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Utah Spy Center........

When the intelligence community does things under the veil of *national security*, they are often times not referring to any concept of *nation* that people are commonly familiar with. Nor do they operate under any meaningful oversight from elected government bodies. Elected government officials are simply told to stay out the way. This center is likely part of the global network of supercomputers that aims to track and analyze all electronic communications. Every personal computer and every mobile device constitutes a node on the network. All of this work is performed covertly and at great cost under the pretense of guarding against a terrorist threat, yet the definition of who terrorist might be is fuzzy at best, while the threats themselves are vague, specious, overblown or even concocted. Hence there is an implied threat against anyone or anything that opposes whoever is in control of the whole apparatus.

The intent of the above is simply population control and control of public opinion. Why these agencies would go to such lengths and expense to do this raises some interesting questions.
When the intelligence community does things under the veil of *national security*, they are often times not referring to any concept of *nation* that people are commonly familiar with. Nor do they operate under any meaningful oversight from elected government bodies. Elected government officials are simply told to stay out the way. This center is likely part of the global network of supercomputers that aims to track and analyze all electronic communications. Every personal computer and every mobile device constitutes a node on the network. All of this work is performed covertly and at great cost under the pretense of guarding against a terrorist threat, yet the definition of who terrorist might be is fuzzy at best, while the threats themselves are vague, specious, overblown or even concocted. Hence there is an implied threat against anyone or anything that opposes whoever is in control of the whole apparatus.

The intent of the above is simply population control and control of public opinion. Why these agencies would go to such lengths and expense to do this raises some interesting questions.

not answerable to anybody is the core definition of "absolute power" and the logical antithesis of every other theory of "government". . . . . democracy, constitutional republic, monarchy even. . . . fascism implies a relative small set of oligarchs/businessmen with inordinate power over the government. . . . but giving a "spy agency" carte blanche empowers them to dispose of . . . . anyone.

This could be funny. . . .

but it is just too true. The FBI has long recruited Mormon RM's precisely because of their training/habits to implicitly follow orders. . . .Howard Hughs liked them for the same reasons. Mormons in Nevada are virtually essential to general Mob implementation of "laundered" political operations. And no doubt that was Orrin Hatch's ace in his arguments for locating the spy center near BYU. . . well fifteen miles' drive off campus. People who will just do what they're told are valuable assets to all kinds of power-hungry sociopaths.

It doesn't help the LDS Church's credibility to have top flight morons like Mitt Romney being bootlicking servants to the Bush dynasty, or for Thomas Monson to be off fishing with Jon Huntsman Sr., or the Deseret News being managed for sixty years by men who have been in the Salt Lake Committee on Foreign Relations, a recruitment pool for the Rockefeller/Brit fascist world dominance clique.

I remember when I applied for a job working for the CIA, almost forty years ago. Interviewed in a penthouse suite in the biggest hotel in town. The man chatted with me for almost forty minutes, and seemed just a little sad about his life. Looking at me like he wished he had gone a whole different route in life, like he was feeling a pang of conscience telling me I wouldn't fit in, like he wished he could have just been an honest man too.
not answerable to anybody is the core definition of "absolute power" and the logical antithesis of every other theory of "government". . . . . democracy, constitutional republic, monarchy even. . . . fascism implies a relative small set of oligarchs/businessmen with inordinate power over the government. . . . but giving a "spy agency" carte blanche empowers them to dispose of . . . . anyone.

Except, they actually are answerable to someone... the voting public. Of course, that would require people to get off their lazy asses, read, investigate, care, etc., so I can see how you come to your doomsday conclusions. I just can't get over the people who bitch and moan about this kind of stuff, but then go right on ahead and keep voting in the same fools that put these types of things together.

Please tell me that babe was talking **** on the Huntsman's... They may be Ute supporters, but other than that, they're an amazing family.

My rant about the fishing buddies is in here because Pres. Thomas Monson never calls me to go fishing with him. . . sniffle. . . sniffle. . . . lol.

Actually, Jon Huntsman Sr. succeeded wildly in the petrochemical industry without hiring me as his chief chemist. . . . sniffle . . . . sniffle. . . .lol.

Pres. Goodson, once a mission president in the Philippine Mission, once worked for him. I remember when filipinos visiting Salt Lake for conference were regularly invited to stay in his home in the Cottonwood area of SLC, and I'd be going over there to see them too. . . .

The reason Jon Sr. succeeded is because he made a reputation for himself on honesty with folks like Armand Hammer, the Baking Soda genius. . . ha ha . . . toothpaste inventor. . . ha ha. . . . now laundry detergent competitor . . . hhh.....owner of a major oil company. . . and it is rumored, the "contact man" for the British Empire to Soviet Russia. As some conservatives would paint it, he was the courier boy passing orders from the Queen to Stalin and Khruschev from the Thirties to the Sixties. . .. that would make Jon Sr. a suspect "contact man" to Putin today, right?????? Or, well, maybe Armand Hammer was just lucky to get the contract to supply pencils to the Soviet School System for fifty years. . . .

At any rate, the Huntsmans once tried to get into the "Inner Circle" of the Russian oil business after the cold war, and found out they just weren't crooked enough to make it.

Today, Putin gets high marks with the rumored socialist FDR-democrat Lyndon LaRouche and his little cult of howling critics of the Brits, the Bankers, and the Fascists, because he reportedly listens to them and understands what evils lurk beneath the Crown.

But the fact is, these "demonstrators" in Russia are not Putin critics, just Putin patsies. Seeing them take up the cause of exposing LDS missionaries as spies is more of demonstration of how ruthless Putin is. Putin is a match for any fascist in my book. uhhhmmmm. . . . speaking of the spy center and it's chilling effects on free speech. . . . our version of it still doesn't chill me the way the Russian version does. The Russian goons don't need computer data to base any of their suspicions on. . . . uninhibited imagination has always done the job in Russia. . . . and yes that's a factor in my day to day decision-making. I studied Russian language and literature and have always had a hankering to go see Russia on a grand tour, but I've always been too much of free spirit to believe they want me just wandering around in their woods. . . . . having a Gulag really does put a damper on having a tourist industry. . . .

No 18 to 21 year-old LDS missionary in Russia is an "agent" for our spy agencies. To make that claim is irresponsible to the extent of being reprehensible and a direct threat against freedom of religion, free speech, and every other human "right" there could be in Russia today. And yes, some returning LDS missionaries do go home and look for jobs where speaking Russian is a job qualification. But my niece came home and became a nurse. There's just no way an "Elder" or Sister missionary could fit any spy activity in the tracting and teaching schedule under mission rules. . . . . reporting to the mission pres in weekly reports detailing every hour of every day drives them all crazy as it is. . . .including bearing testimonies to the mission president about "golden" contacts. . . . I tell ya, the lies you have to tell in missionary reports will damn the Mormons all to hell. . . . lol. . . . if any spy agency was relying on prevaricators like that it's gonna foul their whole system in a week . . . . hmmmm. . . . . that's it, that's the answer!!!!!!

Hatch is a genius after all, a fox-like politician who knows how to defeat the plans of Satan to enslave mankind while pretending to be the great "Statesman" tool of the the Devil Himself. . . . Just build the spy center in Utah, where seven out of ten Utahns are Mormons who have been totally co-opted by the LDS Church as Visiting Relief Society "Sisters" and "Home Teachers", and a cult of covert neighborliness has developed in the ranks that makes intelligence-gathering a "way of life" that has become totally harmless because, in the last analysis, we all have nothing better to do than actually be friends and help one another, no matter what the organizational directives may be. . . .

And my wife is grateful for the Huntsman Cancer Center too. I've spent a lot of time there in the past several months.
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Except, they actually are answerable to someone... the voting public. Of course, that would require people to get off their lazy asses, read, investigate, care, etc., so I can see how you come to your doomsday conclusions. I just can't get over the people who bitch and moan about this kind of stuff, but then go right on ahead and keep voting in the same fools that put these types of things together.

Please tell me that babe was talking **** on the Huntsman's... They may be Ute supporters, but other than that, they're an amazing family.

Being "Ute Supporters" goes in the plus column, buddy.
babe is one of the good guys?

Hellz yah.

dat jazzfanz.com mobile app doe

Let's put it this way. Once upon a time I really believed I knew how everything in the world should be run, and one of my skeptical brothers on realizing I was really believing that said something about how scary that idea looked to him. . . . .

I've passed by a few chances, perhaps, to make a mark in the world, maybe I should regret a few of those. Not a lot of them. Most of them I think we can all be grateful I got a chance to think twice or thrice before I did any damage.

The one idea I credit more than any other for reforming the once "Ugly Babe" version of the "Ugly American" is a heartfelt Fear of God.

I really just don't wanna see any folks without that kind of gripping conscience running this world. Let's all just say "No" to the the whole godless Progressive movement. There but for the mercy of God go I.

The whole idea of a government agency empowered as the HSA is by the NDAA ought to have you all worried.
I love how suddenly this crap is "offensive" to those who couldn't stop drinking the trampling of the Constitution from 2000-08. I remember when critics of Bush were bashed by those (who complain loudest right now) as being unpatriotic, Muslim, french, and pro-terrorism.

It's not like this Utah Spy Center was suddenly planned and built in the last month. Where have Utahns been this entire century for crying out loud?
I love how suddenly this crap is "offensive" to those who couldn't stop drinking the trampling of the Constitution from 2000-08. I remember when critics of Bush were bashed by those (who complain loudest right now) as being unpatriotic, Muslim, french, and pro-terrorism.

It's not like this Utah Spy Center was suddenly planned and built in the last month. Where have Utahns been this entire century for crying out loud?

I'll get back to this when I get a rep refill. . . .

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.

I do think we've been had by the same old same old one-two punch of the Republicans and the Democrats. But this is about as close as I think I'll ever get to just agreeing with Thriller. . . .

Right as Rain.
I'll get back to this when I get a rep refill. . . .

I do think we've been had by the same old same old one-two punch of the Republicans and the Democrats. But this is about as close as I think I'll ever get to just agreeing with Thriller. . . .

Right as Rain.

To me, the Patriot Act, the Iraqi War, and these ridiculous spy centers have always been things that I'm against. I don't care who is in charge or which party is in office.
not answerable to anybody is the core definition of "absolute power" and the logical antithesis of every other theory of "government". . . . . democracy, constitutional republic, monarchy even. . . . fascism implies a relative small set of oligarchs/businessmen with inordinate power over the government. . . . but giving a "spy agency" carte blanche empowers them to dispose of . . . . anyone.

I actually do know the origin of the global intelligence community, its purpose, what it's trying to accomplish and why, etc. However, I no longer worry about it, as it has literally no chance of succeeding.
I really just don't wanna see any folks without that kind of gripping conscience running this world. Let's all just say "No" to the the whole godless Progressive movement. There but for the mercy of God go I.
First of all who are these "godless progressives who are running things" Most Liberals in power seem quite religious to me.

Secondly, the idea that people who fear god are automatically more moral than atheists or that atheists lack a conscience is ridiculous. Watch the news! People who fear god scare the **** out of me.