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Ukraine "Bioweapons" Labs


Well-Known Member
So US media is admitting there are bioweapons labs funded by the US in Ukraine. Supposedly, they have been working on "reducing bioweapon threats", just like Fauci's funding for research in Chinese labs on "gain of function" virus models ultimately was meant to "reduce" bioweapon research.

When our media and government authorities need to lie to us, they always go to the standard projection mode of accusing others of everything that can be imagined.

The real war is the war of words.

So, anyway, China is supporting the Russian accusations while claiming the US has lied about their labs as well......

The editorial above states that Russia posted the documents online for free downloads by anyone. And our media controllers through Google are blocking our access.

The truth, ultimately, is that our Fauci and our government granting agencies including military funding, produced the strain that started Covid 19 global pandemic. It looks to me like we shared stuff like this with other countries and funded their research contributions. A very dangerous thing to spread pandemic pathogens around the world like that.

I have long said, as I posted over two years ago in a Covid thread, that any biological stuff we create and store under liquid nitrogen will get out, sooner or later. Three of our top scientists involved in the project of gain of function research on corona virus died suddenly in the early 1980s. It was not covered much in our "news".

Babe repeating Russian/Chinese disinformation what a surprise. Do you know who owns and maintains .cn domains? Didn’t you check to see how there isn’t an author listed for that article? Both are pretty basic red flags you should check when doing research.

These biolabs have already been refuted like a week or two ago dude.

The Ukrainian and U.S. governments partnered in August 2005 to "prevent the proliferation of dangerous pathogens and related expertise and to minimize potential biological threats," according to the treaty.

Your own yahoo article said it best:
Russia's baseless claims about secret American biological warfare labs in Ukraine are taking root in the U.S. too, uniting COVID-19 conspiracy theorists, QAnon adherents and some supporters of ex-President Donald Trump.
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Babe repeating Russian/Chinese disinformation what a surprise. Do you know who owns and maintains .cn domains? Didn’t you check to see how there isn’t an author listed for that article? Both are pretty basic red flags you should check when doing research.

These biolabs have already been refuted like a week or two ago dude.

The Ukrainian and U.S. governments partnered in August 2005 to "prevent the proliferation of dangerous pathogens and related expertise and to minimize potential biological threats," according to the treaty.

Your own yahoo article said it best:
Russia's baseless claims about secret American biological warfare labs in Ukraine are taking root in the U.S. too, uniting COVID-19 conspiracy theorists, QAnon adherents and some supporters of ex-President Donald Trump.
Haven't you learned to read yet? The next thing they said was that there were labs, and US funded labs, working on bioweapons. I noted that in my post, and put it in parentheses, and basically recognized that this would be a war of words, splitting hairs about just what the research was, and denying the obvious intent of such research.

Nobody "researches" bioweapons without developing potentially useful knowledg3e-----making the weapons better. Fauci himself justified such research by saying the stuff we learn is worth the risks.

You don't call it research if you're burning lab stuff to destroy the bioweapons.

The editorial in China's regulated government media claims:

The Russian Defense Ministry released on Thursday documents it acquired from the personnel of a bio lab in Ukraine. The documents expose the US and its NATO allies' research on biological weapons in Ukraine, including research on spreading the highly infectious bird flu virus through migratory birds and on pathogens such as bacteria and viruses that can be transmitted from bats to humans. Russia said the documents show that a large number of serum samples belonging to the Slavs have been transferred and that the experiments in Ukraine are similar to what Japan's Unit 731 did in WWII. The documents were uploaded online by Russia for free download. (ibid)

This is a substantial allegation based on material our media will not allow us to read. Who the hell ever thought America would be the least factual propagandist.

It does not matter how many supposed scientists we have on the hook to claim anything unless they have the material in question, and we can read it.
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LOL, babe's linked article says that QAnon followers and Trump supports are claiming Ukraine has bioweapons... and babe calls that "U.S. Media" admitting that there are bioweapons in Ukraine.

Take a nap babe, your brain is having some major issues right now.
LOL, babe's linked article says that QAnon followers and Trump supports are claiming Ukraine has bioweapons... and babe calls that "U.S. Media" admitting that there are bioweapons in Ukraine.

Take a nap babe, your brain is having some major issues right now.
So you want the devil-worshipping child molesters to have bio-weapons? Sounds like you are not just part of the problem, but King of the Problem, bud!
So you want the devil-worshipping child molesters to have bio-weapons? Sounds like you are not just part of the problem, but King of the Problem, bud!
nah. Game is small-time. Nothing like an Epstein or anyone else who's become a target for ignoramuses, right or left, up or down. I still believe he'll be going to Sunday School in his ward in my lifetime.

(you're a hoot, I know.)
LOL, babe's linked article says that QAnon followers and Trump supports are claiming Ukraine has bioweapons... and babe calls that "U.S. Media" admitting that there are bioweapons in Ukraine.

Take a nap babe, your brain is having some major issues right now.
you and thriller seem to need some remedial reading/comprehension help. I took the class on speed reading, but decided thinking is an important part of reading, and words do matter.

Yes, it is a Yahoo bit, and I think that's something like Google, maybe a little wobblier, but even more "with it" on agenda items. Obama's bud , the Chicago dude who was mayor or whatever, advised activists "Never let a crisis go to waste", so from that viewpoint you have to make the most of what you've got. I don't think Trump, Levin, Hannity or Pinhead listen to me, or see things my way. I don't pay attention to even Fox let alone the commonly-useful bogeymen that the likesw of Yoohoo refers to. But I bet with the crew in here I'm probably even worse.

OK, I haven't heard Trump comment yet on the biolabs. Most of his ardent followers are bashing Putin as hard as anyone in here, except Jim Jordan, who notes that Zelensky is on board with the woke thing. He's your man in the rubble, I suppose. Of course Ukranian mainstream folks and all of your people over there will deny the bioweapons thing.

But here's what you missed from the Yahoo piece:

{Like any effective conspiracy theory, the Russian claim relies on some truths: Ukraine does maintain a network of biological labs dedicated to research into pathogens, and those labs have received funding and research support from the U.S.}

That is all I have to the pint, so far. When we get access to the claimed documents Russian forces said they got from those labs we can discuss the validity of the claim.

As long as we don't actually have the evidence, the crime I am protesting against is our media not getting those docs and publishing them, or Google et al letting us go to the web site where Russian says it has posted them availabl3e for free downloads.

Until then, you should yourself be wondering what the hell they found. And when we get anything, of course, it needs to be impartially vetted for whatever the facts may show.

The first casualty of war is truth, once again.

And, for the record, I don't just believe stuff whatever the source. It raises some questions, perhaps, but it needs objective reporting, and not propaganda or activist talking points to get there.
Ahh, Ukraine has labs that study pathogens? So like most semi-developed countries?

Well that's it folks, looks like we have ironclad verification of QAnon conspiracy theories.