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Weather Network ****s on Breitbart climate article

  • Thread starter Deleted member 848
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Is that the new "thanks Obama"?
No, I was being sincere.
As much as I didnt want trump for president, I have no problem praising him when I think he makes a good decision.
Stoked, you tend to speak in moral absolutes. "We must change", that sort of language. My question for those of you who take this religious view of we must restore planet earth is at what point does "we must get better" become best outcome? When it comes to environmental outrage, there is seemingly no end in sight to improving. It's as cliche as every police district press conference claiming they are doing good but there is always room for improvement. At what point is mission accomplished?

There is a point where environmental activism actually creates regulations that create more pollution than they prevent. I can give you a simple example. New regulations require cabinet manufacturers to cut topcoat, adhesive, stain, enamel, basecoat, etc. emissions by roughly half across the board. Now, instead of having long-lasting finishings on your cabinets, they will go to **** within six months and you will have to sand down, landfill the old paint, and repaint all the time. Did cutting those emissions by half up-front actually save anything?

That's a simple example. I can give you plenty more.

Also, beanclown is full of **** if he's claiming to be an environmental scientist. Any self respecting environmental scientist would never claim that air quality is deteriorating (absurd, it has measurably improved for what, 50 straight years now), that deforestration is accelerating (absurd, it has measurably improved for what, 50 straight years), that water quality is deteriorating (absurd, it has measurably improved for what, 50 straight years), have a slanted emphasis on air and water only, without recognizing the third pollution sink that the solar panel industry utilizes most (earth), pretending the USEPA, Superfund (CERCLA), Nuclear Waste Policy Act, Clean Water and Air Acts, Brownfield cleanup, etc. etc. has not significantly improved the environment... Or claim that heavily subsidized and deregulated solar is on price parity with heavily taxed and regulated with newly initiated burdensome regulations on traditional energy. That is as dishonest a stance as you can take yet beanclown makes it as many times as he can. So much for being the honest eh beanclown?

Beanclown acts like the industrial revolution never existed. Those who think the environment is in irreparable disarray are a product of indoctrination. If you really want to improve our environment then start lobbying for the government to purchase up and protect in perpetuity the edge habitats, winter preserves, and wetlands that have been continuously deteriorated by developers over the last century.
Franklin...research how much much big oil is subsidized...

A recent increase in "fracking" is threatening aquifers and air quality at a new level.
Now, instead of having long-lasting finishings on your cabinets, they will go to **** within six months and you will have to sand down, landfill the old paint, and repaint all the time.
Or you could just have a cabinet with a subpar finish. I mean it would still function as a cabinet is supposed to right?
I have yet to read any article about this being the best we can do franklin. You raise a good question about "mission accomplished" I don't have an answer. But I don't believe the current state is the best we can do. Moral absolutes? Perhaps, but I do feel that we need to be better. I think we are fully capable of better than we currently are.
Franklin, do you live in Utah? Do you really enjoy your kids hacking on the air they breathe?

Also Trump met with Leo D. They plan on meeting again next week and he promised Leo he would watch his movie "Before the Flood"
Franklin, do you live in Utah? Do you really enjoy your kids hacking on the air they breathe?

Also Trump met with Leo D. They plan on meeting again next week and he promised Leo he would watch his movie "Before the Flood"
[MENTION=54]Beantown[/MENTION] the President Elect met with Al Gore as well. Also Mrs. trump met with Dicaprio previously as well.

Positive signs IMO.
Or you could just have a cabinet with a subpar finish. I mean it would still function as a cabinet is supposed to right?

Yeah but you and I both know that's not how people behave. If the refinishing it replacing process is prohibitively expensive then sure they might for a while avoid fixing it but is a valid point. And it's my biggest gripe about the knee-jerk reactions to climate change. It isn't about long-term thought, it's about immediate control without a real look at the long-term consequences. There are plenty of studies that show the biggest impact through actions like the Kyoto protocol wound be on developing nations, further impoverishing them, and the IPCC's own reports basically state that is everyone followed these terrible requirements to the letter the projected effect on climate change would be negligible.
For the record I have to go out of my way to read your posts since I put you on ignore. Your tireless defense of the left regardless of actual thought makes most of not all of your posts not just highly predictable but nigh unreadable. I'll go back and see what you said.

*Dal still waiting*
it wont matter guys. Look at the people he's surrounding himself by, who are the ones actually tasked with devising policy.

Yeah and he met with the great environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio? Bwahahahahahahahaha If Leo D gets to call himself an environmentalist then the term has no meaning(other than hypocrite).
I have yet to read any article about this being the best we can do franklin.

What would an article discussing highly subjective results that aren't measurable matter?

You raise a good question about "mission accomplished" I don't have an answer. But I don't believe the current state is the best we can do. Moral absolutes? Perhaps, but I do feel that we need to be better. I think we are fully capable of better than we currently are.

That's way too generic. What is your definition of "be better"? What is your baseline? In practice, our current baselines continuously change and slide. At what point does be better become good enough and the baseline sticks? I'm asking at what point do people clamoring for change think we have done enough. How do we measure this utopia?

FWIW, for the most part I like your approach to this subject other than the utopian "we can do better" mantra. It also happens to be exactly the way we tend to go about it (in our ugly 2 party fighting moderating dirty crony capitalistic system :mad: [MENTION=499]LogGrad98[/MENTION] [MENTION=1988]Stoked[/MENTION] [MENTION=840]fishonjazz[/MENTION]) (goddamntrump I can't believe he appointed these guys the environment is going to end let's jump into a volcano [MENTION=1988]Stoked[/MENTION] [MENTION=840]fishonjazz[/MENTION] [MENTION=3085]Red[/MENTION] :mad:).

I think I like this new @ tool.
What would an article discussing highly subjective results that aren't measurable matter?

That's way too generic. What is your definition of "be better"? What is your baseline? In practice, our current baselines continuously change and slide. At what point does be better become good enough and the baseline sticks? I'm asking at what point do people clamoring for change think we have done enough. How do we measure this utopia?

FWIW, for the most part I like your approach to this subject other than the utopian "we can do better" mantra. It also happens to be exactly the way we tend to go about it (in our ugly 2 party fighting moderating dirty crony capitalistic system :mad: [MENTION=499]LogGrad98[/MENTION] [MENTION=1988]Stoked[/MENTION] [MENTION=840]fishonjazz[/MENTION]) (goddamntrump I can't believe he appointed these guys the environment is going to end let's jump into a volcano [MENTION=1988]Stoked[/MENTION] [MENTION=840]fishonjazz[/MENTION] [MENTION=3085]Red[/MENTION] :mad:).

I think I like this new @ tool.

Does the driving force on improvement really matter in this case? I think we should be driven by the desire to be better. As a person and as a country.

What would you consider an acceptable motivation?

As for generic it is a sports message board with limited time on a subject I am not the best at.
Fun fact.

How many climate change predictions have proved true? ZERO

My cookies didn't rise as much as I think they should
*adds more Baking Soda*
Better, but still not enough
*adds more baking soda*
*starts new batch with original amount*
Needs more rise
*adds more baking soda*
Moar plz
*adds more baking soda*

Do you think the baking soda amount has anything to do with how much your cookies rise in the oven?
Or you could just have a cabinet with a subpar finish. I mean it would still function as a cabinet is supposed to right?

Taking the "everyone should wear a leaf loin cloth" approach doesn't do the environmental side any benefit. The rational conservationists' approach is understanding that we like modern amenities and are not giving them up in the name of radical naturalism, and working from there for improvement where we see fit.
lemme summarize this article for everyone, because all of us are smart enough not to subscribe to the WSJ:

area Intelligent-Design proponent & libertarian policy think tank CEO write an article trying to say there isn't a scientific consensus on the validity of man-created climate change (even though there is)

Is this the post you wanted me to reply to? Standard ad hominem and the normal leftist tactic of ignoring/denigrating sources rather than considering the facts and sources presented behind the opinions? And you wonder why I don't respond to this kind of drivel? Hilarious. Back on ignore.