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where is jeremy evans?


Well-Known Member
he is our secret weapon. Poor kid has been denied the chance to excel ever since coming on this stupid team. That's what the jazz love doing, destroying careers. Sloan used to do the same thing with players who had great potential and after so much hard-work and doing everything the staff asks, they are still buried in the bench like a pile of dog poo. Evans is a monster, unleash the beast and we'll win a few games, guaranteed. I mean how disrespectful is it that he's been a jazz man for 4 years now and this french moron garrison or whatever is playing more than him? So sad. So yeah, where the hell is he? haven't seen him in 1 game this season.
Evans isn't an NBA player. When he's had playing opportunity he hasn't been able to stay healthy. I'm sure he'll try to get into the dunk challenge again but hopefully he won't.
Don't mind my alt yo. It gets loose once in a while.

But ya. Good points.

We need Jeremy to save face. Problem is he will probably ruin the tank