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What my training and nutrition coaching can accomplish

No chemicals. Completely natural, and I don't starve people into oblivion. My girl felt great on the day of the show.
It was funny being backstage and everyone was talking about how hungry they were and how they couldn't wait to go out to pig out that night.

I do know a lot of people on steroids and who knows what else. Not for me.


Mark McGuire, Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds, Rafael Palmeiro, Ryan Braun, Roger Clemens and the rest of us that said that exact same thing or something along those lines.

Mark McGuire, Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds, Rafael Palmeiro, Ryan Braun, Roger Clemens and the rest of us that said that exact same thing or something along those lines.

why are u pointing me ?
Is that not the definition of trolling?

No. I'm making an honest point, and I believe contributing to the thread. I just do it with disregard for your feelings or you as a person. I was worried that maybe we were all going a little over the top on you and felt the need to let you know I had no desire to cause you pain. I see now that I made a mistake.
Before Craig;

bp.blogspot.com/-z3TUmBCYKN4/TqDH4VVpQKI/AAAAAAAAFSE/DcABUTja9Og/s1600/Catalin [edited for inappropriate image - picture is a bit too "cheeky"]

after 2 monthes with craig


Gaybars didn't care for oltavaro anyway. Prefers fish.
I find some of the figure competitors to be incredibly sexy. What you see is them at their very leanest which drastically changes the way the look. Once they quit training for competition and fill back out they are very well shaped, very sexy individuals.
This is Heather Dees, a figure professional who lives in SLC.
She is probably top 5 in the world right now, and won a pro contest in Sacramento this past weekend




Im gonna level with you Craig, I do not find these girls attractive in any sense whatsoever.

However, You should still be proud of yourself for helping these girls out in fulfilling what they desired the most. Although some posters aren't necessarily the biggest fans of you (with more or less decent reasoning, such as the Homosexuality-related thread that you posted in a month back or so) you still seem like an alright person, and Im happy for you that you're doing what you love most, and succeeding. Give the guy some props everyone; yeah he might come across as a douche, but responding with douchebaggery isn't necessarily solving the problem.
Is there anybody here that DOESN'T come across as a douche?

Not everyone finds women like Heather hot....but really, when you see them in real life, they really aren't that big.
But everyone has different tastes. Nothing wrong with that.
Is there anybody here that DOESN'T come across as a douche?

Not everyone finds women like Heather hot....but really, when you see them in real life, they really aren't that big.
But everyone has different tastes. Nothing wrong with that.

Everyone has their periodic bots of douchebaggery, but very many don't do it as consistently as you think. Hell, posters like MK11 can proudly say that they have never constructed one derogatory forum post in their entire life as jazzfanz posters. To summarize, just because some act like tools, it doesn't give one the permission to do so as well.
Im gonna level with you Craig, I do not find these girls attractive in any sense whatsoever.

However, You should still be proud of yourself for helping these girls out in fulfilling what they desired the most. Although some posters aren't necessarily the biggest fans of you (with more or less decent reasoning, such as the Homosexuality-related thread that you posted in a month back or so) you still seem like an alright person, and Im happy for you that you're doing what you love most, and succeeding. Give the guy some props everyone; yeah he might come across as a douche, but responding with douchebaggery isn't necessarily solving the problem.

Haha. A racist homophobic aggressive meathead now qualifies as a decent person?