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The Solution.

what solution?

Is this team going to make the playoffs? Most likely

Are they going to win a round or two? Likely

Mission accomplished for Greg Miller. Rinse. Repeat.

Pretty much sums it up. As long as we keep making the playoffs, many Jazz fans are happy. Because we can say that the Jazz have made it to the playoffs for 15 years in a row!!!!
Fes has his faults, but he should be in the starting line up.

Deron - CJ - AK - Sap - Fes is a lot more balanced and effective starting 5 then what we currently have.
Fes has his faults, but he should be in the starting line up.

Deron - CJ - AK - Sap - Fes is a lot more balanced and effective starting 5 then what we currently have.

Like your thinking. May go with jefferson over Sap. Then you can have millsap and Okur off the bench. obviously our poor playing ways is not solely because Fes is not playing, but have the Fes haters noticed that ever since Okur came back and Fes is relegated to blow outs we are worse. Fes does effect us positively on defense and on offense he is usally looking to pass and not hold the ball for 15 seconds like Jefferson and completely kill any motion on offense.
I am all for starting Fes or playing him 20 min per game or whatever. Just frigging do something different for hells sake! This "let them lose 60% of their games while they work their way out of it" philosophy of Sloans, that we have seen lose so many games in the past with, is just getting old. Do something different that is all I ask. Then even if we miss the playoffs at least it feels like we really tried as an organization and I can live with that. Much harder to live with them simply watching the ship sink and doing nothing, trying nothing.
Pretty much sums it up. As long as we keep making the playoffs, many Jazz fans are happy. Because we can say that the Jazz have made it to the playoffs for 15 years in a row!!!!

I'm not happy just making the playoffs but it could be worse we could be Clips fans the last 25 years. I don't think most Jazz fans are just happy making the playoffs. If you don't make the playoffs you don't have a chance to to win it all. What makes me mad is we don't match up well at all with the Lakers we lose every year to them in the playoffs and yet KOC doesn't do anything to help us match up better. But on the bright side unlike the clips. We do compete year in and out. Any jazz fan happy just making the playoffs in not a real jazz fan
Well, I was just reading tweets of Jazz beat reporter B.Smith ( https://twitter.com/#!/tribjazz ) and found some interesting, really important posts, like:
- Comment Friday night by Celtics' Garnett holds weight: Other teams know exactly what Jazz are running. And Utah's not running it well.

- Jazz's Williams said Utah might not have the pieces it needs for its offensive system. Team was better suited for system last year.

- Jazz's Williams: "We're trying to run half of a system and then half just freelance."

- Jazz's Williams made a very strong point today: It's not Utah's lack of consistency in starting lineup that's the problem; it's the pieces.

- Jazz's Sloan traced Utah's struggles back to when Okur returned. Obviously not putting blame on Okur, but said it started then.

- Blog: Interview — Jazz's Williams 'We had a better mesh of guys' https://bit.ly/hLtNxf

Can anyone find a quote where Deron pointed the finger at himself? I would be astonished to see it.
Fes is garbage. A total goof with a crappy work ethic, and worse hands than Ostertag.


Time to ship his sorry a$$. His development time will take even longer than CJ's, and still will never reach his full potential if he even had one. :$

Time to ship his sorry a$$. His development time will take even longer than CJ's, and still will never reach his full potential if he even had one. :$

You mean the $1 million dollar backup second round draft pick? He does have a +3 on the year. Things have been going so much better since Okur has gotten back :)
You mean the $1 million dollar backup second round draft pick? He does have a +3 on the year. Things have been going so much better since Okur has gotten back :)

I agree with you on that one, but seeing him underneath the basket is much worse than when AK is driving to the hoop (who is one of my favorite Jazz players beside Memo & D-Will). He just can't catch the ball, simple as that. I wish we traded him and kept Kosta, even having Araujo would be better than having Fesenko and this is coming from another european, if you know what I mean.
The solution is to extend AK for 3 more years and make him the starting SF at 8 mil/year. Even if other teams come asking for his services we should refuse all trades and hang onto him at any cost. Continuity is important. I am sure the Millers will love this idea