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Trump Won


Well-Known Member
I consider this just another tactic by the sitll-obsessed DumpTrumpsters. Maggie Haberman claiming Trump insiders are being told by Trump that he'll be re-instated.

The same sources are also still using non-professional journalist language that dresses whatever facts with judgments like "false claims" all the way to "delusional beliefs".

I don't think this "news" about Trump is true, for the same reasons I believe the Jan 6 capitol breakin was nothing Trump imagined nor wanted. Just some yayhoos acting out, for whatever reason. But the Pelosi and news was prepared make the most use of it public credulity could sustain.

For other reasons I also believe the push for radical transformation in America is Obama's baby, and it will not stop without the Left shooting up the town.

The strong belief in C;limate Change, Green New Deal, environment, global redistribution of everything serves a pretty small set of kingpins who will of course be calling all the shots.

calamities ensuing that will cost hundreds of millions of human lives will meet or exceed ZPG targets and reduce population to "sustainable" levels, even while Xi j"Master Race= Han Superiority is prompting him to change the allow child births in China. At first he thought the excess males could go abroad and find near-kin asian brides, but apparently now he is realizing that his people just need more "babes".
Yes I read that Trump says he will be reinstated by August. Yeah, I'm sure we will throw out everything that defines the presidency and the election process in this country to put a lunatic back in the high castle.
I consider this just another tactic by the sitll-obsessed DumpTrumpsters. Maggie Haberman claiming Trump insiders are being told by Trump that he'll be re-instated.

The same sources are also still using non-professional journalist language that dresses whatever facts with judgments like "false claims" all the way to "delusional beliefs".

I don't think this "news" about Trump is true, for the same reasons I believe the Jan 6 capitol breakin was nothing Trump imagined nor wanted. Just some yayhoos acting out, for whatever reason. But the Pelosi and news was prepared make the most use of it public credulity could sustain.

For other reasons I also believe the push for radical transformation in America is Obama's baby, and it will not stop without the Left shooting up the town.

The strong belief in C;limate Change, Green New Deal, environment, global redistribution of everything serves a pretty small set of kingpins who will of course be calling all the shots.

calamities ensuing that will cost hundreds of millions of human lives will meet or exceed ZPG targets and reduce population to "sustainable" levels, even while Xi j"Master Race= Han Superiority is prompting him to change the allow child births in China. At first he thought the excess males could go abroad and find near-kin asian brides, but apparently now he is realizing that his people just need more "babes".
Maybe you should go to China and let 100 Chinese men impregnate you? I mean unless you're a selfish jerk.

It's up to you.
Maybe you should go to China and let 100 Chinese men impregnate you? I mean unless you're a selfish jerk.

It's up to you.
I could do a thread on Xi quotes/instructions, but it'd be wasted on you. I have civil relations with many Chinese people from the mainland who live in the Bay Area, and I don't argue with them. I have been informed about how good the Chinese are by the most ardent defenders the nation could possibly have.

I don't think gay is a "thing" with those Chinese men. Probably remarkably "not a thing".
Yes I read that Trump says he will be reinstated by August. Yeah, I'm sure we will throw out everything that defines the presidency and the election process in this country to put a lunatic back in the high castle.
I have no doubts that some people would like to get valid counts of last year's election, addressing the many concerns evidenced by video and affidavits concerning irregularities, as well as the higher level moves in some states to influence the vote, such as the litigation pushed by Hillary's lawyer(with Obama's advice) Marc Elias, that resulted in invalid court orders in violation of Constitutional law both in the states and Federally.

I don't think they have a path to overturn the certified results without taking the case further and convicting various persons involved of criminal acts.

I don't think Trump wants this kind of fight.

90% of Republican voters would not expect the election to be "fixed" that way. Almost no one is willing to put money into that line of work.

So it just won't happen.

What is truly pathetic is the idea of making any kind of news claiming that kind of nonsense represents Trump or his "base">
Yes I read that Trump says he will be reinstated by August. Yeah, I'm sure we will throw out everything that defines the presidency and the election process in this country to put a lunatic back in the high castle.

This movement is getting press here including far right types comparing Trump to Aung San Suu Kyi which would be hilarious if they were joking. Its ****ing nuts
This is an insane issue. Hillary and Gore couldn’t get over their losses for years either. It kind of goes with the territory for these egomaniacs like Trump and Hillary. It doesn’t mean anyone else gives a damn.
This movement is getting press here including far right types comparing Trump to Aung San Suu Kyi which would be hilarious if they were joking. Its ****ing nuts


This fizzled story just shows ou

rmedia has run outta steam.

It's dangerous to have a sense of humor with people like you who can't see a joke to save your skin.

Dr. Babe says

"Take two stiff drinks and post again in the morning."

Yes, and you heard it here straight from the Man himself.

Babe Ruth has been thawed and revived and is suiting up for the Yanks, will be swinging for the lights by July 1.

This fizzled story just shows ou

rmedia has run outta steam.

It's dangerous to have a sense of humor with people like you who can't see a joke to save your skin.

Dr. Babe says

"Take two stiff drinks and post again in the morning."

Yes, and you heard it here straight from the Man himself.

Babe Ruth has been thawed and revived and is suiting up for the Yanks, will be swinging for the lights by July 1.

Have you completely departed from reality? The overwhelming majority of people are alarmed by the **** show that is the far right. I just wish they'd pick up bats and beat them to death like they deserve. Did the 2nd World War not happen to your family? I lost half of mine during the war, brought on by far right hate mongers that you willingly support.
It really is nobody’s fault here if Trump is really that delusional, and taking the pillow guy’s advice seriously. Charles Cooke is in a much better position in terms of connections within the Right, and people close to Trump. and yes, I know mainstream conservatives recognized a demagogue in Trump just as early as non conservatives did. Guys like George Will recognized his demagoguery very early. So, Trump apologists may say “oh, Will is part of the problem” as much as they slam any other anti-Trumper. But given everything we saw from Trump during his four years, nobody should be surprised by the information pointing to Trump subscribing to a pipe dream. There’s the reporting. It’s out there. You can take it or leave it. But I have no idea why anyone would 1) find it surprising, or 2) find it simply too absurd to believe. Hell, it should be expected.... he tried to steal the 2020 election, allowing his attorneys to advance ridiculous and asinine arguments. Why would we ever think he’s not one to suffer delusions? C’mon...
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I just wish they'd pick up bats and beat them to death like they deserve.
Who is the "they" you want to see pick up bats and beat people death? I'm curious. In this genocide of fellow Americans you want to see, who is it doing all of the killing?
Who is the "they" you want to see pick up bats and beat people death? I'm curious. In this genocide of fellow Americans you want to see, who is it doing all of the killing?

Im not an American. I consider myself quite fortunate in that. All through the west there are politicians and vested financial interests, both in the media and corporate world that seek to profit from continuing to divide people around wedge issues.

I think we are rapidly approaching the point of no return for our democracies. Our communities are becoming ungovernable and most importantly are unable to have mature debates around serious issues like say environment, economics, health, taxation, equality, the pandemic. This is very much by design, without discussion and the possibility of sensible reform the status quo continues for the privileged at the expense of the community.
Our communities are becoming ungovernable and most importantly are unable to have mature debates around serious issues like say environment, economics, health, taxation, equality, the pandemic.
I've had mature debates on every one of those topics. I'd be happy to do so again. If you are running around saying that people who disagree with you should be put to death by baseball bat because all of society is unable to have a mature debate with you, I'm thinking the problem there may not be with all of society.
Those seeking to overthrow our constitution and reinstate Trump deserve the strictest punishments our country provides.
You think our country provides a remedy of extrajudicial killing by baseball bat? That post you upvoted wasn't calling for capital punishment for people convicted of treason. Rubashov wanted a violent death by braining with a blunt instrument visited upon everyone he labeled as "far right". How many people do you think that is Thriller? The United States has roughly 330 million people. What portion of them do you think Rubashov would think qualify as "far right"? Do you think that number Rubashov wants to see made dead is more or less than the 6 million killed in the WWII death camps?
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You think our country provides a remedy of extrajudicial killing by baseball bat? That post you upvoted wasn't calling for capital punishment for people convicted of treason. Rubashov wanted a violent death by braining with a blunt instrument visited upon everyone he labeled as "far right". How many people do you think that is Thriller? The United States has roughly 330 million people. What portion of them do you think Rubashov would think qualify as "far right"? Do you think that number Rubashov wants to see made dead is more or less than the 6 million killed in the WWII death camps?
I would imagine there was some hyperbole/exaggeration in rubashovs post.

I hope you don't take everything that gets posted on jazzfanz literally.

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You think our country provides a remedy of extrajudicial killing by baseball bat? That post you upvoted wasn't calling for capital punishment for people convicted of treason. Rubashov wanted a violent death by braining with a blunt instrument visited upon everyone he labeled as "far right". How many people do you think that is Thriller? The United States has roughly 330 million people. What portion of them do you think Rubashov would think qualify as "far right"? Do you think that number Rubashov wants to see made dead is more or less than the 6 million killed in the WWII death camps?