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Thomas who??? How did I miss this?


the Chief Old D'oh
a/k/a the third President of the United States...
and the name of the first grammar school I attended!

so apparently this past spring, the Texas state board of education voted to adopt a new social studies curriculum than minimizes the role played by Thomas Jefferson, and omits his writings from the curriculum, in part because he was a staunch supporter of the separation of church and state.

they've also decided to cut Justice Thurgood Marshall out of the picture as well...

and one consequence of this is that because Texas is such a major purchaser of textbooks, which are being rewritten to fit the new curriculum, other states may feel forced to go along - or at least it may cost them more if they don't


Posted: Saturday, Sep. 11, 2010
Texas Schools-Social Studies

Texas education board member Ken Mercer votes on controversial changes to the state's history curriculum last May. AP FILE PHOTO
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This week California state senators sent Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger a bill that was prompted by actions in Texas. The bill would require that the California State Board of Education review all social studies textbooks up for adoption to make sure that they do not follow the new Texas curriculum....

Why does that matter to state senators in California?

Because textbook companies write texts to match the curricula of the largest textbook buyers - California, Texas, and Florida. Books tailored for Texas are likely to end up being the textbooks adopted by many other states, since writing different versions of the same textbook makes little economic sense for a publishing company.

If Californians want their children to know about Thurgood Marshall, for instance, they won't be able to read anything about him in a textbook tailored to the Texas curriculum. The board cut him out.

The Texas social studies curriculum's other omissions are equally alarming. The United States is not to be called a democracy, for instance, and Thomas Jefferson's role in the founding of the country is diminished. In March, one board member cut Jefferson out completely from a list of men who influenced 18th and 19th century revolutions and replaced him with Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin and William Blackstone.

In a list of influential musical styles, hip hop was cut while country music was kept - reflecting, suspiciously, the board members' personal tastes.

Perhaps more alarming are the clearly ideological additions and revisions. McCarthyism, for instance, is to be taught as a movement that confirmed the infiltration of Communists in the U.S. government...

Read more: https://www.charlotteobserver.com/2...right-to-authentic-history.html#ixzz0zhZtv6EW
Wait!!! Where are Marcus, Franklin, and Mullethack to tell us that the free market and privatization are good in all cases, forever amen?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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Wait!!! Where are Marcus, Franklin, and Mullethack to tell us that the free market is good in all cases, forever amen?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I think it is excellent that they erase all history of rap music. A positive step in the right direction.

Beyond that, I have to ask you AGAIN, what in the hell are you talking about??
I think it is excellent that they erase all history of rap music. A positive step in the right direction.

You mean the same broad historical experience that produced Jazz, Blues, Rock, Calypso, etc., etc? Yeah, they should take that **** out of the history books cause it don't mean diddly.

Beyond that, I have to ask you AGAIN, what in the hell are you talking about??

Does everything need to be spelled out for you. Go back to the original post you dolt.
Homeschooling has traditionally been the avenue of conservatives who dislike the supposedly too-liberal viewpoint of the public school curriculum. I wonder how long it will be before people start pulling their kids out of school, now that the right-wingers are forcing ruinously stupid changes like this onto schools.
Homeschooling has traditionally been the avenue of conservatives who dislike the supposedly too-liberal viewpoint of the public school curriculum. I wonder how long it will be before people start pulling their kids out of school, now that the right-wingers are forcing ruinously stupid changes like this onto schools.

It is not just this and it is also both sides. Davey Crockett is getting the boot as well. Jefferson is much more important in my view. Anyway, both sides should leave our history alone. This is one of the reasons the public school system is a failure.