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The Sports Xchange: Al Jefferson Jazz MVP

Who else would be MVP?

Hayward? The guy who didn't show up for the 1st half of the season?
Harris? The guy who didn't show up for the 1st half of the season?
Millsap? The guy who disappeared for large stretches of the season?

Jefferson was far and away our most consistent and important player, despite his defensive flaws.
Who else would be MVP?

Hayward? The guy who didn't show up for the 1st half of the season?
Harris? The guy who didn't show up for the 1st half of the season?
Millsap? The guy who disappeared for large stretches of the season?

Jefferson was far and away our most consistent and important player, despite his defensive flaws.

That's a fair point. I think it should read, "The Utah Jazz, the MVP'less team."

... or, "Raja Bell, the unMVP."
Who else would be MVP?

Hayward? The guy who didn't show up for the 1st half of the season?
Harris? The guy who didn't show up for the 1st half of the season?
Millsap? The guy who disappeared for large stretches of the season?

Jefferson was far and away our most consistent and important player, despite his defensive flaws.

his ballhoggery was holding back a freeflowing TEAM offense.
the TEAM would have been the mvp
Not sure how anyone can dispute the article:

"Big Al was the most consistent offensive player for the Jazz, and the closest thing the team had to a star."

It's not saying he was a STAR, just the closest thing. Led the team in points, rebounds, and blocks. He has LOTS of flaws but he was definitely our MVP last year.
What is wrong with this article? Utah is a team without a star and Al Jefferson was the best player on the team. He is also the "most valuable" because who could have replaced his role in the offense? Do you think Utah would have finished above .500 or anywhere close to the playoffs if you had Kanter playing big minutes night in and night out?
If the Jazz had an MVP it would be Jefferson; however, he's only holding on to that distinction until Favors gets more playing time.
Deron Williams.

Without him, we wouldn't have Favors and Kanter to look forward to.

Could you imagine the hell he'd be going through right now knowing that Deron was about to bail to Dallas and we had nothing more than Millsap, Jefferson, Fess, and Raja Bell to show for it?

Of course Big Al is our MVP, that will be the reason we resign him when his contract is up. I can't wait to see the melt down on this board when that happens.:)
Who else would be MVP?

Hayward? The guy who didn't show up for the 1st half of the season?
Harris? The guy who didn't show up for the 1st half of the season?
Millsap? The guy who disappeared for large stretches of the season?

Jefferson was far and away our most consistent and important player, despite his defensive flaws.

He was very consistent on defense as well, consistently horrible.
Deron Williams.

Without him, we wouldn't have Favors and Kanter to look forward to.

Could you imagine the hell he'd be going through right now knowing that Deron was about to bail to Dallas and we had nothing more than Millsap, Jefferson, Fess, and Raja Bell to show for it?


Or KOC, who traded up to get Deron then traded him when he said he wasn't coming back.
wtf did you all forget the season?
short term memory?
or are you just building jefferson up to up his trade value.

jefferson had good stats but he is wrong for the team.
did you forget his defeatist attitude, did you forgot his alck of defense?
yet he played 30+ minute shwile fvaors rotted on the bench.
jefferson did more damage than good