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The Mako does handle like **** and doesn't seem to be able to take much damage. I chose that snow planet(Navortus?) as the first one I visited and firstly just ditched the thing after I ran over some of those enemy shields and the vehicle was going all over the place, and started walking around on foot and kept dying. Eventually I figured out you had to stay in the thing or else you die. And then I drove off the cliff on accident and stuck to the wall and just kept driving and bypassed a lot of those enemy filled tunnels.

The boss fights in the game are pretty tough; I feel like I'm missing a component of strategy or something because my team is dead in two seconds sometimes. My strat is simply to retry until I get lucky. Those other two guys seem pretty worthless overall. I never notice them killing anything. They don't heal you. I'm sure they get in a couple shots here and there....but they seem like some of the weakest squad mates I've had in a game. They're always on the ground...lifeless.
The Mako does handle like **** and doesn't seem to be able to take much damage. I chose that snow planet(Navortus?) as the first one I visited and firstly just ditched the thing after I ran over some of those enemy shields and the vehicle was going all over the place, and started walking around on foot and kept dying. Eventually I figured out you had to stay in the thing or else you die. And then I drove off the cliff on accident and stuck to the wall and just kept driving and bypassed a lot of those enemy filled tunnels.
You get better at handling it. You just sort of have to practice orienting the thing so you are shooting at enemies off the side of the vehicle, such that when they fire back at you, you can drive forward or backward to sidestep their shots. Enemy fire moves so slow in this game that you don't need to be quick, either. Just controlled.

The boss fights in the game are pretty tough; I feel like I'm missing a component of strategy or something because my team is dead in two seconds sometimes. My strat is simply to retry until I get lucky. Those other two guys seem pretty worthless overall. I never notice them killing anything. They don't heal you. I'm sure they get in a couple shots here and there....but they seem like some of the weakest squad mates I've had in a game. They're always on the ground...lifeless.
Well first of all... what teammates are you using, exactly?

You should be using Wrex. It's not so much a question of which two squadmates you should use, as it's a question of which squadmate you should use besides Wrex.

Purely from a combat perspective I prefer Liara or Ashley. Liara will help you out a lot with her Biotics, and Ashley just tends to stay alive because she's pure soldier-class. If you need a technician for hacking, it's really just up to preference between Garrus and Tali. I go with Tali because she uses shotguns, and shotguns are OP in this game. Kaiden I find pretty worthless overall.
Garrus and Ashley currently. I was hoping to just go in and gun everything down. I've really only played maybe 3 1/2 hours at this point, and about 2 of that was just walking around/story in the citadel portion so I'll have to experiment a bit with switching them in and out. I'll take your advice and go big Wrex with one of the slots moving forward though. I don't think I have the other girl yet.
More Dark Souls 2 news. Apparently it was recently shown at an event in San Francisco, so there are some new tidbits.

1. Tweaks in invasion mechanics. It was announced months ago that in the new game, you can be invaded even while hollow/undead. But it looks like they're making some changes to mitigate this. Not only will your life meter drop by 5% every time you die down to 50%, but frequently invading other players will raise your "sin" level and reduce your life even further... eventually all the way down to 10%, if Keza MacDonald has it right. Additionally, other factors will now contribute to how often you're invaded besides just your level. The factors I've heard that will increase your chance of being invaded are: a) you're human (rather than hollow/undead), b) you're playing with blue phantoms helping you, c) you've logged more hours in the game.

2. At least some enemies can be killed permanently. From Gamespot: "certain enemies will only respawn near each bonfire a certain number of times, which the PR rep estimates to be about 15. However, you'll need to actually kill them rather than simply respawn at the bonfire for this counter to increase. The developers made this change to stop you from grinding; with no enemies to gather souls from to then spend on levelling up, you are eventually forced to venture into dangerous, unknown territory. This also makes repeated runs to a boss encounter less frustrating." I'm definitely a bit annoyed at this; I've always felt that if players want to grind, they should be allowed to grind. But they did say "certain enemies," so maybe this won't be a real problem. I already knew from the beta test that black phantom NPC invaders don't respawn.

3. The world is more open than before. By this I mean that there appear to be fewer "barriers" between low-level and high-level areas. Apparently you can head right to a high-level area from the very beginning if you want -- it's just not particularly recommended. Apparently the game is going to let you figure out for yourself which areas to tackle first and which ones to avoid until you can return at a higher level and with better equipment. Personally, I love this change.

4. Bonfires and levelling up. I think it had been confirmed previously, but you can teleport between bonfires from the very beginning of the game. But one unannounced thing is that you no longer level up at bonfires, but instead with one specific NPC back in the starting town. Considering the bonfire teleportation, this shouldn't really make much difference, more of a style thing (remember the Maiden in Black from Demon's Souls?). Also, there's apparently going to be a way to re-spec your character -- no idea yet how costly this will be.

5. There is now opt-in voice chat. That's right. By default voice chat is off, but apparently now if both players want to opt-in, it's available.

6. There's actually a tutorial. On the other hand, die-hard Souls fans need not be annoyed, as it is completely skippable. One player mentioned that he walked right by the tutorial without even realizing it was there, so it's not going to be obtrusive, just something to help out new players if they care to seek it out.

I think that's about it for new stuff that I discovered from the recent slew of preview articles. Dark Souls 2 is very close now -- March 11, or about a month and a half. I can't wait.
That's another thing. I liked the Mako stuff. For one, it just never got old driving up mountains with a 70 degree incline. But mostly, it helped sell the illusion that you're actually in a big universe, because you can actually drive around in big open areas of other planets. In ME2 the universe felt very small, because there really wasn't any exploration -- at all. All of the missions and side missions are linear shooting galleries. And to replace the Mako? The ridiculously boring scanning of planets for minerals mini-game. I mean, seriously, I hear people complain about the Mako stuff, and all I can think of is: "they prefer scanning planets for hours instead?"

No I was just complaining about ME1. I hated that crap in ME2 even worse. Luckily you can mod in resources on PC.
Garrus and Ashley currently. I was hoping to just go in and gun everything down. I've really only played maybe 3 1/2 hours at this point, and about 2 of that was just walking around/story in the citadel portion so I'll have to experiment a bit with switching them in and out. I'll take your advice and go big Wrex with one of the slots moving forward though. I don't think I have the other girl yet.
It depends on your class. You wanna balance your party. Mostly. You can really use whoever.
No I was just complaining about ME1. I hated that crap in ME2 even worse. Luckily you can mod in resources on PC.

Fair enough. The Mako stuff is the usual complaint. I'm not sure what else was bad about that game, I loved it.

The other problem I have with ME2 is that it suffers from middle installment syndrome. You're collecting party members for the entire game, then you do one final mission and the game is over. Not much really happens. I thought the ME1 story was more interesting.
It depends on your class. You wanna balance your party. Mostly. You can really use whoever.

Turns out my problem was that I didn't upgrade the ammo, only the guns themselves and the first-tier upgrades. Made a huge difference. I haven't died at all in the few hours I've played since I last posted in this thread. And suddenly my squad mates seem quite useful.
Turns out my problem was that I didn't upgrade the ammo, only the guns themselves and the first-tier upgrades. Made a huge difference. I haven't died at all in the few hours I've played since I last posted in this thread. And suddenly my squad mates seem quite useful.

I've definitely done stuff like that in games. I recently played Tales of Xillia, and completed about two-thirds of the game before I figured out I needed to equip/assign the skills that I'd been unlocking in order for them to work. I thought they just became active when I acquired them. D'oh.
Wow, I'm starting to become a regular on this show:


1:07:06 for context.

Meanwhile, who else is excited for South Park: The Stick of Truth? I think I had written it off because I was assuming it'd just be a crappy licensed game. But after reading/watching some previews over the last few days, I have to admit that it looks pretty amazing. I'd post gameplay footage, but obviously the language would get me an infraction. Go google it instead, game looks pretty awesome...
I've been watching that for awhile. I'll definitely check it out at some point. I really liked that first person N64 Southpark game where you threw snowballs for some reason. So South Park games are 1-0 up until this point for me.

Anybody pick up Thief and/or Castlevania LoS 2? Reviewers seem disappointed with both, but LoS 1 was awesome and the other Thief game was solid so I'm going to have to try those out too.
Anyone know how long the game play will be for Stick of Truth? Intrigues me, but not sure if I want to pay 60$ for it.
Anyone know how long the game play will be for Stick of Truth? Intrigues me, but not sure if I want to pay 60$ for it.

By most accounts it's not that long. That's about my only concern. But what's there looks so good, I don't think I really care... Still, yeah, you could always just wait for a price drop.
Athiest. Do you still play the Dark Souls games? You are the one that helped me with Demon Souls and pointed me towards the Wiki page. Just curious.
Athiest. Do you still play the Dark Souls games? You are the one that helped me with Demon Souls and pointed me towards the Wiki page. Just curious.

Given that it came out in 2011, I haven't played in a while. Even though it's one of my favorites ever, in the 2.5 years since it's been released, a lot of other good stuff has come out.

I think the last time I played was maybe nine months to a year ago, when I did a playthrough with an all-melee character. Previously I had beaten the game five times with my fairly sorcery-heavy build, which was almost like putting the game on easy mode (incidentally, I hope sorcery is less OPed in Dark Souls 2).

Majorly looking forward to Dark Souls 2, though. When it comes out next Tuesday, I'm going to have to take sick leave for about a week. :-D
Given that it came out in 2011, I haven't played in a while. Even though it's one of my favorites ever, in the 2.5 years since it's been released, a lot of other good stuff has come out.

I think the last time I played was maybe nine months to a year ago, when I did a playthrough with an all-melee character. Previously I had beaten the game five times with my fairly sorcery-heavy build, which was almost like putting the game on easy mode (incidentally, I hope sorcery is less OPed in Dark Souls 2).

Majorly looking forward to Dark Souls 2, though. When it comes out next Tuesday, I'm going to have to take sick leave for about a week. :-D
I occasionally still play them. Working on Demon's souls for the 4th or 5th time right now. Trying a different build and getting a few items I never bothered with before.