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We need to legalize marijuana. Situation in Millcreek

That doesn't make sense.

Pot reduces the swelling of RA? Or the pain meds would accomplish that without pot?

Whether or not it makes sense to you it is an existing phenomenon.

Yes pot reduces the swelling of RA. Pain meds help with pain, but not with swelling. Cannabis helps with both.
My mom was "in pain" for 20 years or so. It was like her little pet. Funny thing, the pain started shortly after her second in-patient rehab for alcoholism. Once she had a steady supply of pain medicine she never started drinking again. Not in a problem way, anyhow.

Not directed at you sqareincircle. I guess I'm just venting.

I hear you, and that is an answer to my question actually. Watching loved ones in addiction sucks- I've watched friends die from alcohol and drugs as well.
Not wanting to engage in a debate about food labeling does not make it taboo. It just makes it boring as ****.

Spoken from a typical American.
If it's not entertaining...... who cares anyway.

Just give me my America's Got Talent, and everything will be just fine.
Spoken from a typical American.
If it's not entertaining...... who cares anyway.

Just give me my America's Got Talent, and everything will be just fine.

Just like a typical Americans seing boggeymen after his rights under every rock and behind every tree. This is fun!
I won't tell you because your rage towards me makes me not want to do your bidding.

Okay. Don't do my bidding, then. I guess we'll all take your word for it. You drive better after a few drinks. Makes sense. Why should we question it? It's bullet proof!

Why would you need a shrink?

Why not? An opinion from an objective third party on important things in my life is always welcomed. That, and I'm so amazingly smart/handsome/funny that it's almost too much to keep in my massive brain; a shrink gives me the perfect outlet.
Okay. Don't do my bidding, then. I guess we'll all take your word for it. You drive better after a few drinks. Makes sense. Why should we question it? It's bullet proof!

lolz...it is the same thing that was said about driving under the influence of pot.
Pot is totally different than alcohol.

Clearly. One starts with a P and also has a T in it, while the other clearly does not. Not to mention they don't even sound the same. One rhymes with trot, spot, cot, and clot -- while the other doesn't rhyme with anything.

Seriously, pull your head out.
Clearly. One starts with a P and also has a T in it, while the other clearly does not. Not to mention they don't even sound the same. One rhymes with trot, spot, cot, and clot -- while the other doesn't rhyme with anything.

Seriously, pull your head out.

Seriously, the effect of alcohol on the body is completely different than the effect of pot. And the effect each has on a person's driving is going to be completely different.
Just like a typical Americans seing boggeymen after his rights under every rock and behind every tree. This is fun!

Haha yeah why not.
Oh come on now, everyone knows the government is shedding the constitution and squashing rights everyday.

It's all good though, I actually like you buddy :)
Haha yeah why not.
Oh come on now, everyone knows the government is shedding the constitution and squashing rights everyday.

It's all good though, I actually like you buddy :)

No arguement here. But how does that tie into not wanting to talk about GMO labeling?

You want me to get serious than talk about something more important that needs to be fixed. Liek education, immigration, Social Security, Medicare, the deficit...
Oh I agree. I have previosuly stated, numerous times, that I think pot should be legal.

One of the best ways to combat drug use amoung minors is to keep them busy in something that they like. For example my daughters are going to be involved in something. Cheer, basketball, science club, chess, drama club, student council...I do not care what they choose to pursue as long as it is something.

Parental involvement in something the child enjoys and pursues (not parental control but involvement) would change almost any worrisome childhood problem. Be it drugs, grades, pregnancy, drinking, bullying...

You are starting to sound like a liberal. If only we could take the money used on the drug war, and invest in education, music/ programs, etc.
We could do a lot with....ahem progressive thinking(in some cases).
You are starting to sound like a liberal. If only we could take the money used on the drug war, and invest in education, music/ programs, etc.
We could do a lot with....ahem progressive thinking(in some cases).

I hold some liberal views. This is one of them (along with gay marriage, abortion as a policy and not a personal choice and i'm a fence sitter on immigration. Secure the boarder but amnesty to those that are here and not breakign laws such as burglery, drugs, assault, DUI, murder...). I also would like to see more money into education. Base tenure of off merit along with pay raises like every other priovate sector job. Then dramatically increase teachers wages. I want some of the best and brightest educating our kids.

When you mention music/programs are we talkign like band at school or funds for local artists and musicians?
Clearly. One starts with a P and also has a T in it, while the other clearly does not. Not to mention they don't even sound the same. One rhymes with trot, spot, cot, and clot -- while the other doesn't rhyme with anything.

Seriously, pull your head out.

You are starting to sound like a liberal. If only we could take the money used on the drug war, and invest in education, music/ programs, etc.
We could do a lot with....ahem progressive thinking(in some cases).

legalizing pot is a libertarian view
the "Family: Its about time" view is Mormon

Nothing "progressive" about it.