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Which direction do you want the team to go the rest of the season?

Do you want the jazz to go for wins or loses the rest of the year?

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That was 16yrs ago. Just because he did that once doesn't mean he can do it again. He tried it with Kyrie and Hayward and it didn't work out and then he brought in Kemba who turned into the worst contract in the nba. No one is saying Ainge hit on things but we also can't just completely ignore the misses as well.

He also built the current Celtics team who has been a perennial contender in the EC for the last what 5-6 years? Winning a championship in the NBA is hard as ****.
Personally, I think the Jazz should still be in assets acquisition mode.

If I were DA, I’d be working the phones to try to move Conley, KO, Beasley and maybe Vando (depending on the value coming back). Im okay with taking on a bad contract or two right now to add high quality assets. If we can be an opportunistic buyer and get a young player back that can maybe be a part of our core group moving forward. . . Im not opposed to that.

If they win, they win. If they lose, they still win. I’m just enjoying the moment.

Yup. The only bait I'd keep in the boat for sure are Lauri and Kessler. I like Sexton's moxie and NAW and Ochai aren't worth anything and seem to have good upsides, otherwise it's everyone in the water.
I thought the poll would be closer to 50/50. I guess the pro tankers are just much louder on the board.

Edit: It also looks like a lot of the pro tank people haven't actually voted, maybe don't want to be on record about it.
I thought the poll would be closer to 50/50. I guess the pro tankers are just much louder on the board.

Edit: It also looks like a lot of the pro tank people haven't actually voted, maybe don't want to be on record about it.
There isn't an option that closely resembles my position I guess. Kessler's last two games has me doubting we can tank at this point. He's on the Don rookie development path where he gets noticeably better every week lol.
I guess my position is I want them to be a seller not a buyer. Wherever that lands us I will accept the result.
You are seriously jumping the gun on calling these trades some of the most lopsided in league history. Particularly the cavs deal. We are definitely happy but we still have no clue where all these picks will land. Now if you want to take about one of the most lopsided trades in league history then look no further than the SGA trade and it still has a bunch more picks to convey. The Westbrook for CP trade may also be in that category in the near future.
I personally think trades are not made "against" the other team. Both teams look at the trade just from their own end.

Following that logic and disregarding a chance for Minnesota-like collapse (Which I assure you wasnt DAs evil plan).. we can look at the Cavs trade from our own perspective only:

We lost Donovan.

We gained Lauri, Sexton, Ochai and almost full control of Cavs draft from 2024 to 2027, including 3 unprotected picks.

Cavs likely like that trade looking from their end. But I would say that is a pretty lopsided trade looking from our end.

Lauri has progressed so much this year than its even fair to question which one will be the better player next season and going forward? This year Donovan still wins that comp even though Lauri has already passed him in most advanced stats like NetRtg, BPM (classic), PIE, PER (tied but not for long), WAR, Total RAPTOR and Win shares.
He also built the current Celtics team who has been a perennial contender in the EC for the last what 5-6 years? Winning a championship in the NBA is hard as ****.
To be honest I would be pretty happy to be where the celtics are right now. Even with no championship
It’s wild to me how much some still under rate Conley… I get some nights he looks washed but even then he gets everyone in the right spots and makes everyone better. He’s a guy we won’t realize how important he is until he’s gone or truly is washed. Part of the reason we need him is we have truly ****** passing… if he was gone for long stretches the tunnel vision on this team would be incredible. It’s why I’d really focus on landing Anthony Black… having a guy who is looking to setup others is critical for us.
Can't agree more. Some fans look too much at data. And even like that, they shoud be able to read that Mike is our best passing guy by far and get his best season in assist an ratio assit/TO is just incredible..... let JC and Colin conducting this team and we are in the lottery for sure. They are great finisher but in a team you need a guy to pass the ball, set up the tempo and Mike is unique. i'm pretty sure DA will sell Mike only if the return is very high.
I'm good with whatever Ainge decides to do. At the start of the season I was pro tank all the way, but it's impossible to watch this team and not root for them to win every game. They have a ton of heart and play hard every single game. Even when they lose they almost never get blown out because they just keep grinding.

We have enough picks that we can trade for a star if one becomes available in the next couple of years, so I don't think it's imperative that we draft one this year. I think we will still be able to get a couple of solid rotation players and maybe even Sarter level players with the Minny pick and our own pick.
Can't agree more. Some fans look too much at data. And even like that, they shoud be able to read that Mike is our best passing guy by far and get his best season in assist an ratio assit/TO is just incredible..... let JC and Colin conducting this team and we are in the lottery for sure. They are great finisher but in a team you need a guy to pass the ball, set up the tempo and Mike is unique. i'm pretty sure DA will sell Mike only if the return is very high.

I mean, if you're not going to look at data what would convince you that there's not much of difference in team performance when Conley is out and Sexton is in? Conley has his merits, but has also diminished severely in several areas of the game. It comes natural with age, it is what it is. He can no longer create for himself, he's an inefficient scorer even at a low volume, and while his defense may be OK in a regular season setting he is a brutal defender to have on the court in any kind of playoff setting. He's a good dude, had a great career....but he's a backup level PG getting paid $22+M a year. I don't think he's a critical player for this franchise really in any direction we go. Even if the goal is to maximize wins this year and next....what is the goal? If the goal is playoffs, Mike Conley is not going to be effective especially on the defensive end.
I voted for the third option. Like most teams in the league, it doesn't really matter if the Jazz win or lose and I kinda hate that. They are a fun team to watch, but it's impossible to separate the long term from the day to day games because of how the league is. Win or lose, I wish the results mattered more.

I think my decision making would come down to more case to case basis. I think I would be a heavy seller for Conley and Gay. I just don't see how they're helping the long term future, and their value to the current team is questionable for Gay obviously. I would also like to move on from one of Clarkson/Beasley....but maybe not to the point where you take the best offer no matter what as was the case with Bogey/Beverley. Fortunately, I do think both guys do have value and I think the Jazz would be able to find a reasonable deal. Vando is kinda in the same boat. I wouldn't take the best offer for him, but I do think now would be a good time to trade him. Olynyk....I might just take the best offer but it's not as pressing as Conley/Gay who are obviously negative contracts.

I wouldn't only target first round picks either. I think the Jazz will should take a chance on more second draft type players. We have quite a few guys who seem like they in a place where their value is relatively high. I would try to send those guys out in favor of players whose value is relatively low. I think the Jazz need to believe in Hardy and become a destination where players get better. If I had to sum up what my attitude would be towards the team's current situation is....I'd say we need to be in buy low sell high mode.
Minnesota went all-in too early and on the wrong piece. This isn’t revisionist either I said the same thing at the time.

I wouldn't necessarily say they were too early....Instead I would say they went for the wrong piece and the pieces they had already were highly overrated. Their belief in Edwards/Towns especially into Russell/McDaniels was misguided, but if you actually believed in those guys their timing to go all in was good. Edwards and McDaniels were still on rookie contracts. It's not too dissimilar to when the Jazz had an opportunity to splash when Mitchell was on a rookie. I think both teams broke the bank on the wrong guy, but I wouldn't say the decision to break the bank was the mistake.
I’m just not sure what making the playoffs does for this team other than earning a few extra games. West is a little more wide open this year but there’s a few teams we absolutely aren’t getting by imo, and realistically we have a 1% chance at a title. I’m guessing we have little to no shot at a top 5 pick, but we can still realistically get two lotto picks and parlay them or one of them and future picks for higher lotto pick.

Playoffs would be fun, but tanking is better for the future of this team. Just once I want to build proper. Not some half *** job that just makes us relevant, I am sick of relevant I want to be great for once.
I’m just not sure what making the playoffs does for this team other than earning a few extra games. West is a little more wide open this year but there’s a few teams we absolutely aren’t getting by imo, and realistically we have a 1% chance at a title. I’m guessing we have little to no shot at a top 5 pick, but we can still realistically get two lotto picks and parlay them or one of them and future picks for higher lotto pick.

Playoffs would be fun, but tanking is better for the future of this team. Just once I want to build proper. Not some half *** job that just makes us relevant, I am sick of relevant I want to be great for once.

Preach Idiot !!!
I mean, if you're not going to look at data what would convince you that there's not much of difference in team performance when Conley is out and Sexton is in? Conley has his merits, but has also diminished severely in several areas of the game. It comes natural with age, it is what it is. He can no longer create for himself, he's an inefficient scorer even at a low volume, and while his defense may be OK in a regular season setting he is a brutal defender to have on the court in any kind of playoff setting. He's a good dude, had a great career....but he's a backup level PG getting paid $22+M a year. I don't think he's a critical player for this franchise really in any direction we go. Even if the goal is to maximize wins this year and next....what is the goal? If the goal is playoffs, Mike Conley is not going to be effective especially on the defensive end.
I understand your point of view but have to diisagree. The fact that he is overpaid is an issue, clearly. But next year you add to this team a player Lauri level and let Mike conduct the team ( with JC and Colin) and i'm pretty sure we are a contender. I may be wrong. And it seems that Hardy and DA have high consideration for what Mike bring to this team. After you right if the goal is to be good in 3-5 years from now, then Mike has to be trade. But Lauri, Colin will be patient to wait 3- 5 years before beeing potentially good? I have my doubt.

Pls the fact that DA express several time that he is not here for a long term rebuild but wanna bounce fast.
I understand your point of view but have to diisagree. The fact that he is overpaid is an issue, clearly. But next year you add to this team a player Lauri level and let Mike conduct the team ( with JC and Colin) and i'm pretty sure we are a contender. I may be wrong. And it seems that Hardy and DA have high consideration for what Mike bring to this team. After you right if the goal is to be good in 3-5 years from now, then Mike has to be trade. But Lauri, Colin will be patient to wait 3- 5 years before beeing potentially good? I have my doubt.

Pls the fact that DA express several time that he is not here for a long term rebuild but wanna bounce fast.

I'm very skeptical that we're only a Lauri level player away from contention, but even if we are, how do we get a Lauri level player? They don't grow on trees haha.

I'm not confident in Mike's ability to contribute in the playoffs. He wasn't good enough last year, don't expect him to be this year, and certainly not next year either. If Conley were to help a basketball team in the playoffs, it would be as a backup PG in a small role. He can't survive on defense, so any plan to win with Mike Conley at the helm is failing IMO. If we had Mitchell, Gobert, and Lauri all on the same team I still would not want Mike Conley in the playoffs with those guys.

I think Mike is fine if the goal is to scrape into the playoffs, but he's not going to help us win much once we're there and his current value is still very questionable to me. If you swap out Mike for the 25th best starting PG are we that much worse? We weren't worse with Sexton. IMO, the best the thing to do is get off that contract if possible. Even if we take a hit this year, we will immediately be better positioned next year without that salary.
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Who would have think that Lauri + Colin are a much better deal than having only Don?
Who would have think that Kessler, a rookie will be at this level today?

As you say, thing are not as simple at it seems. But at that stage DA have made a tremendous job and i'm not worry about the next step. With or without Mike.
Playoffs would be fun, but tanking is better for the future of this team. Just once I want to build proper. Not some half *** job that just makes us relevant, I am sick of relevant I want to be great for once.
Agreed. And a lot of our veteran guys like Conley, Beasley, Olynyk, etc. weren't valued very highly at the start of the season. Those three along with Clarkson/Vanderbilt can help contending teams win now.
Who would have think that Lauri + Colin are a much better deal than having only Don?
Who would have think that Kessler, a rookie will be at this level today?

As you say, thing are not as simple at it seems. But at that stage DA have made a tremendous job and i'm not worry about the next step. With or without Mike.

Danny truly is one of the best minds in the league and his decision to prioritize Lauri over Barrett changed the trajectory of the franchise moving forward.

I had almost no hope coming into this season but I'm very optimistic about the team going forward. We've found an All-Star level player in Lauri, a starting center in Kessler, and what looks to be a good 3&D wing in Agbaji. Not to mention Will Hardy seems to be one of the best young coaches in the league but I guess that's to be expected given Danny's track record.

We went from a team with no youth or draft assets to being one of the most asset rich teams in the league while identifying another 25 year old star to build around.