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This is why we want our cap space


Active Member
Jason Quick @jwquick about 16 minutes ago
If 3-team deal reported by @Ailene Voisin and @Sam Amick goes down, Blazers would absorb contract of C Robin Lopez and give up nothing.

Read more: https://hoopshype.com/twitter/media.html#ixzz2Y6ElxOAw

Portland gets Lopez for nothing. Simply because they have the cap room. Jazz will(should) be able to do something similar. I like Lopez and wish it was us and not Portland getting in on this. Perhaps throw the Kings a second rounder and steal him from Portland?
Portland is looking good.

Would not be shocked if we locked up last in the division this year.

Portland's biggest problem last season was their bench-- if they can hang onto Hickson and keep Sideshow Bob as a 3rd big, they could be pretty damn good
Portland is looking good.

Would not be shocked if we locked up last in the division this year.

Portland's biggest problem last season was their bench-- if they can hang onto Hickson and keep Sideshow Bob as a 3rd big, they could be pretty damn good

I would be ecstatic.
Jazz are in the market for a stretch 3/4 or just a 4.
Lopez wouldn't have worked since he's a C
Portland is looking good.

Would not be shocked if we locked up last in the division this year.

Portland's biggest problem last season was their bench-- if they can hang onto Hickson and keep Sideshow Bob as a 3rd big, they could be pretty damn good

This. I don't care at all who Portland or Sac got, just as long as they gotten better, that's all I care about. Increases our chance at Jabari/Wiggins.

Go Jazz!!
This. I don't care at all who Portland or Sac got, just as long as they gotten better, that's all I care about. Increases our chance at Jabari/Wiggins.

Go Jazz!!
Exactly! Let teams use up their cap room. I GUARANTEE better deals than Lopez will be available at the deadline when only a couple of teams will have straight cap space. This is great news because all three teams will be getting better. I know the Kings lost Tyreke, but they now have a true PG in Vasquez to pair up with McLemore. NOLA now has Tyreke Evans and Jrue. Portland replaces Hickson in the starting lineup with Lopez. These are three teams that now SHOULD have better records than the Jazz next season.
So looks like Boston and Philly are the top contenders for tanking. I'm actually making a list of the 16 or so contenders and summarizing off-season additions/subtractions. Thought I'd wait until at least Howard makes his decision. That could impact the list.
Exactly! Let teams use up their cap room. I GUARANTEE better deals than Lopez will be available at the deadline when only a couple of teams will have straight cap space. This is great news because all three teams will be getting better. I know the Kings lost Tyreke, but they now have a true PG in Vasquez to pair up with McLemore. NOLA now has Tyreke Evans and Jrue. Portland replaces Hickson in the starting lineup with Lopez. These are three teams that now SHOULD have better records than the Jazz next season.

Wow I'm feeling giddy about the Jazz already this year. Remember last year when KOC made those quick moves to grab Mo, Foye and Marv????

There's been NOTHING this year SO FAR!!! Looks like they're fully committed to this "youth movement" at least for this 1 year. And like you said - they can also grab a decent player at the trade deadline and stash him away for '14/15 season when we'll "make a run".

Boy, am I excited!!
So looks like Boston and Philly are the top contenders for tanking. I'm actually making a list of the 16 or so contenders and summarizing off-season additions/subtractions. Thought I'd wait until at least Howard makes his decision. That could impact the list.

Your list sounds awesome. After Howard decides will you be posting it?
Wow I'm feeling giddy about the Jazz already this year. Remember last year when KOC made those quick moves to grab Mo, Foye and Marv????

There's been NOTHING this year SO FAR!!! Looks like they're fully committed to this "youth movement" at least for this 1 year. And like you said - they can also grab a decent player at the trade deadline and stash him away for '14/15 season when we'll "make a run".

Boy, am I excited!!

Good points re: the speed at which we grabbed Mo and traded for Marvin. And KOC did make a quick offer to Foye, although Randy waited to see if he'd get more money/years before finally signing. Lindsey keeps saying you don't skip steps in rebuilding and the longer he waits to fill out the roster - and resist signing mid-tier FA's - the more I'm hoping he's doing everything he can to help Ty develop the youth, but still finish with a top-10 draft pick. KOC deserves credit too. There's been pressure on him to make trades and sign FA's, but he held firm on having almost all contracts expire this season. Marvin was his only "mistake" and I can't really fault him; I think it was worth the risk. Besides, his contract expires at precisely the time we need salary room for Favors and Hayward.
Looks like GS is getting desperate to try to trade some of their overpriced vets to try to land Howard. Anyone up for trading for the expiring contracts of Biedrins or Jefferson or perhaps even Bogut and get a first round pick or perhaps someone like Klay Thompson or Barnes?
Looks like GS is getting desperate to try to trade some of their overpriced vets to try to land Howard. Anyone up for trading for the expiring contracts of Biedrins or Jefferson or perhaps even Bogut and get a first round pick or perhaps someone like Klay Thompson or Barnes?

I'd do it. Make the warriors give us two future first round picks. Or just Barnes.
Looks like GS is getting desperate to try to trade some of their overpriced vets to try to land Howard. Anyone up for trading for the expiring contracts of Biedrins or Jefferson or perhaps even Bogut and get a first round pick or perhaps someone like Klay Thompson or Barnes?

I've been saying this for a few days now... trake on Biedrins & Jefferson - then swap our '14 pick for Harrison Barnes.

I think that's a fair deal all round. Plus we forego our "tank year" and can start going for the playoffs straight away.

I don't want to give up the 2014 pick for anything. We have no idea how good or bad this next season will be. I'd rather have a .005 shot at a top 3 pick than anything Golden State has to offer. The lottery next year is going to be stacked next year. Don't give that pick up. Make it a lottery protected 2015/2016 pick and I'm all in on a deal that brings us Harrison Barnes. I'd actually love it if they take Bogut for one year. Imagine what Favors could learn from him on the defensive side of the ball. If you can do it without giving up the pick, then all the better. Barnes would be a great asset to add to our young core. Core 4 becomes Core 6 in less than a month.

Derek Favors, Enes Kanter, Harrison Barnes, Gordon Hayward, Alec Burks and Trey Burke is a heck of a young lineup moving forward. Plus tge Jazz own Bird rights to all of them. if an elite star emerges, all the better. You take on the salary and make it happen. Then Golden State still has assets to move another expiring to the Hawks or Mavs.
I've been saying this for a few days now... trake on Biedrins & Jefferson - then swap our '14 pick for Harrison Barnes.

I think that's a fair deal all round. Plus we forego our "tank year" and can start going for the playoffs straight away.


Stop! We are not giving up the pick in 2014! We could pretend to give it to them but it would need to be lottery protected! Or even top 20 protected!