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Trade Rumors Involving the Jazz

You guys are ****ing wild. Those are ok stats but then you say Conley is our only good PG?

Conley is averaging 10/8/2 on 39/37/80 splits. How is 17/5/2 on 55/39/87 splits not impressive if you think Conley’s stats are good?

I didn’t even realize until now Conley is shooting 39% from the field. That is ****ing atrocious.
Watching the game vs looking at stats
Outside of assists and playmaking what exactly is Conley better at than Sexton? Sexton is better at almost every other facet of the game. Their defense is a wash to me but Conley could be given a slight nod there.
I have watched every minute of every Jazz game this year. Sexton has been very good. He is on a super short leash too which makes it even more impressive.
The short leash is what makes him so efficient. It's really his only saving grace offensively. He can get a bucket. Does it help the team all that much? I would say it has this season, because he has been extremely good in that scoring efficiency department, but I dont see much room for growth from Sexton (unless he takes a sizeable uptick in 3pt volume, but that just isnt his game and his form doesnt really allow for it). This is his peak. You make him the lead guard and his efficiency will go down and his lack of making others better will still stick out like a sore thumb. The juxtaposition between him and Conley really is a joy to watch, makes you appreciate Conley sooooooo much more. Hardy deserves COTY for the job he has done with Sexton tbh, especially if Ainge is able to parlay that into serious assets.

I mean, you really care about RAPTOR stats dont you? Because it was all the rage in the Bones defense discussion. Conley is 2x the player Sexton is according to RAPTOR, and that's with Conley going through long spurts of being injury riddled and just generally being a very mediocre scoring efficiency player.

The fact that Sexton is so efficient offensively from an individual standpoint, and yet he is barely an offensive + to the team should tell you all you need to know. Hopefully the Jazz can sell high on his basic stats looking so good to the layman eye.
On draft night some of those picks in the late 20s early 30s may look appealing to teams that don't have picks in the draft. I am not super worried about adding another pick this year as we should be able to flip it to another team for a future pick or combine a couple picks to move up the draft.
The short leash is what makes him so efficient. It's really his only saving grace offensively. He can get a bucket. Does it help the team all that much? I would say it has this season, because he has been extremely good in that scoring efficiency department, but I dont see much room for growth from Sexton (unless he takes a sizeable uptick in 3pt volume, but that just isnt his game and his form doesnt really allow for it). This is his peak. You make him the lead guard and his efficiency will go down and his lack of making others better will still stick out like a sore thumb. The juxtaposition between him and Conley really is a joy to watch, makes you appreciate Conley sooooooo much more. Hardy deserves COTY for the job he has done with Sexton tbh, especially if Ainge is able to parlay that into serious assets.

I mean, you really care about RAPTOR stats dont you? Because it was all the rage in the Bones defense discussion. Conley is 2x the player Sexton is according to RAPTOR, and that's with Conley going through long spurts of being injury riddled and just generally being a very mediocre scoring efficiency player.

The fact that Sexton is so efficient offensively from an individual standpoint, and yet he is barely an offensive + to the team should tell you all you need to know. Hopefully the Jazz can sell high on his basic stats looking so good to the layman eye.

I don’t think RAPTOR is the end all be all. I just know Bones is trash defensively and apparently RAPTOR backed that up.

Quick question, why would his efficiency go down as the lead guard? That didn’t happen this year and hasn’t happened his entire career. He’s efficient as **** no matter what role he’s in.
You guys are ****ing wild. Those are ok stats but then you say Conley is our only good PG?

Conley is averaging 10/8/2 on 39/37/80 splits. How is 17/5/2 on 55/39/87 splits not impressive if you think Conley’s stats are good?

I didn’t even realize until now Conley is shooting 39% from the field. That is ****ing atrocious.
Because Sexton could have always score and shoot well. It's a different thing to have ok/decent stats and another to be a good point guard. Conley is a much better PG than Sexton (and overall player although he is declining) despite his modest numbers. Under your same logic I guess you could say Whiteside or DeAndre were better or comparable players to Gobert.

What is ****ing wild about that? I think you need to take a chill pill and watch some basketball rather than trying to base your arguments solely on stats (which by the way, there are much better advanced stats that could make this conversation more insightful).
Bruh... only one way to test this... Cy gets raging diarrhea on your hands and you throw it against the wall... then we get a brick of **** and throw it against the wall and measure what is left.

I used to throw apples at a brick wall in my youth... there will be some remnants... way more than trying to throw diarrhea... it prolly doesn't even make it to the wall.
If I get the right angle I could spray paint a true banksy on any wall you want when mine is really going. You have to adapt your concept of "throw".

Conley shooting 39% from the field is wild. That is so bad. If Sexton was shooting that bad that would be all people talked about.