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What are Republicans doing to Unify the country?

I’m old enough to remember the tiki torch guys doing battle with antifa. In fact, I remember one of the tiki torch guys driving into a crowd of left wing protesters in Charlottesville. But if the tiki torch guys who started the “unite the right” rally were actually leftists and those left wing protesters were also leftist, then why were they battling each other?
That is like asking if Sunni extremists are Muslims and Shia extremists are Muslims then why do they battle each other?

IDK, but that they do is inarguable. More to the point, how about sticking to 2024 where it is much more clear where these morons are planting their flag?
It is happening today, right now, in multiple cities. They are calling them "pro-Palestinian" instead of "Jews will not replace us" rallies, but it is morons doing Antisemitism gatherings by another name.

I never said, nor for the briefest of moments, thought it. My point is that in 2024 95% of Antisemitic incidents motivated by Israel’s policies were perpetrated by far-left or unidentified activists. Just 5% were perpetrated by known far-right activists. It only makes the problem worse to pretend in 2024 that Antisemitism is a disease of the right. Nearly all of it is on the political left now, and the good people of the political left need to call out those on the left engaging with it even if it means they might lose the election for making such a principled stand.
I’m still focused on those tiki marchers and Neo Nazis. They are not leftists. If they are actively supporting Biden, it’s because it’s suits their purpose as far as their hatred of Jews is concerned. Their inner nature, the way they lean, how they think, does not change at all. Still right wing leaning bigots. You are simply pointing out that they will use what suits them. You are not demonstrating that they are now liberal bleeding hearts, or that they approve of Biden’s America, at least if you think that’s what their support indicates. They do not. They are simply recognizing that their hatred might be better served supporting Biden, not Trump, who makes it clear he supports Netanyahu and Zionism.

Their hatred of Jews will take them where they think they need to go, it won’t change the hatred that motivates them, it won’t mean they now love Biden’s America. You do seem to want that to be the case, but it’s not a logical conclusion at all, if that’s where you’re trying to go.

You can change who we might assume, based on Trump being the natural “candidate emphasizing divisiveness and hatred”, who they would support in 2024. But, you cannot change the hatred in their hearts, which has nothing to do with them being transformed into progressive bleeding hearts, deeply troubled by harm inflicted on Palestinians. That’s not happening at all, so linking them with a liberal or progressive Biden is deceiving and false on your part.

If they are now supporting Biden, it’s only because their hatred of Jews requires it for their own hateful motives. As far as leftists on college campuses, the attacks on Jews are of course wrong and unjustifiable. Trouble is so is Netanyahu’s actions.

Demonstrations against Netanyahu’s response, on campus, off campus, are both completely understandable, and for many, entirely justifiable. Pointing out the harm and injustice, and wrong headedness, and immorality of attacking American Jews, does not alter that. But the antisemitism harms and is not justified.

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This highlights the need for Alito to recuse himself. Imagine if Obama or Biden had said this about a liberal justice…

View attachment 16432
Could have just said "congrats to United States supreme court justice Alito for bending the knee and kissing the ring.

Also, trump really seems to dislike America

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I’m old enough to remember the tiki torch guys doing battle with antifa. In fact, I remember one of the tiki torch guys driving into a crowd of left wing protesters in Charlottesville. But if the tiki torch guys who started the “unite the right” rally were actually leftists and those left wing protesters were also leftist, then why were they battling each other?

Remember how Trump said that there were “very fine people on both sides?” How can there be “both sides” if they were all left wing?

Basic critical thinking skills folks.

This just goes to show the trump ball washers on this website are stooping to new lows in order to defend their god and identity.
Here is another lie that Thriller is spreading. He makes fun of Trump supporters with personal attacks (basic critical thinking skills, Trump ball washers)(when it happens to him he is the victim)

Just like the flashlights up the *** or drink bleach, he is not being accurate about it at all.

View: https://x.com/endwokeness/status/1769357813510226410?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

View: https://x.com/billackman/status/1802539061778718747?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

Trump didn’t call nationalists, white suprematists or antifia “very fine people”.

You want to start unify people, you don’t post or spread lies, nonsense or out of context clips. Just like Red posted earlier, the right loud mouths posting about how Obama had to help Biden on the stage. This doesn’t unify anyone, just makes it more polarizing.

Before Thriller will try to say that’s not what I was saying I was talking about how both sides can’t be left. That’s not what I’m discussing. I’m discussing the 100 posts you have made about the “very fine people” lie. This is just your most recent posting about it.
Here is another lie that Thriller is spreading. He makes fun of Trump supporters with personal attacks (basic critical thinking skills, Trump ball washers)(when it happens to him he is the victim)

Just like the flashlights up the *** or drink bleach, he is not being accurate about it at all.

View: https://x.com/endwokeness/status/1769357813510226410?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

View: https://x.com/billackman/status/1802539061778718747?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

Trump didn’t call nationalists, white suprematists or antifia “very fine people”.

You want to start unify people, you don’t post or spread lies, nonsense or out of context clips. Just like Red posted earlier, the right loud mouths posting about how Obama had to help Biden on the stage. This doesn’t unify anyone, just makes it more polarizing.

Before Thriller will try to say that’s not what I was saying I was talking about how both sides can’t be left. That’s not what I’m discussing. I’m discussing the 100 posts you have made about the “very fine people” lie. This is just your most recent posting about it.

Did he tell the Proud Boys to stand down and stand by? Did he knowingly wait hours before denouncing the violence at the capitol on Jan 6th, which resulted in multiple deaths, as testified by his own staff who were there at the time? I have no doubt the media mischaracterizes politicians all the time. "If it bleeds, it leads" as they say. So they do indeed disingenuously cut and edit comments to sound more inflammatory than they are. But also, if it were grossly out of character it would generally be called out as such, and not every outlet would report the same stuff. I agree that Thriller takes a hardline leftist stance on this stuff, to the point of caricature even. But that doesn't mean there is no substance to it. Take the same type of reporting from the right, for example. Biden ******** himself when he was obviously just sitting down, Biden "freezing" on stage so he had to be guided off stage by Obama, when nothing of the sort occurred at all. Oh and vague, non-specific, and unsupported "crimes" from his vast conspiratorial crime family. The difference here? Biden never incited an insurrection, as testified to by his own staffers. Biden never aligned himself clearly with extremist groups such as the Proud Boys. Biden's worst gaffs might consist of being an incontinent old man. Trumps are treasonous, plain and simple. How is that defended without just straw-manning the whole thing again and again? How about his disastrous interview with Fox news right after the conviction, when he, among other highly-edited moment, expressed concern about releasing the records of the Epstein trials since it might affect some families, when Donald is on record as supporting and being friends with Epstein? How about his repeated and proven lying about everything from the Jan 6th "heroes" and "hostages" to his own criminal trial to deflect from his obvious guilt? When does the party finally hold him accountable instead of holy, and when do the politicians with the guts to stand up to the MAGA cult, like Romney, stop getting booed off the stage merely for injecting some sanity into the cult circus that the GOP has become?

Yes, Thriller is the hyperbolic worst the left has to offer, as far as posters on this board. But aside from him pushing all the gaffs, just like the right does with Biden's gaffs, he also presents arguments that get ignored or straw-manned to distract from the issues of substance. When does the rest of the right stand up to the obvious MAGA cultists and take back the republican party? Or is Biden ******** himself literally the best they have to offer? Nothing to do with policy or societal or moral stances, but just throwing literal **** against the wall knowing that throwing enough of it will surely blind everyone to what is really going on. That is what a lot of us are waiting for. Those of us who were more centrist, but now are forced to the left because the right is so obviously insanely enamored with a morally bankrupt megalomaniac bent on acquiring his own dictatorship, and willing to built a cult to get it. When will they wake up and provide a meaningful alternative? The way this is going, we are devolving in a single party system, which in the long run will be infinitely worse than a 2-party system, which we have known for decades was going to destroy our country. Well here it is, the destruction well on its way to fruition, or to enacting all the policies of one side by default simply because they are the only ones who represent a modicum of sanity. I guess in short, when will the republican party wake the **** up and realize they are in it to support the people they serve, not just keep their cult leader in power? Give us something to vote FOR instead of continually pushing us to vote AGAINST the insanity.
Here is another lie that Thriller is spreading. He makes fun of Trump supporters with personal attacks (basic critical thinking skills, Trump ball washers)(when it happens to him he is the victim)

Just like the flashlights up the *** or drink bleach, he is not being accurate about it at all.

View: https://x.com/endwokeness/status/1769357813510226410?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

View: https://x.com/billackman/status/1802539061778718747?s=46&t=BMMZjW7vq0_zwnmLDjNTgQ

Trump didn’t call nationalists, white suprematists or antifia “very fine people”.

You want to start unify people, you don’t post or spread lies, nonsense or out of context clips. Just like Red posted earlier, the right loud mouths posting about how Obama had to help Biden on the stage. This doesn’t unify anyone, just makes it more polarizing.

Before Thriller will try to say that’s not what I was saying I was talking about how both sides can’t be left. That’s not what I’m discussing. I’m discussing the 100 posts you have made about the “very fine people” lie. This is just your most recent posting about it.

I'm not going to take the 20+ minutes to refute everything you said here. I already did that with your other post. So I'm going to keep this one simple.

But one thing I'd like to point out, AGAIN, is you're leaving out context. The omission of the context ONCE AGAIN whitewashes Trump. For someone who is "merely conservative and not MAGA" this seems really odd. You have a clear pattern of doing this too. You always seem to error in favor of Trump.

1. You left out the Unite the Right rally. Why did it occur and why did they choose Charlottesville?
2. What happened in Charlottesville? This is key to understanding how absurd Trump's reaction was. Nazis marched with tiki torches, chanting nazi slogans like "Blood and Soil" and "Jews will not replace us."
3. After a counter protester was killed, Trump offered his "both sides."

After all this, facts you've cleverly omitted to make Trump more palatable, you bring up how Trump was merely referring to those who wanted to "remove the statutes." This is the mafia speak that Trump uses all the time.
Like when he lied about the "perfect phone call" to Zelenskyy, that he was merely, "asking him to investigate corruption." Which in reality meant, "Dig dirt or at least pretend to dig dirt on my political opponent or else you won't get military aid.
Or when Trump said on Jan 6, "we're going to walk to the capitol peacefully" after lying for months about election fraud and holding a rally in which he told his supporters to "fight like hell or else you won't have a country anymore." He used that "peacefully" as a plausible deniability excuse for when things hit the fan. Even after they hit the fan, many in his cabinet admitted that he dragged his feet to tell his supporters to stop the violence.

So by omitting the context of:
1. Right wing groups rushing to protect the removal of Lee's statue
2. Right wing groups' racist chants to intimidate those on Campus in support of removing the statue
3. The violence by right wing groups
4. The racist history of Lee's statue being built in Charlottesville in the 1920s which coincided with the rise of the Second KKK and Jim Crow

You then create a contextless situation where Trump doesn't look bad when he said, "There were fine people on both sides", as if he were ONLY referring to those who wanted the statue to remain and not to those many RW groups that raised the nation's attention to Charlottesville.

I just wish you were half as upset about a racist convicted felon who already attempted to overturn our constitution as are about me posting video clips about Trump. Like seriously, how don't you find his behavior leading up to Jan 6 and since to not be disqualifying?

Last thought, why do you think "End Wokeness" and Bill Ackerman are good reliable sources on this issue? More reliable than the journalists who were on the ground and reported about this? More reliable than the professors who wrote about this? And more reliable than our very own eyes and ears who saw the outrageous behavior at Charlottesville and Trump's pathetic attempt to bring peace to the nation in its aftermath?

Can I recommend to you a few books that might give you some much needed background information? This will add context and understanding to the history surrounding those Confederate monuments and what they mean to those who have supported/rejected their protection.

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View attachment 16544

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Has anyone said this?

And I'm the one called toxic on this website?

It's odd how we have posters here who spend hours and hours a day blowing up this website with memes and social media posts and offer zero else. Are they tagged and attacked personally? I logged in today after taking a day off to take care of my sick toddler and had 8+ posts that I had been tagged in. Most of them were personal attacks. Thanks! Cool website we have.

I'll admit that on occasion I have gone overboard with sarcasm and maybe posting a funny video clip. But I think in general I offer thoughtful and honest posts. You may not agree with them but are they really worse than most of the crap posted here by obvious trolls?
Has anyone said this?

And I'm the one called toxic on this website?

It's odd how we have posters here who spend hours and hours a day blowing up this website with memes and social media posts and offer zero else. Are they tagged and attacked personally? I logged in today after taking a day off to take care of my sick toddler and had 8+ posts that I had been tagged in. Most of them were personal attacks. Thanks! Cool website we have.

I'll admit that on occasion I have gone overboard with sarcasm and maybe posting a funny video clip. But I think in general I offer thoughtful and honest posts. You may not agree with them but are they really worse than most of the crap posted here by obvious trolls?
Mostly they are labeled, appropriately, trolls, and ignored by a good chunk of us. I have pretty much all the trolls on ignore. It's not worth engaging.
View attachment 16544

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Nobody thinks the law should leave Hunter and Joe alone.

I'm fine with Hunter getting prosecuted and found guilty even if it was a partisan witch hunt.
Next time maybe he will fill the form out honestly. It's his fault.

Joe has been investigated by partisan committees for years now. I'm fine with that. Maybe one day they will find evidence of a crime and prosecute. I will be cool with that too.

Republicans when Trump is in trouble with the law on the other hand......

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