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We don't want amnesty!

Absolutely makes sense. To function cognitively we build patterns that we apply to similar circumstances in future events, also called stereotypes. So if we see 10 brown people and find out they are all mexican, it is simply logical that the 11th one we see we will immediately jump to the conclusion they are mexican as well. Is this necessarily a terrible thing? Do people assume all white people they see in america are americans, when they could be germans or english or even spaniards? Or are people really supposed to walk up to every single person they ever see to verify their actual race and lineage before jumping to evil conclusions?
i agree. i dont really think its a big deal
Absolutely makes sense. To function cognitively we build patterns that we apply to similar circumstances in future events, also called stereotypes. So if we see 10 brown people and find out they are all mexican, it is simply logical that the 11th one we see we will immediately jump to the conclusion they are mexican as well. Is this necessarily a terrible thing? Do people assume all white people they see in america are americans, when they could be germans or english or even spaniards? Or are people really supposed to walk up to every single person they ever see to verify their actual race and lineage before jumping to evil conclusions?
very good and smart post btw. nice explanation.

i lack the ability to really illustrate my thoughts in the way you did in this post.
im always impressed by those of you that can
i dont know but its definately true.

i think all brown people are mexican.

i guess its because most of them are mexican here in utah so since that is in fact the most common, it makes sense.

in florida they probably think mexicans are cuban or whatever is most common there

FOJ, I'm not trying to say anything here, just talking, so don't think I am passing judgement. But doesn't this kind of leap in logic thinking permeate other aspects of our life? I mean, it can be considered lazy thinking. I remember when I visited Utahr the first time, every cab I took I ended up talking to the driver. None of them were Mexican. First dude was Salvadorean and the 2nd two were from Honduras.

Here in LA, the same thing happens. Folks always say Mexican when in reality there's a host of other countries people could be from.
FOJ, I'm not trying to say anything here, just talking, so don't think I am passing judgement. But doesn't this kind of leap in logic thinking permeate other aspects of our life? I mean, it can be considered lazy thinking. I remember when I visited Utahr the first time, every cab I took I ended up talking to the driver. None of them were Mexican. First dude was Salvadorean and the 2nd two were from Honduras.

Here in LA, the same thing happens. Folks always say Mexican when in reality there's a host of other countries people could be from.
i guess its hard for me to see the other side since im a straight up white dude born and raised here for a bunch of generations.

maybe if i was living in another country it would bother/concern me if no one knew things about my culture/lifestyle/heritage.
Absolutely makes sense. To function cognitively we build patterns that we apply to similar circumstances in future events, also called stereotypes. So if we see 10 brown people and find out they are all mexican, it is simply logical that the 11th one we see we will immediately jump to the conclusion they are mexican as well. Is this necessarily a terrible thing? Do people assume all white people they see in america are americans, when they could be germans or english or even spaniards? Or are people really supposed to walk up to every single person they ever see to verify their actual race and lineage before jumping to evil conclusions?

When referring to white folk nationality rarely is mentioned...it's usually "that white dude" which covers American, German, English, etc. To say otherwise is intellectually dishonest. I mean, if you used Hispanic you'd cover all nationalities. See.

Nah, it's definitely not a bad thing but culturally there's a hell of a difference...especially when it comes to Mexican folks and other central or South american people.

For instance, here in LA, there's quite a large population of Persian, Russian and Armenian folks. At times they are hard to tell apart but culturally they are wholly different.
i guess its hard for me to see the other side since im a straight up white dude born and raised here for a bunch of generations.

maybe if i was living in another country it would bother/concern me if no one knew things about my culture/lifestyle/heritage.

I completely see your viewpoint, duder. Completely.

Personally speaking, I absolutely love learning about folks and their respective cultures and being here in LA, you get numerous chances. Furthermore, people are usually very proud and love to talk about where they are from. It's almost like a transplant moving some other part of the country to LA. You run into them all the time. And for the most part, they love where they came from but they just needed a change of scenery.
I completely see your viewpoint, duder. Completely.

Personally speaking, I absolutely love learning about folks and their respective cultures and being here in LA, you get numerous chances. Furthermore, people are usually very proud and love to talk about where they are from. It's almost like a transplant moving some other part of the country to LA. You run into them all the time. And for the most part, they love where they came from but they just needed a change of scenery.
its funny cause with the world cup going on i have actually learned where alot of my co workers are from due to thier love of soccer. even ones whose country is not participating. (one of my co workers is from peru apparently and he hates chileans so yesterday he was rooting for austrailian just cause he hates chile.... i thought he would root for them cause they are from the same area. he said chile vs peru is like lakers verse jazz for him lol)
its funny cause with the world cup going on i have actually learned where alot of my co workers are from due to thier love of soccer. even ones whose country is not participating. (one of my co workers is from peru apparently and he hates chileans so yesterday he was rooting for austrailian just cause he hates chile.... i thought he would root for them cause they are from the same area. he said chile vs peru is like lakers verse jazz for him lol)

My Dad is Peruvian! Yup, there is beef between Peru and Chile just like there's beef between Mexico and El Salvadorean. Most of it I don't understand because I was born here and those beefs have a long history.

Anyway, my Dad was/ is so upset that Peru never makes it to the WC. He always talks about corruption and other soccer minutiae that I don't know about. Anyway, he loves his ****ing soccer!
I guess that is one of the benefits of going on a mission.

One of my brothers went to uruguay and the other went to argentina and it was interesting hearing second hand about the people and culture of those countries. (I know they like to drink some tea/coffee like stuff called matte through a weird spoon straw combo thing)

One thing is certain for most all non US cointries and that is a love of soccer. Mu brothers would say how it was important to know the favorite team of the locals.

Also apparently they eat lots of bread and drink tons of milk in those countries and alot of homes dont even have floors (just dirt ground for floors) but its seems like they are happy and kind people despite having so little.

That was the impression i got from reading thier letters and stuff anyway
If you look at the plummeting Total Fertility rate in Mexico and the rest of Latin America you will see that very soon this issue will largely dissipate on its own. We very well may be encouraging immigration 15-20 years from now to help pay for our aging population.

Not that I'm for an ever expanding population, but there are many interests that require it.
I guess that is one of the benefits of going on a mission.

One of my brothers went to uruguay and the other went to argentina and it was interesting hearing second hand about the people and culture of those countries. (I know they like to drink some tea/coffee like stuff called matte through a weird spoon straw combo thing)

One thing is certain for most all non US cointries and that is a love of soccer. Mu brothers would say how it was important to know the favorite team of the locals.

Also apparently they eat lots of bread and drink tons of milk in those countries and alot of homes dont even have floors (just dirt ground for floors) but its seems like they are happy and kind people despite having so little.

That was the impression i got from reading thier letters and stuff anyway

I had three older brothers that served missions, all in Argentina. That Matte stuff is like drinking a bucket of warm piss, after it has been filtered through a barrel of cow ****.
I had three older brothers that served missions, all in Argentina. That Matte stuff is like drinking a bucket of warm piss, after it has been filtered through a barrel of cow ****.
i dont reckon i'd like that
I had three older brothers that served missions, all in Argentina. That Matte stuff is like drinking a bucket of warm piss, after it has been filtered through a barrel of cow ****.

You did it wrong.

Add some sugar and/or eat it with the sweetish (wafer like) crackers you can get at any Latin market.

It was never my favorite. I had some that tasted exactly as you described. But sugar can make even pee taste good.
You did it wrong.

Add some sugar and/or eat it with the sweetish (wafer like) crackers you can get at any Latin market.

It was never my favorite. I had some that tasted exactly as you described. But sugar can make even pee taste good.

I don't know what cow **** tastes like, but after drinking matte I think I have a pretty good idea. I'm not being dramatic either, it really does taste like it was filtered through a smelly pile of crap of an animal that has been eating hay and/or weeds.

I don't care how much sugar you put in it, it's still going to taste like ****.
Alright dudes/dudettes.

Saturday, driving through the Hollywood/movie corner of greater LA, I saw a lady with a long skirt, and three little girls in tow, all with long skirts. Then I saw a bunch of other folks, all walking. Then I saw their church. Some kind of Jewish church I'd guess. I drove on up the street about a mile and came to a big white cathedral with a red ribbon and a rainbow flag, and a sign that said "all are welcome". I'd guess the reason those conservative folks walking in the heat to avoid breaking the Sabbath would have to change some opinions to be "welcome" under the Disney flag, really.

"Toleration" is misconstrued in today's social justice rhetoric. "Toleration" isn't even the issue. The issue is liberty. . . . some call it " freedom". If you have to accept other people, at the point of a sword, and profess to "believe" in what they demand, you're no longer "free" to have your own idea, at least on the public square.

If you can't create a border, and define your interests, you are no longer a "nation". And of course, that is exactly what international corporate interests want. They want the power, through UN governance under their specific control, through their media news/opinion retailers we call "mainstream", through their "elected" legislators, governors, even Presidents, and a littany of other public players on their public stage, to manage things. The idea of globalism has as it's ultimate objective the streamlining of governance from the top down, and the perfection of human management from the top down.

To achieve that result, they need "social justice" rhetoric that eliminates every individual opinion option. So little people with straying opinions can be booed off the town square, so public opinion can be massaged into whatever form "management" prefers, and steered in whatever new direction may seem useful in the future.

So by the time we can't say "illegal" anything is wrong, we mean to say laws themselves should not matter. Which is to say, we believe in absolute government power and no human rights at all. The laws are all for us po' folk, not for government officials. We should give them absolute discretionary powers, which is to say absolute arbitrary power.

If we won't "arrest" or "impeach" a President who every day makes arbitrary decisions on which "laws" should be enforced, it is an absolute end of representative republic principles, and absolute end of Constitutional "rule of law". What Nixon did is a drop in the bucket to all Obama is doing, and our so-call "Press" is in the sack for it all.

Pearl is perhaps only person, so far in this thread, who actually still has a functioning sort of self-awareness/functioning cognition, to even see the problem with "illegal" immigrants. It's not skin color, or even culture. It's actually "human rights".

Mexicans never had very much of those "human rights". Any time in the past six hundred years they've had a government that could just round them up and shoot them whenever they got in anyone's way. . . . let's say in any "significant person's" way. And if we sit idle and do nothing to turn this situation around, it's likely that for rthe next six hundred years we will all live under absolutely corrupt and arbitrary power in the hands of a government that can't be held to account for any of it's actions.
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I had three older brothers that served missions, all in Argentina. That Matte stuff is like drinking a bucket of warm piss, after it has been filtered through a barrel of cow ****.

Coming from a guy who genuinely knows what a bucket of warm piss n **** tastes like...
If you look at the plummeting Total Fertility rate in Mexico and the rest of Latin America you will see that very soon this issue will largely dissipate on its own. We very well may be encouraging immigration 15-20 years from now to help pay for our aging population.

Not that I'm for an ever expanding population, but there are many interests that require it.

This is a fact. Mexican women are all on board with the ZPG/materialistic agenda. Getting your tubes tied is practically a rite of passage just like Quinceanos.

Mexico is also the next frontier. Lots of resources, wide open land. The Mexicans all live in Mexico City and about three border towns with populations the size of New York City living in cardboard shacks waiting for a ride north..

There is major news about a water project, desalination project involving actual cooperation between Mexico and the United States.

A really major desalination project on Gulf of California/Sea of Cortez, or the Gulf of Mexico would open up huge acreage for truck(veggie) farming and replace the entire California agricultural businesses inside a decade.

I'm going for the dual citizenship so I can go down there and grow veggies.