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What's The Last Movie You’ve Seen?

I've been sick so I've been watching way more movies than I usually do. I watched 3 of them yesterday. My gf and I watched Brigsby Bear last night. It was filmed in Utah. It's definitely different and although there were parts in it that bothered me, I generally liked it. I feel like it tried to copy Napoleon Dynamite and Gentlemen Broncos and the Elizabeth Smart story.

What are some of your favorite movies of 2017 that fell under the radar? I'm thinking of watching Phantom Thread next.
I've been sick so I've been watching way more movies than I usually do. I watched 3 of them yesterday. My gf and I watched Brigsby Bear last night. It was filmed in Utah. It's definitely different and although there were parts in it that bothered me, I generally liked it. I feel like it tried to copy Napoleon Dynamite and Gentlemen Broncos and the Elizabeth Smart story.

What are some of your favorite movies of 2017 that fell under the radar? I'm thinking of watching Phantom Thread next.
I liked brigsby bear but mostly just because I liked two of the actors in it. Mark Hamill, who is pretty good in it and me who plays the roommate of the lead guys roommate in the psych ward.
I've been sick so I've been watching way more movies than I usually do. I watched 3 of them yesterday. My gf and I watched Brigsby Bear last night. It was filmed in Utah. It's definitely different and although there were parts in it that bothered me, I generally liked it. I feel like it tried to copy Napoleon Dynamite and Gentlemen Broncos and the Elizabeth Smart story.

What are some of your favorite movies of 2017 that fell under the radar? I'm thinking of watching Phantom Thread next.

Are you going to the theater to see these or have a Fire Stick or some other method?

BTW, I saw 3 Billboards a few weeks back and it was excellent. That and Get Out are probably the two best movies I've seen this year though I don't see a whole bunch anymore.
Are you going to the theater to see these or have a Fire Stick or some other method?

BTW, I saw 3 Billboards a few weeks back and it was excellent. That and Get Out are probably the two best movies I've seen this year though I don't see a whole bunch anymore.
I watch all my movies on Kodi, Amazon, Netflix or Hulu, but mostly Kodi.
So you're Andy Samberg's roommate in it?

Kyle Mooneys roomate. But I get the chance to film a scene that was just the three of us for half a day. It was pretty fun. It is one of the very few film sets I have been on that I enjoyed. You see me in a few of the scenes when he is in the mental hospital but the main scene is when Kyle Mooney check into his room I am the guy that gives him the dirty look as he walks into his new room.
I watch almost everything on Kodi, although all the lawsuits over the last couple months have made a lot of the apps to not be as good. But I still use Covenant for most my TV and movies on it.
Do you watch using a VPN? I'm in a temporary apartment right now and my new house should be done in a few weeks, but I haven't bothered to use a vpn in my apartment since it's open wifi. Probably dumb of me.
Do you watch using a VPN? I'm in a temporary apartment right now and my new house should be done in a few weeks, but I haven't bothered to use a vpn in my apartment since it's open wifi. Probably dumb of me.

I used to always use a VPN for Kodi but I have stopped. For things like Torrents you can get in trouble for downloading them. I have not seen or heard of anyone getting in trouble for streaming something. The responsibility falls on the person putting the stream online not someone for watching it. I use a VPN for other stuff though. I am also on Google internet and they dont seem to bother people about this type of stuff, since its usually your internet provider that is the one to warn people to stop.
I used to always use a VPN for Kodi but I have stopped. For things like Torrents you can get in trouble for downloading them. I have not seen or heard of anyone getting in trouble for streaming something. The responsibility falls on the person putting the stream online not someone for watching it. I use a VPN for other stuff though. I am also on Google internet and they dont seem to bother people about this type of stuff, since its usually your internet provider that is the one to warn people to stop.
From my understanding, isn't streaming the same as downloading to a certain degree?
From my understanding, isn't streaming the same as downloading to a certain degree?

My understanding (which could be wrong) is that you don't take possession of it so it's very difficult to prosecute someone for streaming something even if it's illegal. The person who is broadcasting it can get in trouble but not the person watching it. But when something is downloaded you have possession of it and can get in trouble legally.

I loved this. It reminded me of Tron Legacy but with a more compelling/engaging story. It takes the original and elevates it to a new level. Despite it's long running time I was pretty much engaged through the whole thing though I must admit you have to be in a certain mood to sit through it because there are scenes that carry on. I didn't mind because it was beautiful to look at. It's one of those movies where you watch it and say yeah I could see that existing in the future. From a technical level it is really impressive, would be a crime if it didn't take home awards for that alone.

I loved this. It reminded me of Tron Legacy but with a more compelling/engaging story. It takes the original and elevates it to a new level. Despite it's long running time I was pretty much engaged through the whole thing though I must admit you have to be in a certain mood to sit through it because there are scenes that carry on. I didn't mind because it was beautiful to look at. It's one of those movies where you watch it and say yeah I could see that existing in the future. From a technical level it is really impressive, would be a crime if it didn't take home awards for that alone.

I've read Dick's novel, watched Blade Runner (every version) easily a dozen times combined, written papers on it, and I have to say BR2049 is incredible.

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I loved this. It reminded me of Tron Legacy but with a more compelling/engaging story. It takes the original and elevates it to a new level. Despite it's long running time I was pretty much engaged through the whole thing though I must admit you have to be in a certain mood to sit through it because there are scenes that carry on. I didn't mind because it was beautiful to look at. It's one of those movies where you watch it and say yeah I could see that existing in the future. From a technical level it is really impressive, would be a crime if it didn't take home awards for that alone.

I've read Dick's novel, watched Blade Runner (every version) easily a dozen times combined, written papers on it, and I have to say BR2049 is incredible.

Sent from my SM-G930P using JazzFanz mobile app

This was my Blade Runner review back in October.

Blade Runner 2049

Didn't quite have the 'soul' of the original... but it's still VERY VERY good.

!!! Spoiler !!! !!! Spoiler !!! !!! Spoiler !!! !!! Spoiler !!!

I'd still watch it again for the sheer visual spectacle and sound design alone... but while Gosling was very good as always, the lack of a solid a love interest or relationship meant that he was not able to build a chemistry with someone (ala Drive), and to me that's an issue with the plot rather than his acting. Harrison Ford was as always really solid. Pleasantly surprise to see Jared Leto in this but felt he was too hand off-ish ... again to do with the plot rather than his acting. His right hand (wo)man was superb though.

At the end of the day though, it had style, it had substance... it just lacked 'heart' for me.
Favorite movies of the year that I've seen:

1. Good Time
2. Three Billboards in Ebbing, Missouri
3. Ladybird
4. Blade Runner 2049
5. The Killing of a Sacred Deer
6. Logan
7. Last Jedi
8. Dunkirk

Overall very good year for movies. Good Time is a masterpiece, and Three Billboards is a really special, if flawed movie. Still need to see Phantom Thread, when it opens wide, and The Shape of Water.
Favorite movies of the year that I've seen:

1. Good Time
2. Three Billboards in Ebbing, Missouri
3. Ladybird
4. Blade Runner 2049
5. The Killing of a Sacred Deer
6. Logan
7. Last Jedi
8. Dunkirk

Overall very good year for movies. Good Time is a masterpiece, and Three Billboards is a really special, if flawed movie. Still need to see Phantom Thread, when it opens wide, and The Shape of Water.

Good Time's been getting rave reviews but I dunno, the plot just seemed too contrived for me? It seems like they wanted it to be a serious movie but the plot just seemed too out of this world, kinda like a semi-serious version of Superbad or The Hangover?

Haven't seen 3 Billboards or Ladybird so can't really comment on those. Will watch them shortly.

Blade Runner - visually stunning but just lacked that 'heart' for me. I'm scratching my head trying to think of a real 'moment'.

Killing of a Sacred Deer - started out promising but again, ultimately it just seemed too unbelievable to take seriously? 'A Serious Man' had a similar theme but was executed much better IMO.

Logan was solid but pretty forgettable if I'm being completely honest.

The Last Jedi - again the first 1/3 really bored me but made it up for it with the final 2/3. Trying to find a love interest for Finn was laborious.

Dunkirk on IMAX was FANTASTIC. I would watch it again on a heart beat. Can't imagine it'll be all that good on a TV though.
Good Time's been getting rave reviews but I dunno, the plot just seemed too contrived for me? It seems like they wanted it to be a serious movie but the plot just seemed too out of this world, kinda like a semi-serious version of Superbad or The Hangover?

Rofl. Wut? How does that even remotely remind you of Superbad or The Hangover? It looks fantastic and I’m gonna have to check it out.

Haven't seen 3 Billboards or Ladybird so can't really comment on those. Will watch them shortly.

Thanks for the update.

Blade Runner - visually stunning but just lacked that 'heart' for me. I'm scratching my head trying to think of a real 'moment'.

Isn’t that sort of the point? Replicants seem soulless. And this is a movie that makes you think rather than feel.

Killing of a Sacred Deer - started out promising but again, ultimately it just seemed too unbelievable to take seriously? 'A Serious Man' had a similar theme but was executed much better IMO.

Enough about your favorite movie.

Logan was solid but pretty forgettable if I'm being completely honest.


The Last Jedi - again the first 1/3 really bored me but made it up for it with the final 2/3. Trying to find a love interest for Finn was laborious.

Are you hung up on this idea of love? Holy ****, dude.

Dunkirk on IMAX was FANTASTIC. I would watch it again on a heart beat. Can't imagine it'll be all that good on a TV though.

Nope. It sucked.

See ‘bove.
See ‘bove.

Blade Runner - Replicants seem souless? That's absolutely not the point. The point is they are so human like you can't tell whether they're human or not ala Harrison Ford in the original.

Good Time - go see it before commenting.

Last Jedi - Have you even seen this?

Sacred Deer - again, go see it before commenting.

Bro, why do you insist on commenting on a comment about a movie you haven't even seen?