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What happens when corporations take control of everything?


Well-Known Member
Contrary to what many people believe, corporations running the government is not Fascism. It isn’t a type of Fascism. It isn’t related to Fascism. It also isn’t better than Fascism. There is an example right now of an industrialized society that has been completely captured by corporations, and more than 80% of young citizens call it hell. Sometimes there is a dictator and sometimes there is an elected President but the figurehead always serves at the pleasure of the corporations. The traditions, the etiquette, the religion, and the government are all in service of untouchable corporate overlords.

The example of this one real life nation and dozens of fictional stories in the cyberpunk genre are why I think Anarcho-Capitalists are every bit as delusional as Socialists. There was a content creator who put together an approachable peek inside the society of this nation that is long but worth your time. Don't let the titles fool you as it isn't really about Gacha Games or the Gender War but he starts with that microcosm before widening into what is really going on.

Just wait til they privatize water. It’s already happening but doesn’t drastically affect us yet. It probably won’t much by the time it truly takes hold either because I’ll be dead. But give things another 20 years. 50 years. This world is screwed.