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UEFA Euro 2016

Albania's first goal ever in Euro. Could be that advances them to next stage.
WTF is this new system? How come Portugal is going through after not winning a single game and Albania and Turkey are going home? I have never seen a system where goal differential is higher rewarded than number of wins? Seriously what is going on? Turkey or Albania should be through, not Portugal!!!!
Man, you can only understand emotions of the small country going through... just listen to this commentator going nuts after Iceland scored winning goal in last seconds of the match.

I'd hate to be a Russian Olympic Athlete right about now

So you think they're not aware that they're getting juiced?

Back to sports:
If I was a betting person, I'd bet money on Croatia because they have such a clean way to the finals. The other half of the bracket is so brutal:
1/8 Italy v Spain
Winner plays vs Germany in 1/4
Other 1/4 is England v France
Winner of those two matches in semis.
Unless someone chokes.
Germany so far looks to be in its own class. Not sure who can stop them. Portugals luck continues with undeserved win vs Croatia.