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Trade Rumors Involving the Jazz

The guy who gave Toronto a pick for Cold Matthew is no longer in business. I mean it's the same guy who got fleeced by Pelicans and Knicks so not sure how much Ujiri can take credit for that
Ujiri wins a lot though. Just don't think anyone is gonna fleece that guy... not sure you are even going to get 100% of value... that is all I am trying to say.
Let's resign JIngles and get Favors on the buyout market and run that back.
I had thought early on after the trade that we'd bring Joe back on a cheapo contract as a glue guy, but I'm less convinced of that now. Certainly feels like there's some skeletons in the closet there where Joe probably is done with this locker room.
I agree, the only worse idea would be trading Rudy to build around Donovan. Like HH has been saying all along, either keep them both or trade them both.
Don has a future. Rudy has a present.

You pro-Rudy folks need to realize that there is time to rebuild a vision around Don.
Don has a future. Rudy has a present.

You pro-Rudy folks need to realize that there is time to rebuild a vision around Don.
We have 12 to 24 months... maybe. Its a fools errand but who knows... maybe you catch lightening in a bottle.
We have 12 to 24 months... maybe. Its a fools errand but who knows... maybe you catch lightening in a bottle.
If Don wants to be here, there is zero reason to trade him this offseason. Zero. We could trade him in summer 2023 if no decent plan can be put into motion between now and then.

Just think about all the roster movement between this summer and summer 2023 if we were to trade Rudy:

- Bojan expires (do we trade him prior?)
- Conley isn't fully guaranteed for 23-24 (do we trade him prior?)
- NAW expires (do we trade or extend him prior)
- Royce and Rudy Gay are expirings for 23-24
- Clarkson could opt to leave prior to 23-24

Depending on what we get back for Rudy, it's conceivable that we could have enough money for one max or even multiple max additions. If we have a semi-promising season next year after trading Rudy, who knows - could we go big in summer 2023?
Rudy still has two-three years left in his prime...which is almost certainly longer than Donovan will remain in a Jazz uniform.
If you can show me an offensively limited center over 30 years old worth $40 million in the history of the league, and I'll show you some oceanfront property in Kansas.
If Don wants to be here, there is zero reason to trade him this offseason. Zero. We could trade him in summer 2023 if no decent plan can be put into motion between now and then.

Just think about all the roster movement between this summer and summer 2023 if we were to trade Rudy:

- Bojan expires (do we trade him prior?)
- Conley isn't fully guaranteed for 23-24 (do we trade him prior?)
- NAW expires (do we trade or extend him prior)
- Royce and Rudy Gay are expirings for 23-24
- Clarkson could opt to leave prior to 23-24

Depending on what we get back for Rudy, it's conceivable that we could have enough money for one max or even multiple max additions. If we have a semi-promising season next year after trading Rudy, who knows - could we go big in summer 2023?
There are plenty of reasons... the first being if we trade Rudy under the assumption we are building around Donovan versus rebuilding then what we look for in trades is going to be very different. Same thing with Conley and Bogey trades. You also build with constraints of trying to please a guy who likely is going to leave anyway.

If they do deals that simultaneously please Donovan while also aiding a rebuild then go ahead and give it a go and I won't be too upset... I prefer to get the tank started early but as @KqWIN has mentioned you can always tank. For example the Washington Conley deal that gets us KCP and Deni... that works under either scenario imo.

The Atlanta deal could become a bad deal if we don't pick up some firsts... in all reality it would include Capela and Collins... both have contracts that could throw a kink in your plans if you rebuild or if they struggle with injuries.

The most important thing is getting a good return when you move those pieces imo... and if the return is good right now on Donovan/Rudy I move them both. IF the return is meh then sure "build around Donovan" but only do deals you would do regardless of if Donovan likes them.
There are plenty of reasons... the first being if we trade Rudy under the assumption we are building around Donovan versus rebuilding then what we look for in trades is going to be very different. Same thing with Conley and Bogey trades. You also build with constraints of trying to please a guy who likely is going to leave anyway.

If they do deals that simultaneously please Donovan while also aiding a rebuild then go ahead and give it a go and I won't be too upset... I prefer to get the tank started early but as @KqWIN has mentioned you can always tank. For example the Washington Conley deal that gets us KCP and Deni... that works under either scenario imo.

The Atlanta deal could become a bad deal if we don't pick up some firsts... in all reality it would include Capela and Collins... both have contracts that could throw a kink in your plans if you rebuild or if they struggle with injuries.

The most important thing is getting a good return when you move those pieces imo... and if the return is good right now on Donovan/Rudy I move them both. IF the return is meh then sure "build around Donovan" but only do deals you would do regardless of if Donovan likes them.
The "likely to leave anyway" narrative is irrelevant if says he wants to be here. He's got 3 years guaranteed on his contract. That whole fearful train of thought is unwarranted. If he wants to be here, you keep him for at least a year.

If you trade Rudy, you're trading him because we don't have the assets to build around him here, and we would want to maximize his value before it drops. People around here can say it's "building around Donovan" when really it's just good business. If you aren't a contender, you should sell the players before they lose value.
The "likely to leave anyway" narrative is irrelevant if says he wants to be here. He's got 3 years guaranteed on his contract. That whole fearful train of thought is unwarranted. If he wants to be here, you keep him for at least a year.

If you trade Rudy, you're trading him because we don't have the assets to build around him here, and we would want to maximize his value before it drops. People around here can say it's "building around Donovan" when really it's just good business. If you aren't a contender, you should sell the players before they lose value.
The reason I put it in quotes is just because you are doing the best trades for the organization and coding it as "building around Donovan". I actually do think its time to trade Rudy regardless... team has run its course. I literally told everyone to enjoy this year because this was it as contenders... that was pre-season.

The stuff around Rudy and Donovan had a limited shelf life. Now we are left with nothing but hard choices like trading Rudy while he is still in his prime but could decline and we don't have cap flexibility or assets to do anything big that doesn't involve him... I just simply take it one step beyond that and say you cash in all the chips now (if you are getting full value).

Donovan is under contract. He can sign an extension next offseason. When the Jazz approach him about it if he says no then you move him... whether he says he wants to be here or not. I think we are 12 months away from that pivot and nothing from now until then would change his mind (within reality anyway). By moving him now you get yourself a top 5 pick in the draft for 2023 and you cash in all your chips for purely future facing assets... rather than trying to get win-now players while also balancing how Donovan feels about those players.... and all while trying to make sure Ryan doesn't spend too much. The degree of difficulty gets pretty wild imo and a 12 month rental seems like misery. Will the rumors be daily or weekly.... will the season have the black cloud this one did.

I just find so much value in making a decisive move in one direction... rather than moving in multiple directions with unnecessary constraints. Maybe we find good stuff in spite of those constraints and the year is actually enjoyable... I doubt it. I am not completely closed off to it.
Hunter, Okongwu, our choice of Huerter/Bogdan, 16 plus 2024/2026/2028 unprotected first round picks.

That sounds like an intriguing package for Donovan to me.
Hunter, Okongwu, our choice of Huerter/Bogdan, 16 plus 2024/2026/2028 unprotected first round picks.

That sounds like an intriguing package for Donovan to me.
I have no idea why Atlanta does this... but I have no idea why Atlanta would be interested in pairing Trae and Donovan... I can't think of a worse pairing if you are trying to maximize both guys.

So any trade package seems weird AF.
This would be a no-brainer.

Any substantial haul we could get from Donovan is a no-brainer, IMO. He's a good not great player who's already lost a step of explosiveness. He'll never the be the #1 player on a championship team.
Donovan wanting or not wanting to be here has zero impact on trading him lmfao.

Donovan is going to be a negative value on his next contract regardless of what team he is on. You trade him at peak value (which is now) unless you think you can put together a contender within the next 3 seasons.
The fact that we are kind of already bending to what Donovan wants is not a great sign he is super committed to being here. Having to keep someone happy just ain't a great sign. If he was "10 toes down" and was convincingly committed I would factor that into the decision. Him simply saying " I'm cool here" or "I'm not requesting a trade" isn't really enough for me... considering we need to likely take a short term step back to get where he wants to go.
Not a rumor... but if San Antonio jumped into the top 4 of this years draft they'd be an intriguing trade partner. Pop and Donovan seemed to be besties at the Olympics and they've been stuck on the treadmill a while now. Murray is a good back court fit. Quin can join him down there too!
Not a rumor... but if San Antonio jumped into the top 4 of this years draft they'd be an intriguing trade partner. Pop and Donovan seemed to be besties at the Olympics and they've been stuck on the treadmill a while now. Murray is a good back court fit. Quin can join him down there too!
Quin being super noncommittal in his exit interview tells me things might not be super peachy between him and Don. Don might be holding everyone hostage on his whims.