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War In Iraq Officially Over

War, what is it good for?

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This article and Ted Koppel's video is necessary for everyone.

Even though the "War in Iraq" is over, it really isn't. We're there to stay for a lonnngggg time. thousands of Americans will remains, the security buildup in Basra (where the richest oil fields are located... And where one of our consulates is conveniently located... lol) and the throwing away of billions will continue. Americans will continue to die, they'll just be contractors and not army troops.

The war will never truly be over until the oil wells there dry up.

I just wonder about the situation with Iran... If I had to bet another war, it would be with them...

I don't think Iran will ever actually "invade" Iraq. However, I do believe they can control it politically... Specifically, they'll influence the price of oil with consequences that America won't like.

Hence, while we're "pulling out" we're actually building up in Basra to fight against Iranian influence.

Iran, the Shiite majority in Iraq and Iran, and oil=one nasty showdown against US/Western interests.
‘I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am President, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank.’
- Obama Oct 27th 2007
This pullout was negotiated by the bush White House; Obama gets the credit due for making the deadline work.

In another 5-10 years, we'll get the itch again and invade someone else. Maybe the Sudan.
Thank God this is drawing to a close, and I certainly hope we stay put for a while on our home turf. There are enough issues at home, and war doesn't do the same for the economy that it did last century.
Man, so that means we are only in three wars now. *shakes head at pathetic-ness of the end of the Bush era and the whole Obama era*
The war in Iraq will never be over, thanks to the neo-conservatives.
If Ron Paul ever gets elected.... there might be a chance, but any president short of him will not do anything different. Not even mentioning the worthless congress.

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Trading soldiers for contractors is not ending the war.


The war hasn't ended. It has just changed a little bit.

We're still going to have thousands of Americans with guns driving armored vehicles, dumping billions per year there, and with multiples bases errr consulates operating in the country.

Pulling out? Not even close...
They have been doing quite a few interviews on NPR with Iraqi people over the last week. Interesting thread is that they seem to be glad the Americans are gone, but also glad Saddam is gone, nearly in equal measure. Most of them feel it will be a positive thing for their country long-term, while right now they acknolwedge that the whole thing was incredibly painful and there is a large amount of uncertainty and angst in the country. But most seem more optimistic than pessimistic.

Of course, these are just the folks NPR is interviewing (and the interviews I heard, I only have a couple hours each day around lunch time and after work to listen in). I haven't seen anything along the lines of a national poll yet, which would be interesting to see.