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Trade Rumors Involving the Jazz

Do they need a middle team or can they trade directly? Lakers and Nets I mean.
Do they want to reunite Russ and KD? If not then they need some help.

Toronto could step in here... Utah... maybe some others I'm not thinking about.
I just don't trust him. He could change his mind by the offseason and bolt in free agency.
He won't bolt from LA... no other cap space team would trust him if he gave the Lakers the cold shoulder... Orlando, Indiana, or SA excited to offer him the max?
Blazers? Hawks?
those teams don't want to rebuild though... it has to be a team cool with rebuilding... Russ and picks won't help them. So Chicago, Toronto, Utah... maybe Wizards with Beal... maybe NY. Not sure Detroit has enough win now stuff.

I'm guessing like everyone else.
No chance in hell IMO.
I think they might. I think it’s the guy they wanted all along. It would also save them like a billion dollars in tax… I think they would prefer getting another good player though. It’s unique in that I think Nets would have a hard time finding a suitor outside of the Lakers with as much desire to get Kyrie… so they kind of need each other. Imagine how much pouting Lebron will do if Kyrie is available and they worried about two picks.
We also have the ability to loop in other players and teams with minor assets to grease the wheels. With each team you add it gets harder.
I think they might. I think it’s the guy they wanted all along. It would also save them like a billion dollars in tax… I think they would prefer getting another good player though. It’s unique in that I think Nets would have a hard time finding a suitor outside of the Lakers with as much desire to get Kyrie… so they kind of need each other. Imagine how much pouting Lebron will do if Kyrie is available and they worried about two picks.
I would be shocked. Every report out there is talking about a 3rd team.
There is absolutely no way KD wants to play with Westbrick again so there would have to be a third team if he goes to the Lakers
I think they might. I think it’s the guy they wanted all along. It would also save them like a billion dollars in tax… I think they would prefer getting another good player though. It’s unique in that I think Nets would have a hard time finding a suitor outside of the Lakers with as much desire to get Kyrie… so they kind of need each other. Imagine how much pouting Lebron will do if Kyrie is available and they worried about two picks.

this part is key. he has already won a title with Kyrie. he should be pissed if the lakers are more worried about two picks 5 and 7 years from now than getting a dude, still in his prime, that he has won it all with.

sorry lebron, but we might draft a dude in 2029, who in 2034 could be as good as troy brown is right now. gearing up for a run 2034 should make lebron happy.
Suitors for Kyrie imho:

Clippers have wanted a PG. But they have nothing to sell to the Nets other than Kennard, Morris, Covington, Powell, Mann, Batum, and Wall. Of those, I can't imagine Brooklyn really wants more than Mann. The rest are all contract filler players that don't help the nets that much. I mean, Morris, Mann, Covington, and Kennard for Kyrie? It works on trade machine, but it sucks. Clippers get their PG but lose Mann and their entire switchable lineup strategy for a Kyrie rental. Doubt it.

Mavericks want someone next to Luka, but do they want another PG? It has been a trend. Hardaway, Wood, and Green for Kyrie works. But if I am Brooklyn, it's pretty meh.

Lakers could swap Kyrie and a minimum contract for Westbrook. But does Durant really want another round with Westbrook? I doubt it.

Would the Knicks do RJ Barrett, Fournier, and Reddish (two trash players/contracts + their current star) for Kyrie? Doubt it.

Toronto could facilitate a trade with say, FVV + Boucher for Kyrie. But why? It's a rental.

Honestly, Conley, Sexton, Vanderbilt, Olynyk, Beasley... They are more attractive than alternatives.

Man... this is just getting my hopes up.
Everyone needs to twitter Lebron + Kyrie = Trophys emojis. Want a trophy?

One Call, That's All...

For Brooklyn they need a deal that makes KD happy at least for now. They also should consider what happens when KD asks out this offseason... cuz that is likely happening. Maybe they keep one of the Lakers picks and we don't send as much stuff.