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The Trout Man Commeth...


My Member's Premium
Greetings Friends, Semi-Nobles, and Utah Fans,

As many of you already know, I am running for a City Council seat in Taylorsville’s 3rd district. I have been faithfully attending council meetings for over a year, and the need for change on the council is very clear. Money is being spent poorly, our officers are not being taken care of, and the people aren’t being heard. Meanwhile, Mayor Wall and those who depend on him for their political survival, make many of the decisions that affect Taylorsville families behind closed doors and in secret. These kinds of backdoor shenanigans will not stand, man. If elected, I plan to devote a large chunk of my efforts to making the Taylorsville government more transparent and accountable. I think it is important to ensure that our elected officials are serving the interests of the citizens rather than the interests those with political agendas.

I believe that after the election we can hit the ground running and quickly get this ship turned around. I already have the support of two current council members, as well as a good relationship with Judge Kwan and the Chief of Police. Many of the local Firefighters and Police Officers, as well as other public servants that are committed to making Taylorsville great, also support me and my goals.

District 3’s primary election is coming up in a few weeks, and to run a successful campaign I have to put up signs, maintain a website, and generally spend a lot of time and money in order to be heard by as many people as possible. To be honest, those activities are expensive on a regular guy’s budget. As a result, I am passionately asking for your support. A donation of any size will help me buy signs, have letters made, buy postage, and more. I know times are tough and I understand how far your hard earned dollars need to go, so I understand if you're not able to help out this time. On the flip side, if you can, every nickel helps put us one step closer to a better tomorrow for Taylorsville and its residents. All donations are fully tax deductible and I will provide receipts upon request.

Follow the link above to donate via paypal. It's fast, safe, and easy.

If you'd prefer to send a check:

Dave Ballou for City Council
6498 Appomattox Way
Taylorsville, UT 84123

Please take a peek at my website and leave me some feedback. I’d like to know your thoughts, gripes, etc. www.VoteBallou.com

Again, thank you so much for your time and efforts, it really does mean the world to me. Hopefully, when it's all said and done, Will Rogers will have said it best, "A fool and his money are soon elected."


Good luck. Since I live in a state (CA) and city (Los Angeles) which are both unsalvageable, I admire your morals and naivete. There's no doubt in my mind you'll be quickly corrupted once the booze and hookers start coming your way. Just make sure the opposition doesn't get hold of any of your previous posts or pics on Jazzfanz.

Which gives me a great idea...hey Jason, I know how you can support this site for life!
It'll be a shame when some of your old jazzfanz posts are brought out late in the campaign to smear you.
I sure hope nobody turns them into posters and puts them up in Taylorsville. That would be below the belt.
Some feedback on the site.
I think your slideshow should move just a touch slower, which will allow people to read what you have put up there and think about it before it moves on.

Just my opinion, oh, and here's a grain of salt too.
sorry troutman. if you where running in my city or hometown i would support u.

for now i say screw you :p.

just joking, good luck with running.
I wish you good luck. I think it would be great if you won and kept us all informed of your experiences.
The last picture in your slide show reveals your tendency for cruelty to animals. That may come back to bite you in the ***. Of course, I say **** the fish, so it doesn't bother me.

I agree with Spazz too that it goes just a touch too fast.

Good luck.
The last picture in your slide show reveals your tendency for cruelty to animals. That may come back to bite you in the ***. Of course, I say **** the fish, so it doesn't bother me.

I agree with Spazz too that it goes just a touch too fast.

Good luck.

there's a difference between hurting cats and fish.

one makes you a psychopath the other a redneck :p
definitely slow DOWN the slide show... and you need something that will separate you from the pack... your current campaign looks pretty vanilla, if you ask me. Although, I know your "Outsider Mentality" is sincere, others don't and that might be your main issue.

To be honest I don't think you'll win this time, although I'm not familiar with the inner workings of Taylorsville politics. But if you pull this off right and make a name for yourself in local politics.... you'll have a good chance in future elections

And I'll pledge a couple bones to the trout campaign.
I tried to donate 75 cents but I don't think it went through right.
and I don't think the slideshow goes too fast - they're adorable pictures of you and your family but I don't think folks need to study them for any length of time.

maybe add a little bit more information about yourself - how long you've lived in town (and if it's only been a short while, make that a positive that you'll bring a "fresh" perspective or something), any other community involvement (work or volunteer experience), a couple of specific issues - stuff like that.
And include the DATE of the election somewhere!

Good luck!
Good feedback fella's, I'll get right on that. As for the shocker of the day, SimpleHeel is my top donator. I suppose this means I should start being nice to him. Lame.

As for people smearing me, I say go for it. I got nothin' to hide. (except the stuff that is hidden)
You're my hero, dude.

How long has your site been up and what kind of traffic are you getting?

It has only been up for a few days. It still has some kinks and I'm still trying to figure out how NOT to sound like my normal *** wipe self -- so far, that's been rough. I have no idea what kind of traffic I'm getting, but seriously, I don't think many people will give a dump about the site. I have to do some mailers and some signage around my district, which is which I think will be the most effective, but that crap gets expensive.