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Utah vs. Boise in Las Vegas Bowl

I sure miss the depth we had a couple seasons ago. It got exposed every time we faced a good team. Our two leading receiver combined for 0 yards in this game. Cain isn't a good QB but he didn't get much help either. Much like the TCU and Notre Dame games I was waiting for someone to step up and make a huge play but we couldn't do it. Oh well, nothing you can do except move onto next season, we won 10 games that is a accomplishment but we clearly need to step up our game to compete in the pac 12. We've added some good RB for future but we need to heavily recruit QB and WR position.
Well said. But I think Utah has talent at WR they are just not coached well.
It was a little frustrating that you could count on the running game for 10 yards - as long as it 3rd and 16.
That was BS. Would've loved to see Utah line up with a heavy set and run the ball more. Then play action with Cain.
Ok, let's get this over with:

-To Thriller: I'm sorry that I fell "deathly silent" during the game. Although, I find it funny you were hovering over your keyboard while Utah was losing waiting for Ute fans to post (obsess much?). The fact of the matter is, I was listening to the game in snippets while watching my kids do some holiday ice skating. You see, I have a life. You should try it sometime.

-What excuses, what spinning? Utah got beat. I did get to listen to the entire 1st quarter and I knew they were dead. With the missed FG's and the 2 dropped passes, Utah left 17 points on the board. I knew there was no way they were going to get away with that against Boise. If Utah makes those plays and puts Boise back on their heels a little bit maybe it causes them to press a little and get out of their game plan, but alas Utah couldn't make those plays and got steamrolled for 3 quarters.

-The offense is broken and needs some major attention this offseason. I think Utah's biggest problem is that they never forged an identity all season long. The RB combo of Wide/Asiata was severely underused IMO and Utah's offense looked stuck in between being a power running team or trying to be a finesse pass-oriented offense. In retrospect, you could see that even when things were going good at the first of the season. It's no suprise it caught up with them when the schedule got harder. If you don't know who you are by the time you face TCU, they're going to make you pay.

-Of course BYU fans loved seeing all of this and I love the doom and gloom predictions of Utah's future in the Pac12. It's nothing more than knee-jerk reactions from haters. As bothered as I am by how Utah closed out the season, this team still has plenty to build on. They've got a ton of talented players coming back, the early makings of a really good recruiting class, and if the coaching staff can correctly address some of the lingering issues, I don't see why 2011 won't be an exciting and successful year for Utah football.

-Even if Utah had won the game last night, I'm still very embarrassed by the trash talking. There's not place for it and when you run your mouth and don't back it up you only look more idiotic.

-Overall I would classify 2010 as a downer due to the last month of the season but there were still some bright spots. Of course the brightest spot would have to be beating BYU and finishing off the MWC with a 7-to-5 advantage over the Cougars. Going forward in the rivalry I expect to see Utah continue to have success. BYU literally has 1 thing going for it that Utah does not: Jake Heaps. Is one player going to be enough to swing the rivalry into BYU's favor for the next 3 years? My guess is no, but only time will tell.
Your starting QB, Wynn, has always been suspect, and really? You're going to lay the blame on your LT? How many passes did your receivers drop? Had they been able to haul in the passes that hit them in the most horrfic place... their hands, Utah may have stood a chance. Alas, as was shown earlier in the season, they were never as good as advertised.

Utah was WAAAY overrated this year. Good luck in the PAC... you're going to need it. Badly.
Ya know it's interesting Salty is using the QB and left tackle thing as one of his many excuses. Yet he knew about those things before the game and still picked Utah to win straight up or at least cover with ease. Pathetic.

And funny thing also is right after announcers mentioned the LT issue they also mentioned the guy getting beat by BSU's backup DE.
I think maybe deep down the Pac-10 wishes they would've picked BSU or BYU over Utah. I bet they'd change that decision in a heartbeat if given the chance.
I was worried this would be a blowout, the defense and special teams played well enough the offense, Shaky and supposed senior leadership did what they did all season long. Couldn't step up for the big games or big plays, dropped passes, fumbles and penalties, one would almost certainly follow another. They just can't get out of their own way and compound their mistakes and its usually the seniors making them and again last night is a perfect example.
The offense let the D down if they would've capitalized on what the D and special teams handed them, who knows if they'd won but it would've let get some rest and kept momentum.
BSU vaunted QB had a fumble and INT can't ask for more.

Like I said I was worried this could be like TCU but still just as frustrating loss after seeing they could have had a chance if it wasn't for their own mental weaknesses.
I guess if Utah had a worse record, they would have gotten to go to the New Mexico Bowl and then they could have trounced what amounts to a D-II school and kept the Bowl streak alive, but what would that have netted Utah in the long run? As painful as the last month of the season has been, maybe it's just the wake-up call Kyle Whittingham needs as Utah heads on to the PAC 12. There's no way Kyle can think that things are "ok" right now. The TCU, Notre Dame and Boise State losses, as well as letting a much lesser BYU squad nearly beat them are extreme wake-up calls. To me, it feels much like the 27-0 loss Utah suffered to UNLV a few years back. While it may have been extremely painful to see, it served notice to Whit and Co. that things were not working. Whit adjusted accordingly back then and he deserves the benefit of the doubt this time as well.

However, none of that will stop the haters from hating. Just keep pounding your chest over that amazing win against UTEP and enjoy the San Francisco Bowl next season against a 7-and-5 ACC school. In fact, since the Big 12 probably won't exist in 5 years and no other major conference will ever consider the Y, enjoy playing in low-level bowls against 7 win schools for the next 30+ years.
Ya in all the responses I've seen from the Utah program they are taking this beatdown almost as well as the fans. Bascially a win/win for them.

I had to recheck the score cuz it almost made me think Utah had won the game. No, they still got rolled. But love the positive attitude nevetheless.
Just saw video of the beer bottle rolling by the Boise players' head on the fumble recovery in the endzone........ Typical Ute fans at work.
As a Ute fan, I am okay with how the season went, overall. If you had asked me, before the season started, how I felt about 10-3 overall, I would have been just fine with that. Expectations got overblown with the early success. But I don't think Utah is suddenly headed in the wrong direction.

To BYU fans - I honestly hope independence works out for BYU. They are a storied football program, and it would be great to see them become a prominent team again on the college football landscape. Hopefully the rivalry doesn't suffer for the teams parting ways.
Bronco70 Wrote:
.....Expectations got overblown with the early success. But I don't think Utah is suddenly headed in the wrong direction.

Could not have said it better myself. If you're a BYU fan, I understand you reveling in Utah getting throttled last night. Lord knows when I was a little kid and The U wasn't that relevant, it made my December when somebody like Penn State or Texas A&M destroyed BYU in the Holiday Bowl.

What I don't understand however is the belief that Utah can't handle the Pac12 and is doomed once they enter. While the season did not end on a high note, I still see plenty to be excited about. Utah is currently a better program than the vast majority of Pac 10 schools and the ones that are better than Utah aren't light years ahead of them. 2 years ago a so-so Utah team went up to Oregon and almost left with a victory over a team that is playing for the National Title 1 year later. Later that year, the same Utah team handily beat a Cal program that is considered to be in the top half of the Pac10.

Plus, I think it's fair to say that Whit knows what he's doing. While I'd like to see some things addressed this offseason, I feel just fine about Whit's ability to get this team ready for the 2011 season. I think most BYU homers are secretly upset that Utah's poor showings during the last month+ haven't caused Ute fans to freak out on message boards, call for their Coach's head and question whether this program is on the right track or not. As was seen with BYU's struggles earlier in the season, we like to leave that sort of behavior to Cougar fans.