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This is how I know America is dead.

This video is for entertainment purposes only.
Good video share.
It seems the far left are shifting about as far left as you can go.

How about we all meet each other in the middle of the Constitution??

Wait..... what Constitution?
I swear, I just took a dump and a cute little fart sneaked out and it sounded just like ol' Pete: Corporate Profits.

America is dead because any moron can go interview another bunch of morons, ask equally moronic questions and then edit the responses to fit his ridiculous script -- only to then put the video up on YouTube for yet another group of morons to salivate over and say, "See, this is why America is dead!!! LOL!1"? If that's the case then yes, I totally agree with you.
Good video share.
It seems the far left are shifting about as far left as you can go.

How about we all meet each other in the middle of the Constitution??

Wait..... what Constitution?

The difference being is that the far left is the . . . "far" left, while the far right is now the mainstream Republican party.

The left-wing kooks are a marginal force in American politics today, while the right-wing kooks are driving the Republican bus.
I swear, I just took a dump and a cute little fart sneaked out and it sounded just like ol' Pete: Corporate Profits.

America is dead because any moron can go interview another bunch of morons, ask equally moronic questions and then edit the responses to fit his ridiculous script -- only to then put the video up on YouTube for yet another group of morons to salivate over and say, "See, this is why America is dead!!! LOL!1"? If that's the case then yes, I totally agree with you.

This quote just salivates with the typical McDonalds/Walmart conversation, while picking out which happy meal/easy cheese they should be inhaling for the evening.
The difference being is that the far left is the . . . "far" left, while the far right is now the mainstream Republican party.

The left-wing kooks are a marginal force in American politics today, while the right-wing kooks are driving the Republican bus.

They're all kooks, and that's why I'm a constitutionalist.
They're all kooks, and that's why I'm a constitutionalist.

As are most of the rest of us. We all revere the constitution as the cornerstone founding document to this great nation. You don't love/revere it any more or less than we, or millions upon millions other other Americans, do. The difference is that many of us also see the Constitution for what it is; a document akin to a political Bible in which people project their hopes, fears, beliefs, opinions, biases, prejudices, etc., and that it no more a crystal clear roadmap to much of anything than the actual Bible is. It is a living document that gets redefined and reinterpreted over time in line with societal, political, economic etc. changes, the vast majority of which the Founders, as wise as they might have been, could in no way have foreseen. Strict Constitutional constructionist interpret and put their spin on the document no less than do most other people; only they like to pat themselves on the back and pretend they really are different than the rest. They are not. You are not. It would be a big help if you, and the rest of those who think that they have some kind of pipeline into what the Constitution 'actually' says, would admit as much.
I do like what you have to say here, but I see the constitution for what it is.
A blueprint for the right of not becoming a slave.
The only thing that has changed from the daily life of a founder to now, is the technology factor, and the instant information factor.
The constitution lists how to keep a countries people free, with checks and balances of government.
The same checks and balances that have been eroded into agencies like the NSA, IRS, and TSA.
The same rights that we no longer have, in order to save face for the big bad president of the time..... and his cute little executive orders that control congress and the people in contrast.
I do like what you have to say here, but I see the constitution for what it is.
A blueprint for the right of not becoming a slave.
The only thing that has changed from the daily life of a founder to now, is the technology factor, and the instant information factor.
The constitution lists how to keep a countries people free, with checks and balances of government.
The same checks and balances that have been eroded into agencies like the NSA, IRS, and TSA.
The same rights that we no longer have, in order to save face for the big bad president of the time..... and his cute little executive orders that control congress and the people in contrast.

Ok, I think I understand you a bit better now. I agree that certain aspects of the way our system operates can chip away incrementally at our 'freedoms,' but where I disagree is that I think these are largely minuscule in scope individually and pretty slight collectively. Plus I still think you're a bit paranoid and extreme, but what the hell?

BTW, what you doing up so late on this website?
Ok, I think I understand you a bit better now. I agree that certain aspects of the way our system operates can chip away incrementally at our 'freedoms,' but where I disagree is that I think these are largely minuscule in scope individually and pretty slight collectively. Plus I still think you're a bit paranoid and extreme, but what the hell?

BTW, what you doing up so late on this website?

It has incrementally chipped away at our freedoms, and does everyday.

Am I really that extreme to read bills like the Patriot Act and NDAA, (where citizens can legally be tortured and imprisoned without a trail, or even assassinated) and point out what these bills actually say?

Is it that paranoid to pay attention to what's actually passed in congress/signed by the president, and comment about it a little bit?

I suppose I'm just completely nuts to believe that the injustices that happened during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina could never happen to any of us during any kind of national emergency.

And to answer your question, I had a couple days off from work this week and decided to stay up late and enjoy myself.
It has incrementally chipped away at our freedoms, and does everyday.

Am I really that extreme to read bills like the Patriot Act and NDAA, (where citizens can legally be tortured and imprisoned without a trail, or even assassinated) and point out what these bills actually say?

Is it that paranoid to pay attention to what's actually passed in congress/signed by the president, and comment about it a little bit?

I suppose I'm just completely nuts to believe that the injustices that happened during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina could never happen to any of us during any kind of national emergency.

And to answer your question, I had a couple days off from work this week and decided to stay up late and enjoy myself.

You and I are in agreement about the Patriot Act, NSA spying, NDAA, etc. I think there's probably a lot more we'd agree on if we sat down and had a few beers.

I hope you are enjoying your days off.