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We’re going to win the series

I'm worn out on this. If this had been a scrappy series with both teams playing with heart then I'd be all for hoping for the Jazz to pull it out. That isn't what we've seen. Not even in the wins, really.

I kind of wish Dallas had hit a game winner in game 4 and this had ended Monday night.

This is the least prepared Jazz team I've ever seen in a playoff series. Like as if practice consisted of them showing up and saying "well let's see what happens" and then they all went home and waited for the game.
This is the least prepared Jazz team I've ever seen in a playoff series. Like as if practice consisted of them showing up and saying "well let's see what happens" and then they all went home and waited for the game.
Why are you talking about this like it’s a hypothetical? This is exactly what we did, down to the point of saying it doesn’t matter and that things magically change “when it counts.”
Why are you talking about this like it’s a hypothetical? This is exactly what we did, down to the point of saying it doesn’t matter and that things magically change “when it counts.”
Well if Don didn't get that thigh contusion we'd be healthy and would have won it all....
I'm worn out on this. If this had been a scrappy series with both teams playing with heart then I'd be all for hoping for the Jazz to pull it out. That isn't what we've seen. Not even in the wins, really.

I kind of wish Dallas had hit a game winner in game 4 and this had ended Monday night.

This is the least prepared Jazz team I've ever seen in a playoff series. Like as if practice consisted of them showing up and saying "well let's see what happens" and then they all went home and waited for the game.

This is basically where I'm at as well. I'm just kind of ready for it to be over and the off-season to begin. This has been the most frustrating and least enjoyable Jazz team/season I can ever remember. At this point I just want Dallas to put us out of our misery.
I'm worn out on this. If this had been a scrappy series with both teams playing with heart then I'd be all for hoping for the Jazz to pull it out. That isn't what we've seen. Not even in the wins, really.

I kind of wish Dallas had hit a game winner in game 4 and this had ended Monday night.

This is the least prepared Jazz team I've ever seen in a playoff series. Like as if practice consisted of them showing up and saying "well let's see what happens" and then they all went home and waited for the game.

Pretty much what I said before game five. The Houston series from 2007 is a good example of a series where the Jazz came back to Salt Lake down 2-3 and needing a win at home to stave off elimination and you felt they still had a really good shot at winning it. But those Jazz teams were in each road game and played extremely tough all around, even if they couldn't figure out how to close.

Dallas has out-played Utah pretty much every game it feels like.
Shooting will be the issue./ If we are able to shoot at her normal level, we win this one and have good chance at game 7. if our PG still shoot that bad, then season will be finish soon !!
I think we win game 6. But I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't based on this teams play right now. But if we do then it's just a crap shoot for game 7. I would put the odds of that game at 50-50.
I'm impressed, a pure optimist.
Why are you talking about this like it’s a hypothetical? This is exactly what we did, down to the point of saying it doesn’t matter and that things magically change “when it counts.”
Yeah, this sounds like the distillation of most of the post-game answers as to why they keep collapsing.

“I don’t know, but we’ll keep trying.”

Cool. Thanks. It really sounds like you’re trying hard.
That’s the problem. I think a number of us saw this coming from last off-season.
This is the dagger I felt in my heart after the Clippers spanked us last year: the team was either not going to psychologically recover, make the necessary roster and preparation changes, or both things together.

Sorry to say it’s been more spectacularly bad than even my Debbie Downer *** thought it could’ve.
I respect the feeling. I certainly don’t have the same one, but would be thrilled if yours turns out correct. I am coming into tonight’s game expecting the season to end. This team just hasn’t been right all year, so cannot imagine them showing up in an elimination game.
This is the dagger I felt in my heart after the Clippers spanked us last year: the team was either not going to psychologically recover, make the necessary roster and preparation changes, or both things together.

Sorry to say it’s been more spectacularly bad than even my Debbie Downer *** thought it could’ve.
Sometimes when you are so close to something your problems seem unsolvable and simple things get more complex. So you turn to blind hope. It’s sometimes hilarious to me that business outsiders can meet with other business owners and solve problems simply and quickly (mostly in theory). I’ve done it for a number of friends and associates… yet my own business has simple issues I can’t seem to solve adequately at times because I get too into the weeds.

So you say… hey we are too small on defense on the perimeter. Maybe we need to do something different with Mike… but then we lose his creation and it messes up chemistry… okay can’t do that… what if we swap Bogey for a defender… need bogeys shooting can’t do that. It leads you to doing nothing or things so small that they likely don’t have impact. Or you do what DL did and throw a ton of resources at minor problems rather than finding a simple cheap solution just because it’s the easiest need to address.
Yeah, this sounds like the distillation of most of the post-game answers as to why they keep collapsing.

“I don’t know, but we’ll keep trying.”

Cool. Thanks. It really sounds like you’re trying hard.

"We didn't beat our head against the wall hard enough. We need to keep beating our heads on the wall, as hard as we can, then find a way to beat our heads on the wall even harder."
This isn’t a positivity thread. This isn’t about there being evidence that we should win, because there isn’t. This isn’t because we have a winning mentality, because we don’t. It’s not because I think there are reasons to be optimistic, because there aren’t. Just a feeling. And I feel we’ll win despite all those things, and not actively because of us. That’s a big blow out last night that changes emotion for Dallas. They may feel fairly comfortable and in the driver’s seat and, even if losing game 6, feel comfortable in what they’ve shown thus far to close things out. I think they could drop game 6 pretty easily, and before game 7 realize they’re in an elimination game and go toe-to-toe with the best team in the league for who can collapse the most. We just may be the biggest beneficiary and, as the winds blow from the karma gods, we just may see ourselves left standing.

View: https://youtu.be/ZHwVBirqD2s

TBH, I might have a just a little more confidence in this comeback scenario if we had just a few more bad asses in the crowd. I'm sorry but I'm finiding it hard to fathom that the whole "Take Note" campaign is doing anything for us beside maybe making us look like goobers. That crowd in Dallas on Monday reminded me of that scene from "Winning Time" of playing in the old Boston Garden with the most vile fans known to man. I mean I can almost understand a weakminded team playing scared on Monday. Whereas when the Mavs look out to the color coded cooing fans of the Vivint Center it will be about as intimidating as going to church on Sunday!
TBH, I might have a just a little more confidence in this comeback scenario if we had just a few more bad asses in the crowd. I'm sorry but I'm finiding it hard to fathom that the whole "Take Note" campaign is doing anything for us beside maybe making us look like goobers. That crowd in Dallas on Monday reminded me of that scene from "Winning Time" of playing in the old Boston Garden with the most vile fans known to man. I mean I can almost understand a weakminded team playing scared on Monday. Whereas when the Mavs look out to the color coded cooing fans of the Vivint Center it will be about as intimidating as going to church on Sunday!
Damn, church is ****ing scary as hell.
As the TV analyst said after game 3, Dallas has our number on both ends of the floor. We get down by 20, lose by 10.

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