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The Shot

I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was 8 years old, and my brother and I were jumping up and down in our living room just like Stockton, Malone, Horny and the rest. Honestly one of the best memories of my life.
I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was 8 years old, and my brother and I were jumping up and down in our living room just like Stockton, Malone, Horny and the rest. Honestly one of the best memories of my life.
Such memories are worth more than gold! My brother and I treasure them. And we are waiting for new big victories!
It has been 25 years (yesterday) since The Shot by John Stickton to send the Jazz to the NBA Finals. One of the greatest days of my life.
in those days the sky was the limit and anything seemingly possible. To a point - the NBA had a “Stern” taskmaster in those days with officials posted at the Championship gate to deny us ultimate access. How ironic that nowadays when the gatekeepers are less conspicuous and small markets getting through, we’re just frankly not good enough.
We were watching this at my house, my sister and BIL and mom and dad and my wife and I. Kids in bed. We screamed and yelled so much that the nosy neighbor down the street complained about it for a week. It was easily the best Jazz moment ever. Although in retrospect it is pretty sad that the shot that sent us to the finals is our franchise's absolute high-point.

I seriously doubt we will get a ring in my lifetime, but I do hope to see at least one more moment like this in our future. Hopefully our near future.