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The Walking Dead

great show, just one thing tho. how does the united states fking army, with all its technology and weapons and man power, get owned by dead rotting corpses going 1mph? do they not have razor wire?
Haha just had a zombie Walken moment. Your looking at me all wrong.... do it again and..... I'll eat your brains.
I missed the premiere. Was it any good? I felt like last season every episode got worse and worse and worse.
Started off great I thought... Then commercials started hitting every 3-4 minutes. Started dragging *** but I thought the ending was pretty good.
yeah the ending suprised me
The commercials for it showed him carrying his boy so you knew it was coming, the only thing was how, which yes that was surprising not that it happened but how, but again I knew it had to be coming from the commercials for the premier.
Caught this for the first time last night. Run around, hide, and kill some zombz. Rinse and repeat. Do I got it?
Is there anyone other than Kicky who has read the books? I read them this summer and really enjoyed them, so much so that I have moved on to another "zombie" book, "World War Z", which is a great read.
I need a new show. I tried Breaking Bad a year ago but gave up after a couple episodes. I'll try that one again at some point as I seem to recall Kicky saying give it 'til episode three but 'til that time, I want to try something new. Do you guys strongly recommend The Walking Dead? I love Mad Men and The Killing, also on AMC if it means anything.
I need a new show. I tried Breaking Bad a year ago but gave up after a couple episodes. I'll try that one again at some point as I seem to recall Kicky saying give it 'til episode three but 'til that time, I want to try something new. Do you guys strongly recommend The Walking Dead? I love Mad Men and The Killing, also on AMC if it means anything.

I enjoy "The Walking Dead", but I don't strongly recommend it. I do STRONGLY recommend Breaking Bad. Like you, I loved "The Wire". I put "Breaking Bad" right there with it. Get into the second season and you're hooked.
I agree with it dragging on after a while. The first hour or so, I was glued to the tv and then I found myself cleaning up around the house and doing other things during the second hour.
The commercials for it showed him carrying his boy so you knew it was coming, the only thing was how, which yes that was surprising not that it happened but how, but again I knew it had to be coming from the commercials for the premier.

yeha that's why i download(legally just saying seeing as some people consider me a pirate). so i never turn on a tv never see 1 commercial. except when i wathc nbaLP.
anyways so no i did not see it comming. no previews from next episodes either!
So, since I updated the Dexter thread, I might as well update the thread for the other show I watch. I don't have much time for TV so I only follow a couple of series, this year it is Dexter and The Walking Dead (and I have ordered DVD's for Breaking Bad, since it is getting such good press on JF).

Any thoughts on the season so far?

I like where it is headed to a point. For me a sticking point is that, if the walking dead are just what we have been told, which is truly dead people, then really this show only has about a 6-month to a year true timeline. After that the bodies would be so decomposed they couldn't do any damage. They couldn't walk around, definitely couldnt bite hard enough to tear skin (try doing that, it ain't easy). They would be heaps of goo with bones and the occasionaly waggling jaw and rolling weepy eye.

Anyway, because of that thought, much of their trials seems fabricated to increase the drama. I did like the twist at the end of the last epsiode however, with the discovery in the barn. Wtf? No wonder the old man wanted them to move along. How psycho is this guy gonna turn out to be anyway?

I thought that Daryl's experience was crazy. He is a tough ********* He is one of my favorite charaters so I hope they don't kill him off.

So I have liked the season so far. The timeline for each episode is right to help drag that 6-month to a year timeframe out for a few seasons. I am glad they have been able to keep the melodrama to a minimum, as this could easily devolve into "Days of Our Lives" + Zombies.

So, predictions? Will they find the girl? Will Merle turn up again for real and not just in hallucination form? Is it Shane's or Rick's baby?

(my thoughts: Yes they will find the girl. No Merle will not turn up again, but becomes for Daryl what Harry is for Dexter. I think it is Shane's baby.)