
a couple of others

Forrest Gump

Sleepers (brad pitt, kevin bacon, dustin hoffman, robert deniro, and maybe keifer sutherland)
As for The Last Boy Scout........ i was watching that movie when i had my first "real" kiss. She was soooo hot too. So i might be bias to that movie :)
After 9 pages, I gotta bring the good goods. Don't deny that you loved this movie:

Aren't you the biggest Jessica Alba fan in the world? I seem to recall posting an Alba pic = autorep from you.

Ah, you're thinking of Into the Blue. The goddess known as Jessica Alba is the only reason to watch that movie.
So many good mentions in this thread. I have to add this:

- Roman Holiday
- To Kill A Mockingbird
- Charade
- North by Northwest
- African Queen
- Westside Story (yes, a musical)
- White Christmas
- It's a Wonderful Life
- The Magnificent Seven

...and many more. Yes, they're long-- because they actually spend time on story arc, character development, etc.-- but there are lots of classic films I can see over and over again.

For the sake of argument, there have been some really exceptional films lately. Life of Pi, The Descendents, The Artist, and Gravity come to mind. This is totally personal taste, but I have also re-watched (and will re-watch) The Tree of Life and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

My embarrassing guilty pleasure: I will immediately watch absolutely anything reviewed by MST3K-- the shi**ier, the better.
Never had conversation about it with the old poster The Black Swordsman? (Where is he anyway? I know that he will come with a different account. Did he yet?)

BTW it's my favorite too. But first place belongs to Conan in the world of ink.

My first ever movie to see on theaters. It resides in one of the most special parts of my brain.
Yeah, I certainly noticed TBS had a Berserk avatar, I mentioned I liked it. I think he said he liked Claymore, Hellsing, and Death Note. But anyway, Berserk is coming out so slowly now that I stopped keeping up with it, it's all downhill after the Hill of Swords in vol 23 or so anyway. If he actually finishes it I'll read the whole thing again.

As for Batman being your first movie to see in theatres... not the same thing, but for me Fellowship of the Ring was the best theatre experience I ever had, bar none, in large part because I went in with such low expectations. I was so sure they couldn't capture LOTR that when they pretty much managed it I was blown away. I was in a daze for hours after seeing that movie. Doubt that first viewing will ever be equaled in my life.
So many good mentions in this thread. I have to add this:

- Roman Holiday
- To Kill A Mockingbird
- Charade
- North by Northwest
- African Queen
- Westside Story (yes, a musical)
- White Christmas
- It's a Wonderful Life
- The Magnificent Seven

...and many more. Yes, they're long-- because they actually spend time on story arc, character development, etc.-- but there are lots of classic films I can see over and over again.

For the sake of argument, there have been some really exceptional films lately. Life of Pi, The Descendents, The Artist, and Gravity come to mind. This is totally personal taste, but I have also re-watched (and will re-watch) The Tree of Life and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

My embarrassing guilty pleasure: I will immediately watch absolutely anything reviewed by MST3K-- the shi**ier, the better.

Some good oldies here I forgot. Also, for me add Singin' in the Rain and The Court Jester.