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Tough Day To Be In Law Enforcement

My answer to this is yes.

But let me ask another couple of questions

What is it that the radical left wants? What is it that the radical right wants?

What would a world look like if the radical left had all their wildest dreams come true?

Same question for the right.

My guesses? The left wants equality for everyone (though their methods of achieving it aren't always the best). They are against fascism, racism, etc. I think their perfect world everyone is equal, happy and peaceful.

The right wants to be superior to everyone else. They want guns and money. In their perfect world they would have everything they want at the expense of everyone else.


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What do they want? They don’t even know.

I mean don’t antagonize a cop who is simply trying to drive a vehicle. What’s he supposed to do? Sit there and wait hours until he runs out of gas? Yeah, the “protestors” have proven so peaceful in those situations.

The left has gotten so ****ing ridiculous about ****.
I agree with Joe Bagadonuts that the vast majority of Americans do not self identify with the far extremities radicals. And I regret seeing, like moths drawn to the light, that attention is more often drawn to those extremes, while the causes and approach taken by peaceful protestors, and the influence this social movement has had in inspiring social movements the world over, is overshadowed by extremists.

I also see, however, that thanks to Donald Trump, William Barr, and Fox News, when the subject of extremists derailing peaceful protests is emphasized, the emphasis is always placed, by the aforementioned, on Antifa groups.

Further, it’s now abundantly clear, from Trump’s remarks at Mt. Rushmore, that this president has no interest whatsoever in even mentioning the horrific violence visited upon Americans by far right extremists, like Boogaloo, for instance. Instead he has opted for a “we are in a civil war, and the left is public enemy #1” as his re-election narrative. So, we will see a continued absolute demonization of the left, by Trump and his minions, from now until November. It’s wrong. It’s very wrong. It amounts to Trump declaring war on Americans. He even suggested the supporters of social justice in America are trying to destroy America. I can’t help, given these facts, seeing Trump himself as the enemy of our republic.

On May 29, two federal security officers guarding a courthouse in Oakland, California, were ambushed by machine-gun fire as elsewhere in the city demonstrators marched peacefully to protest the killing of George Floyd. One of the guards, David Patrick Underwood, died as a result of the attack, and the other was wounded. For days, conservative news broadcasters pinned the blame on “antifa,” the loosely affiliated group of anti-fascist anarchists known to attack property and far-right demonstrators at protests. But the alleged culprit, apprehended a week later, turned out to be a 32-year-old Air Force sergeant named Steven Carrillo, the head of a squadron called the Phoenix Ravens, which guards military installations from terrorist attacks.
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This is a tough one to watch. And hear. One woman has since died.

Wasn't the driver black and the girls hit white? Not that color should have anything to do with it. What is the whole story here though? Was the freeway closed legally? Did the protesters have a permit to be on the freeway? If so then throw the book at the driver. If not, well, I was taught at a very early age (because presumably my parent loved me) not to play in the road.
Wasn't the driver black and the girls hit white? Not that color should have anything to do with it. What is the whole story here though? Was the freeway closed legally? Did the protesters have a permit to be on the freeway? If so then throw the book at the driver. If not, well, I was taught at a very early age (because presumably my parent loved me) not to play in the road.

I don’t have all the details yet. I see that the WSP had closed the highway in that section. But, thinking back, my folks sometimes said to me “why don’t you go play in the traffic?” Of course, that’s just an old joke adults use when they’re entertaining, and the kids are underfoot....
Just a few bad apples here. There’s no problem with law enforcement institutions. No reforms are necessary. Just a few bad apples.
Just a few bad apples here. There’s no problem with law enforcement institutions. No reforms are necessary. Just a few bad apples.

So try him for his crimes. The fact that he is wearing a uniform does not make other people who wear a uniform bad. I absolutely agree that we've got to hold cops to a high standard. If he really has gotten away with as much as being claimed let's figure out why and punish the people who facilitated it, but don't paint all cops as bad. We need good law enforcement officers.
So try him for his crimes. The fact that he is wearing a uniform does not make other people who wear a uniform bad. I absolutely agree that we've got to hold cops to a high standard. If he really has gotten away with as much as being claimed let's figure out why and punish the people who facilitated it, but don't paint all cops as bad. We need good law enforcement officers.
That answer sounds nice but obviously it is more than just a few bad police, its either a bad system or the a lot of them are bad. I agree that we need good cops. We also need cops with good training, good oversight, and a good system. The question is can we cut out the bad cops and change the system enough to fix it? I think we can but it is going to take more than just a few simple policy changes and a getting rid of a few bad cops.

This specific situation isnt just one bad apple, like you said. This is a lot of people that let this happen. It was documented and witnessed yet nothing happened. He was protected by his fellow officers. Everyone who witnessed it or had it reported to and did nothing should be punished.

Also the fact that in the majority of the USA states police can have "consensual sex" with people in their custody is despicable.
Just a few bad apples here. There’s no problem with law enforcement institutions. No reforms are necessary. Just a few bad apples.

There is so much to this and all the other "bad cops"

The people who he arrested for no reason or mistreated is a lot. Each time multiple other cops were present. There is also the fact that judges and other people outside his police office are helping protect people like this. Its very easy to guess there are 100s of people who made the bad choice to protect him and help him continue to be a bad person. I know many cops I talk to think that some of these types of actions are too far but the smaller wrong actions are no big deal. Roughing up a drug dealer because they can get away with it isnt bad to them. Its just them dishing out justice to who they decide are bad people. I think most cops want someone to fight back so they can justify hurting them.

That answer sounds nice but obviously it is more than just a few bad police, its either a bad system or the a lot of them are bad. I agree that we need good cops. We also need cops with good training, good oversight, and a good system. The question is can we cut out the bad cops and change the system enough to fix it? I think we can but it is going to take more than just a few simple policy changes and a getting rid of a few bad cops.

This specific situation isnt just one bad apple, like you said. This is a lot of people that let this happen. It was documented and witnessed yet nothing happened. He was protected by his fellow officers. Everyone who witnessed it or had it reported to and did nothing should be punished.

Also the fact that in the majority of the USA states police can have "consensual sex" with people in their custody is despicable.
I'm not sure it is legal for a police officer to have sex with people in their custody. It certainly should not be. If someone is suggesting it's legal because there is no specific law saying that they can't do it in some specific circumstance I think that's a stretch. Here's an article that partially addresses the issue:

Regarding the officer we were initially talking about, I will be interested to learn more about what actually went on and who knew about it. The people who knew about it while it was happening have some serious questions to answer. You may be right that the knowledge was widespread and maybe it will turn out that the problem is far greater than I believe. I look forward to a thorough investigation and punishment for anyone who has been involved in assisting or covering up these obvious wrongs.
Any of you guys hear about the guys in Indiana threatening to lynch a black dude? The video shows a bunch of drunken, deliverance looking red-necks that just ooze with being pieces of ****.
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I'm not sure it is legal for a police officer to have sex with people in their custody. It certainly should not be. If someone is suggesting it's legal because there is no specific law saying that they can't do it in some specific circumstance I think that's a stretch. Here's an article that partially addresses the issue:

Regarding the officer we were initially talking about, I will be interested to learn more about what actually went on and who knew about it. The people who knew about it while it was happening have some serious questions to answer. You may be right that the knowledge was widespread and maybe it will turn out that the problem is far greater than I believe. I look forward to a thorough investigation and punishment for anyone who has been involved in assisting or covering up these obvious wrongs.

Kind of sad that we actually need to enact a law for something that is fundamentally a bad idea for anyone with common sense.
I'm not sure it is legal for a police officer to have sex with people in their custody. It certainly should not be. If someone is suggesting it's legal because there is no specific law saying that they can't do it in some specific circumstance I think that's a stretch. Here's an article that partially addresses the issue:

Regarding the officer we were initially talking about, I will be interested to learn more about what actually went on and who knew about it. The people who knew about it while it was happening have some serious questions to answer. You may be right that the knowledge was widespread and maybe it will turn out that the problem is far greater than I believe. I look forward to a thorough investigation and punishment for anyone who has been involved in assisting or covering up these obvious wrongs.

Most of the article is discussing inmates and that's a different thing and situation that fortunately is not allowed. It's also fortunate that many states are closing the cop loophole. But they all should it's crazy we still haven't done that in 1900 let along now.

No law against is allowing it. If there was no law against rape at all then it would allow people to get away with it, that's the whole point. If you can't be punished because it's not illegal that allows it.

I agree it's wrong. It's allowed many police officers to rape and sexually assault people without charges. The worst that happens is the get fired for inappropriate behavior. But the reality is they can just apply at another police station and get hired. Or move to a different job without much ramification.

Obviously out right rape is banned but not sex in 35 states. But to me it's always rape if you're a cop on duty, especially if they are in your custody. Additionally it comes down to your word against the police or more often two police and they will win that almost everytime.

As far as the other part goes, I agree. There are far too many of these as well. How many police have serious accusations against them that get ignored?

Kind of sad that we actually need to enact a law for something that is fundamentally a bad idea for anyone with common sense.
Why? We have laws against most things illegal. But I guess I get the sentiment.

I guess the fact that courts have allowed it means we need to make it illegal. Obviously a court should have ruled it rape a long time ago because it is and that would have made it illegal.
Most of the article is discussing inmates and that's a different thing and situation that fortunately is not allowed. It's also fortunate that many states are closing the cop loophole. But they all should it's crazy we still haven't done that in 1900 let along now.

No law against is allowing it. If there was no law against rape at all then it would allow people to get away with it, that's the whole point. If you can't be punished because it's not illegal that allows it.

I agree it's wrong. It's allowed many police officers to rape and sexually assault people without charges. The worst that happens is the get fired for inappropriate behavior. But the reality is they can just apply at another police station and get hired. Or move to a different job without much ramification.

Obviously out right rape is banned but not sex in 35 states. But to me it's always rape if you're a cop on duty, especially if they are in your custody. Additionally it comes down to your word against the police or more often two police and they will win that almost everytime.

As far as the other part goes, I agree. There are far too many of these as well. How many police have serious accusations against them that get ignored?

I wonder if it's true, as you claim, that "many police officers" have had sex with people in their custody. If so that is really sick. I have a couple of friends from high-school who became cops. We've kept in touch over the years. I have great respect for these guys. I could not imagine them doing the sorts of things you and others are insinuating that cops do. It doesn't surprise me that there are some bad cops, though. I'm certain that some real dirtbags are attracted to the idea of carrying a gun and wielding power. Those sorts of people need to be removed from the police force, not only for the safety of the public but for the reputation of law enforcement. I think everyone is in agreement on this point. The area where I think there is a wide disparity of opinions concerns what percentage of the police force is dirty.