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What Would Hillary Have Done?

I was hoping this thread was going to be about Hillary Duff, in which the answer to, 'WWHD?' would have been, 'TB'.
When it comes to Hillary Clinton vs McCain, I vote for Ron Paul. Obama. Man oh man. What to say? I was a big believer in Obama. I mean, my policy is to always vote for the candidate I believe in most. (This means I often vote for third party candidates.) In the last Presidential election, Obama was the candidate I believed in more than any candidate for anything ever.*

*For real. I even believed in him more than the great Rocky Anderson.

You ask me if I now have buyer's remorse? Yes. You ask me if I believe in Obama anymore? It's hard to. Is he better than McCain would have been? I still believe so. Better than Hillary? I just don't know.
When it comes to Hillary Clinton vs McCain, I vote for RuPaul. Obama. Man oh man. What to say? I was a big believer in Obama. I mean, my policy is to always vote for the candidate I believe in most. (This means I often vote for third party candidates.) In the last Presidential election, Obama was the candidate I believed in more than any candidate for anything ever.*

*For real. I even believed in him more than the great Rocky Anderson.

You ask me if I now have buyer's remorse? Yes. You ask me if I believe in Obama anymore? It's hard to. Is he better than McCain would have been? I still believe so. Better than Hillary? I just don't know.

I think that is a better comparison. Now that is compromise.
Well, I voted for her in the primaries and I do think she'd have had bigger balls than Barack O.


What confounded me was how many of my women friends chose Obama in the primary - folks who should not have fallen under his spell as easily as they did. He hadn't served in any position long enough to make any sort of reasonable judgement that he could be effective.

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Ha ha. I get it. Because Ron Paul and RuPaul sound similar. Funny.

Actually because RuPaul is a combination man and woman (Hillary, McCain...RuPaul = compromise). And I think I would even rather see RuPaul in the white house than either of those 2.
When it comes to Hillary Clinton vs McCain, I vote for Ron Paul. Obama. Man oh man. What to say? I was a big believer in Obama. I mean, my policy is to always vote for the candidate I believe in most. (This means I often vote for third party candidates.) In the last Presidential election, Obama was the candidate I believed in more than any candidate for anything ever.*

*For real. I even believed in him more than the great Rocky Anderson.

You ask me if I now have buyer's remorse? Yes. You ask me if I believe in Obama anymore? It's hard to. Is he better than McCain would have been? I still believe so. Better than Hillary? I just don't know.

I knew economically speaking he would follow the same failed policies that every administration before him followed...and he did. Like clockwork. Like the others, he trusted the "smartest guys in the room."