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Tim Bridgewater vs Mike Lee

The Thriller

Well-Known Member
Who are you for and why? Who do you think will win?

Both these two are running ads on the tv. It seems like every commercial break features a Lee ad (I'm already tired of politics and it isn't even election time! lol).
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Never heard of either.

they're the two senators trying to take Bob Bennett's place. I consider myself a moderate and want to be an active and informed citizen. From what I've read, they appear mostly the same on the issues. But does anyone really know their backgrounds or know them personally? What are some of the board's opinions of these two?
It depends. Lee is supposedly the most fiscally conservative? I will take the guy who is the most fiscally conservative. I don't really care where he stands on the abortion issue or the marriage issue. We need more people who actually try to reign in the federal spending. Then again, someone could run as a fiscal conservative and be completely opposite. Happens all the time. For any liberals, George W Bush was not a fiscal conservative.
They pretty much mirror each other on every issue(which is a good thing because they seem to be thinking correctly) and they are both dorks so no Obama smooth talking here. For me, it's as simple as a Venture Capitalist vs. a Lawyer. I'll take the VC(Bridgewater) any day.
They pretty much mirror each other on every issue(which is a good thing because they seem to be thinking correctly) and they are both dorks so no Obama smooth talking here. For me, it's as simple as a Venture Capitalist vs. a Lawyer. I'll take the VC(Bridgewater) any day.

I don't like lawyers. I'll take the VC too.
You would be absolutely nuts to vote for a former lobbyist in Tim Bridgewater.
Not only is the guy a former lobbyist, but he's also now being indorsed by current Senator Bob Bennett.
Let's not forget Mr. Robert Bennett was "FOR" the banker bailout
It's obvious the Bennett is connected in Washington, and the fact that he's now endorsing Bridgewater shows his worth as well.

I'm going with Mike Lee, because I refuse to have another D.C. puppet representing Utah.
It's time to stop spending our familes, and future families into debt.
No more bailouts.