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What happened to Fesenko?


Well-Known Member
During that 5 game win streak it was evident Fesenko's limited playing time gave huge contributions to the Jazz in defense and rebounding, hell he even runs each and every play to perfection. So what the hell is this not playing Fesenko? I want to know what is going on in the Jazz' coaching staff brains. Either they are blind or naive.

Last night, when Fesenko entered the game with 2 minutes left. Anyone notice Parker attempting to drive to the rim (like he did the entire night and score) only to have to redirect himself because big Fesenko was in the way? I don't have to repeat it because all of you know how well he clogs up the paint.

So seriously, what gives? What is going on in their mind? Please don't laugh but if any of us coached the Jazz we would win 60+ this season. They also make the stupidest rotations, right when a guy hits a big shot or makes a 3 point play they go to the bench.

What did Fesenko do to deserve this? he's been working very hard this year and lost 25 pounds. He runs the plays to perfection and he is an invaluable big man out there. Hell, when he's in and i'm looking at the TV he looks double the size of anyone on the court. Man of man if they knew what an important asset he could be to our team.
He's still a jackpotter donchya know. LOL

Agreed: he should be getting 20-25 minutes per night. I even think he should start. Not that he better than the starting bigs, but we need a change and better D.
He had stitches on the chin, which was causing dizziness. He then got sick. Hopefully we'll see more of him soon.
Fesenko's size would really help in the paint defensively and getting rebounds, and he actually has improved offensively. Always been a good passer; better than Jefferson at this point as he knows our system.
So pretty much everyone agrees that Feseko should be getting more than garbage minutes, even as far as starting the guy. I think if he played 20-25 minutes off the bench and kept him depending on how the game is developing would really change this team. And undoubtedly the more that man plays the better he will get, so let him blossom.

Ok so if we all see this why doesn't the coaching staff see this? how don't they know? sloan and johnson have i dunno like 45 years of experience combined? HOW DON'T THEY KNOW BUT WE KNOW? HOW? I WANNA RING THEIR NECKS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. IF FESENKO DON'T PLAY TONIGHT AGAINST CAMBY N BATUM N ALRDIGE WE ARE SCREWED. WE WILL BE SCREWED IN THE REBOUNDING DEPARTMENT AND POINTS IN THE PAINt
Our coaching staff happened.

They have been jackpotting with Fes since he got here. He made an impact on most of those road games, and then gets
banished to the bench as two teams destroy us at home. I really wish we would have let him go so I wouldn't have to think
about him on the bench.
Fes is not as big of a game changer as you are letting on, that is a fact. Now, if he'd ever learn how to use his body out there and actually understand why he is on the floor than yes I'd agree that he needs to play more.
Fes is not as big of a game changer as you are letting on, that is a fact. Now, if he'd ever learn how to use his body out there and actually understand why he is on the floor than yes I'd agree that he needs to play more.

If by fact you mean a completely oblivious comment that goes against all logic and evidence, then yes, I also agree.
Fes is not as big of a game changer as you are letting on, that is a fact.

It's an opinion. Having watched the games I have formed a different one.

Fes sometimes looks unsure of himself and lost out there but he never looks smaller than 7' 1" -- and that has a huge impact.
I like how Locke is spinning it on Twitter:

"Fesenko 15% defensive rebounding rate is the same as Chris Paul and Dwyane Wade -- Note also the same as LaMarcus Aldridge"

What a shill.
I like how Locke is spinning it on Twitter:

"Fesenko 15% defensive rebounding rate is the same as Chris Paul and Dwyane Wade -- Note also the same as LaMarcus Aldridge"

What a shill.

Locke is a moron. Remember his study of Jefferson and how he was going to be a great pick and roll player based on his tiny sample size in Minnesota...yeah

Fes effects rebounding by his size alone. He can box out two people at once and often taps to another Jazz player even if he cant get it himself.
The thing is Fes boxes out people as basketball fundamentals book says - with hands down. Most Jazz players do opposite and pick up rebounds otherwise falling to Fes' hands if they would box out their opponents properly as well. This is the very opposite Boozer is being hated on this board for.
It's an opinion. Having watched the games I have formed a different one.

Fes sometimes looks unsure of himself and lost out there but he never looks smaller than 7' 1" -- and that has a huge impact.

That is pretty much what I'm saying so I agree with you BENTLEY. He needs to ALWAYS keep his head in the game and realize what he's supposed to be doing.
More on this:

just try to not let it get into my head,” said Fesenko, prior to the Jazz’s 103-94 victory against the Blazers on Saturday night. “Just try and be a player and not be a coach.”

Fesenko has played just 5 minutes during Utah’s last four games, including a 1-minute outing during a Jazz loss Friday to San Antonio and two games he did not play due to coach’s decision. Utah has gone 2-2 during the stretch, but the team has been outrebounded by a combined 190-147.

Jazz acting coach Phil Johnson said Friday that the team’s struggles on the boards played the primary role in Utah’s defeat to the Spurs. Utah was then outrebounded 48-38 by the Blazers, including a 24-6 deficit on the offensive glass.

“Obviously, it sucks because it’s a big issue,” Fesenko said. “But coach knows better.”

Johnson acknowledged that it was tough not playing Fesenko versus the Spurs. But with fellow reserve center Francisco Elson playing strong defense, Johnson said he was forced to limit Fesenko’s minutes.

“We didn’t go to Fes [on Friday],” Johnson said. “But he’s there.”