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Trump’s Dividing of America

You are right but he is so extreme in his despicable behavior that it makes the rest seem like very small potatoes. So, let's not give him a pass because there are other jerks out there. He outjerks them all by a long shot. It's like comparing grade schoolers with a graduate student.
Not really. I live in Trump territory and I see the bigotry the left throws at these people. Look at groups like antifa, look at members of our government calling others deplorable, white nationalist, racist, and calling people doing there jobs at the border, following the very rules they supposed to, "Nazis in internment camps" and ICE workers terrorist. These people are just working to make a living and enforcing the law of the land. That is extremely ****ed up in my views especially since people have been deported for long before Trump.

Sure Trump fuels the fire as well, I'm not arguing that and **** him but this **** happening on the left is no different. It's not. Both parties right now are a lost cause of bigoted ********.
Trump wants to be sure "the Squad" is identified with the Democrats in general. I think he must feel his best chance at reelection is to get his base to the polls in overwhelming numbers. If that goal is helped by Trump using racism and hate to deliver that vote, then he will use racism and hate. IMHO, everybody should have known it has always been, ALWAYS been, Trump First, not America First. I've about given up trying to comprehend how people could not see this from the get-go, but so it is.

We are a nation of immigrants. We've often been described as a "melting pot" due to that diversity in our origins. We have also experienced several notable periods of anti-immigrant hysteria, against Irish Catholics in the 1850's, against the Chinese, against southern and Eastern Europeans in the late 1800's-early 1900's. Yet despite these episodes, those rejected acclimated to America, and were accepted as our fellow Americans. They became Americans.

Trump's Sunday tweets were fundamentally anti-American. But, those earlier episodes also tell us that intolerance and bigotry are never too far beneath the surface. The last person who should be trying his hardest to bring out hatred and bigotry in Americans, is the President.

Yesterday's tweets probably reflected his fundamental unfitness for our highest office more then anything he has said up to this point.

But, if it energizes his base, that is his only concern.

Consider this: Trump's tweets prove he does not love our country. They prove he loves only himself. He is willing to damage our country and society to the maximim degree in order to save himself. Nothing else matters.

Trump First. America is an afterthought. This was abundantly obvious from the start.

And the silence of the Republican Party proves that Party will ignore overt, in your face, racism on the part of this President.

We are in for the ugliest election cycle in our nation's history.

A president who calls for Americans to hate fellow Americans, based on race, is an abomination. There is nothing that can justify this, not a wall. Not a tax break. Not conservative judges. Nothing justifies this man being the president of our nation.
Not really. I live in Trump territory and I see the bigotry the left throws at these people. Look at groups like antifa, look at members of our government calling others deplorable, white nationalist, racist, and calling people doing there jobs at the border, following the very rules they supposed to, "Nazis in internment camps" and ICE workers terrorist. These people are just working to make a living and enforcing the law of the land. That is extremely ****ed up in my views especially since people have been deported for long before Trump.

Sure Trump fuels the fire as well, I'm not arguing that and **** him but this **** happening on the left is no different. It's not. Both parties right now are a lost cause of bigoted ********.

I hate to say it because I firmly believe in Godwin's law, but what you're advocating is exactly what made the Holocaust, the Apartheid, internment camps, slavery, and the trail of tears happen. "I'm just doing my job" isn't an excuse for heinous acts.
I hate to say it because I firmly believe in Godwin's law, but what you're advocating is exactly what made the Holocaust, the Apartheid, internment camps, slavery, and the trail of tears happen. "I'm just doing my job" isn't an excuse for heinous acts.
Lol the ignorance and downright terribleness of comparing the slaughter of millions of Jews to something as miniscule as border protection and national security. It's bat chit crazy truthfully.
Not really. I live in Trump territory and I see the bigotry the left throws at these people. Look at groups like antifa, look at members of our government calling others deplorable, white nationalist, racist, and calling people doing there jobs at the border, following the very rules they supposed to, "Nazis in internment camps" and ICE workers terrorist. These people are just working to make a living and enforcing the law of the land. That is extremely ****ed up in my views especially since people have been deported for long before Trump.

Sure Trump fuels the fire as well, I'm not arguing that and **** him but this **** happening on the left is no different. It's not. Both parties right now are a lost cause of bigoted ********.
We have never had a President behave this way, however. You need to hold a person in such an office to a much higher standard.
Lol the ignorance and downright terribleness of comparing the slaughter of millions of Jews to something as miniscule as border protection and national security. It's bat chit crazy truthfully.
It is not miniscule. They are essentially concentration camps. While they are not slaughtering people, they are holding them against their will in violation of our Constitution and people (private prisons) are benefiting from them financially, and the longer they keep them, the more money they make, and we're footing the bill because the government is paying these prison additional sums for every additional day they keep people there, so there is no incentive to move them out, wherever that might be. It's certainly unlawful detainment and fits the description of a concentration camp.
It is not miniscule. They are essentially concentration camps. While they are not slaughtering people, they are holding them against their will in violation of our Constitution and people (private prisons) are benefiting from them financially, and the longer they keep them, the more money they make, and we're footing the bill because the government is paying these prison additional sums for every additional day they keep people there, so there is no incentive to move them out, wherever that might be. It's certainly unlawful detainment and fits the description of a concentration camp.
No it doesn't. Nobody is forcing anybody to come here and break the law. People are making up their own minds to flood our borders.
Lol the ignorance and downright terribleness of comparing the slaughter of millions of Jews to something as miniscule as border protection and national security. It's bat chit crazy truthfully.

Let's find some common ground. What are the main, inarguable points here. I'll start with three, please add more.

1. Separating families seeking asylum
2. Overcrowding people in fenced cages
3. Living Conditions that are yielding deaths

Your turn.
Let's find some common ground. What are the main, inarguable points here. I'll start with three, please add more.

1. Separating families seeking asylum
2. Overcrowding people in fenced cages
3. Living Conditions that are yielding deaths

Your turn.
This has been happening for years.

What's supposed to happen, break laws and set people free?

None of them are intentional. Most are neglect by whomever brought them here's.
Let's find some common ground. What are the main, inarguable points here. I'll start with three, please add more.

1. Separating families seeking asylum
2. Overcrowding people in fenced cages
3. Living Conditions that are yielding deaths

Your turn.

Yes, we should give them all a free room at the nearest Ritz-Carlton instead.

I consider myself a L or I but Jesus, I mean, if they don’t like it, they don’t have to try illegally enter our country.
This has been happening for years.
That's hardly an excuse to continue the practice.

What's supposed to happen, break laws and set people free?

Many of the people we are locking up are asylum seekers who are not breaking any laws. Otherwise, yeah people break laws, are arrested and released with a court date every ****ing day in this country.

None of them are intentional. Most are neglect by whomever brought them here's
I agree that those in charge probably aren't intentionally killing people, but their policies are creating an environment where that's happening anyway.
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This has been happening for years.

What's supposed to happen, break laws and set people free?

None of them are intentional. Most are neglect by whomever brought them here's.

This has not been happening for years. This has been possible for years, but previous administrations, red and blue, had better judgement.

Most are not breaking laws, they're seeking asylum.

There is no way to prove intention from either side. But even if there was, it's still happening on our watch, which makes us just as guilty.
Yes, we should give them all a free room at the nearest Ritz-Carlton instead.

I consider myself a L or I but Jesus, I mean, if they don’t like it, they don’t have to try illegally enter our country.

Personally, I'm happy setting them up in Trump hotels nation wide. But there's not going to happen.

Much like Gameface said, they're seeking asylum. We're negligent in our duties by not providing a cleaner process.
So hundreds of thousands trying to enter the country. Where would YOU put them? Trump has called this a National emergency since late last year and was scoffed and defeated for it. Now that it is a national emergency people still blame him.

Neither party has done a single thing to help but fight and divide.
So no, @JazzyFresh, you have not provided common ground. We're still left with three inarguable points. The following is occuring

1. Separating families seeking asylum
2. Overcrowding people in fenced cages
3. Living Conditions that are yielding deaths
So hundreds of thousands trying to enter the country. Where would YOU put them? Trump has called this a National emergency since late last year and was scoffed and defeated for it. Now that it is a national emergency people still blame him.

Neither party has done a single thing to help but fight and divide.

Common ground. Please help us find it so we can find a resolution.