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Trade Big Al?


Well-Known Member
For who?
I keep hearing this from people here. It's easy to say "Trade him!", but you have to find a team that wants him and is willing to part with assets to get him.

So realistically, what could the jazz get in a Jefferson trade?
Part of what I would want in a trade is that they take Raja or Miles as well. Therefore I would want a SF/SG in return. As well as a 3rd string big. Just in case.
For who?
I keep hearing this from people here. It's easy to say "Trade him!", but you have to find a team that wants him and is willing to part with assets to get him.

So realistically, what could the jazz get in a Jefferson trade?

Atlanta just lost their starting C, and the Warriors lost Kwame for a while as well. Biedrins didn't play against us, and I never did find out what his injury was or how long he'd be out, but there's two teams who will be desperate for a big.

Couple GS's lack of a big with Curry's ankle and this may be our best opportunity to get him.
I don't want to trade him.
Big Al's learning how to
a) Defend
b) Pass out of double teams

This is huge, his whole career he hasn't done much of either. Yes, his defense isn't amazing, but it's much better (rotations and picknroll defense) than ever.
He'll be at the prime of his career and he's a good mentor for Favors.
I just think Big Al shouldn't be getting 30+ minutes a night. Favors needs to develop
Trading Al might have been a possibilty KOC considered going into the season. But given what the Rookies & Sophmores have shown, or more importantly not shown, and the Jazz decision to win as many games as possible, there is no way they trade Al now.
Saving around $20 million, getting well under the cap, getting minutes for what is obviously the future of this team, and getting something resembling a team offense is almost enough for me.

As for more tangible things, I've been thinking about it a lot and am not sure. Perceptions of players and team-needs respective to individual teams is pretty fluid in the league. I honestly can't get a good gauge on what Al's value is.

What we DO know is that the last time he was traded, he netted his former team practically nothing and they didn't get worse (on the contrary they got a little better). The former greatly concerns me.
The smart money, imo, is to trade for an elite PG. We'll get a SG and/or SF out of this draft.
The smart money, imo, is to trade for an elite PG. We'll get a SG and/or SF out of this draft.

I know I've mentioned this several times, but I would give my left nugget to get Curry. Obviously I'd like to know more about his glass ankle, but if there were any way to get him (while keeping at least 3 of our young guys - Burks or Hayward I could give up because as you mentioned we could address that void in this draft), then I think we could have a real good young team (young and good at every position) that could grow together.

2012 draftee (Barnes, MKG, Miller, etc)

That looks like a team that could contend in 2014.
If anyone should be traded, it should be Devin Harris, who has been a major disappointment. Trade him for Jose Calderon straight up.
And what would Toronto's motives be for trading for a "major dissapointment"?

Doesn't every team want to take our garbage and give us good players in return?

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Too early. Utah needs to let thing play out for the next 2 months, and see where they're at.

Depending on how things work out for other teams, you never know who might become available.
Good thing is that Al Jefferson seems to be improving his "stock" with good play. Too bad Harris is constantly driving his down every game.
I don't want to trade him.
Big Al's learning how to
a) Defend
b) Pass out of double teams

This is huge, his whole career he hasn't done much of either. Yes, his defense isn't amazing, but it's much better (rotations and picknroll defense) than ever.
He'll be at the prime of his career and he's a good mentor for Favors.
I just think Big Al shouldn't be getting 30+ minutes a night. Favors needs to develop

He is? When because I sure haven't seen it for a good year and a half and those 2 things are not things you learn in my opinion... they are instincts which Al doesnt have.

I haven't seen one game this year that I would consider well above par defense. Maybe a few games of good defense and many games of bad defense.

On passing out of double teams, he has one game in which he gets 3 assists and everyone thinks he Stockton Jr and do that consistantly. Last night proved that he can't against any competition he would face in the playoffs.

Additionally, you say he is a mentor to Favors? That is like saying the lazy guy that doesn't do anything in your office is your mentor... is that what you want? The guy that stands there and watches a play for 20 seconds without moving, a guy that doesn't draw contact and get to the line yet is supposedly a post player, a guy that has sub par defense, and a guy that doesn't know how to pass out of a double team.

As far as trading him, if we can get value for his contract, yes. I am all for trading him as I feel having Favors on teh floor does more help to the overall team on both sides of the ball vs. Jefferson. Also I don't want Jefferson restricting time for Favors on the floor. People learn more as they do something vs. in training in any job.. basketball isn't any different.

I think we keep him this year and deal with it. In the off season he will be a valuable trading chip with only 1 year left on his contract at close to 15 million I believe. If this pulls us in another back up big and a starting PG or SF I am all for it.